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[MEGA] God

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Ryka, I can tell you there are some things I experienced that I or nobody else can explain, but even after all this I am still hesitant to believe in god. I think there is a great power within us that science has not discovered yet, we are just far more complex than science can explain. Again one of my many hypothesis.
i also think that the human race over the past thousands years have grown detached from this and this is why things like fairies and all other mythical creatures are myths now.

Or it could be the fact that over the last thousand years technology and science have developed to check claims of fairies and mythical creatures.
i still prefer to give it the benefit of the doubt
if nothing is proven either way
i'll choose my own ideals and stand by them
id prefer not to completely give into science
if i did
i would have to stop asking my own questions all the time
i rather enjoy not knowing the answers sometimes
i still prefer to give it the benefit of the doubt
if nothing is proven either way
i'll choose my own ideals and stand by them
id prefer not to completely give into science
if i did
i would have to stop asking my own questions all the time
i rather enjoy not knowing the answers sometimes

Its not like this issue could go either way though, and you just happen to side with one theory. As I have been saying all along, there are good ideas and there are really really bad ones.
lol@ science & tech remark.

hey, let's measure radiation levels with a spatula! wow, no result. therefore radiation must not exist.
Its not like this issue could go either way though, and .you just happen to side with one theory. As I have been saying all along, there are good ideas and there are really really bad ones.

As are you my friend.


lolz at spatula comment.
i still prefer to give it the benefit of the doubt
if nothing is proven either way
i'll choose my own ideals and stand by them
id prefer not to completely give into science
if i did
i would have to stop asking my own questions all the time
i rather enjoy not knowing the answers sometimes
my advise? Don't waste your breath or ink with him, he tried to kill the thread before, he came back to finish the job he started after a small exile. The question is, why with such limited mind or the spititual consciousness, does he lurk around P&S, to attack any philosophical or spiritual experiences some have. I thought he might want to develop what he lacks but NO, he is here to destroy other's spiritual happiness.
Its not like this issue could go either way though, and you just happen to side with one theory. As I have been saying all along, there are good ideas and there are really really bad ones.
......and most certainly you have proven to us over and over again, that YOU are certainly a bad idea in the P&S!
Or it could be the fact that over the last thousand years technology and science have developed to check claims of fairies and mythical creatures.
These have metaphorical and subliminal meaning of importance, not measured by technology or science. Get off your chemical labolatory and start living and imagining and ponder! Your right side might develop and find some meaning!
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