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[Mega] Gaming and MDMA

fifa mates and ket is pretty jokes. When you go from playing a low league sides to a high one the perspective of the camera angles are unreal. Literally feels like you're god in the crowd, or something.

YOU KNOW IT MATE. I always think I'm "in the game". Like I am literally the players in the game haha. Gets well difficult to see and all.
Does anyone like to game and roll? I like to game and roll and so do my e mates. I play Madden, FIFA and EA Rugby , oh and my fav rolling game Dynasty Warriors, that game is crazy while rolling! Gotta try it!

LOL i was gonna come in and say i think playing videogames while rolling is a waste other than DYNASTY WARRIORS \m/
played gw2 with surroundsound headset(Roccat Kave) in a frozen land, I felt fcuking freezing so wrapped myself up in a coat and bobble hat. Also got quite emotional when defenceless deer got attacked by a pack of wolfs. It felt like I had stepped into Narnia. What an experience :D
I completely get the point of MDMA for like self-therapy, but gaming? Like I don't consider laying down on my bed at the every song just saying "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck............................." a waste of time, but gaming like that may be actually doing something but its so much different hahaha.
Well, I tried again to play a game while rolling (thankfully I wasn't alone - was a house party) and it didn't go well at all. Was (or rather, tried) playing Super Street Fighter IV and my timing for the special moves were way off. Got my ass kicked. Normally, I'd be a little irritated, but I was totally content that I lost. I empathized with myself over having my ass handed to me. Gotta admit, I was focused more on the background music.
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haha on my last HEAVY trip, I basically made my friend play GTA on this one mission where you're anesthetized with ketamine then abducted by aliens and dropped from space lol..

I thought it was going to be awesome up on the projector while tripping, but shit I was more interested in the visuals going on IRL than the visuals in the game lmao
i hate all the video game hate on this thread. like wtf i play WoW and roll and sometimes League. fucking so fun. all the adventures you go on.

No i dont always do this while rolling. I'll go outside to the sun and adventure on a good one too.. (i get enough sun on my computer, right next to the window, always open. feels good meng.
I used to play competitive Halo (gamebattles) and I would be rolling for most of the matches and it made the game so much easier lol, sometimes my teammates would get annoyed tho when I complimented them over and over again
never got into actually sitting down and gaming while rolling, but there was geometry wars 2 going on at the last party I was at. That plus some loud EDM was incredible, even just to watch
i hate all the video game hate on this thread. like wtf i play WoW and roll and sometimes League. fucking so fun. all the adventures you go on.

No i dont always do this while rolling. I'll go outside to the sun and adventure on a good one too.. (i get enough sun on my computer, right next to the window, always open. feels good meng.

I tried a couple times to play WoW while rolling and all I was able to do was to get on my mount and fly in circles around Stormwind while bobbing my head back and forth to electronic dance music I had playing in the background. This is coming from an ex-hardcore raider who was main tank when raiding new content, and raid leader when raiding (farming) old/cleared content/raids. Funny thing though... I had a great time. Shortest 4 hours of my life (whenever I was playing WoW) LOL.
In October I think, I rolled while playing dota 2.
It was fun actually, talking with friends through come up.. But after that, I begin to forget what was I doing, The background music that I choose was perfect for me, so I quit from the game. Got my headphones and rolled pretty hard in bed.
I kinda miss rolling in my bedroom but don't want to waste my rolls in the house.. A bad dilemma for me.
The best game to play when rolling are the two games that preceded Guitar Hero - Amplitude and Frequency. OMG do you roll balls.

Frequency was harder in my opinion because you have to spin the whole screen around so you have to be aware of what's going on around you.

We used to get together and get fucked up and battle these two games. Amazingly fun!
I watched two Asian girls play the arcade version of Dance Dance Revolution while rolling.

And then we did the Harlem Shake.
I tried a couple times to play WoW while rolling and all I was able to do was to get on my mount and fly in circles around Stormwind while bobbing my head back and forth to electronic dance music I had playing in the background. This is coming from an ex-hardcore raider who was main tank when raiding new content, and raid leader when raiding (farming) old/cleared content/raids. Funny thing though... I had a great time. Shortest 4 hours of my life (whenever I was playing WoW) LOL.

I was actually just getting back into wow after years of not playing. and i was leveling a priest. it was fun, until i realized i wasnt really leveling any more, but talking to the creatures as if they had lives. But if there were like enemy players or npcs attacking eachother, i'd typically kill them. because rarg forthehorde
Haven't read much of this thread at all, but I'll add my 2c regarding the hate on this concept - I personally think rolling and gaming is a silly idea if only for one sole reason: rolls shouldn't be wasted (matter of opinion) given the repercussions of doing it too often, and rolling once a month specifically to play vidya games comes across as a waste of the experience to me (again, matter of opinion). That being said, I wouldn't at all be surprised at just how many of you guys would consider it a waste going out to nightclubs and rolling with the intention of taking advantage of MDMA's removal of inhibitions etc to pick up.

to each their own...one day I'll give rolling in a random scenario OTHER than nightclubs a shot. One day.
Yeah, It's completely waste of time, I'll try to socialize by having a party or dancing.
I was actually just getting back into wow after years of not playing. and i was leveling a priest. it was fun, until i realized i wasnt really leveling any more, but talking to the creatures as if they had lives. But if there were like enemy players or npcs attacking eachother, i'd typically kill them. because rarg forthehorde

Right on...

I used to be a hardcore raider back during vanilla, TBC, and WotLK.

I was the main tank when we would raid new content, and also the raid leader when raiding/farming old/cleared content for gear and such.

My favorite raids of all time are Blackwing Lair, Naxxramas (vanilla/40 man), Tempest Keep - The Eye, and Sunwell Plateau.

I felt that after patch 3.0 went live, the game was made way too easy. And afterwards, I slowly began to lose interest until I quit in mid 2011.

Over the holidays, I bought the latest expansion "Mists of Pandaria" since I didn't have it because I ended up quitting after Cataclysm went live. And I renewed my accounts, and I'm planning to start leveling soon.

What I really wanna do - since it's now possible to solo the entire place - is to farm Black Temple to complete my Warglaives of Azzinoth set as I only have the Main Hand, but not the Off Hand. If it ever drops, that will be my 4th legendary weapon.

Lastly, ever since I saw it for the first time back in 2007, I've always wanted Ashes of Al'ar off of Kael'Thas in The Eye, which is also soloable.

P.S. - The legendary bow from Kil'Jaeden might also be soloable now.
I used to be the type that felt it was a 'Huge waste' to roll anywhere ither than a rave/club ...but now ive learned that as long as its something I enjoy, mdma makes me enjoy it that much more :) its pretty narrowminded to think it only has one use...
I used to get down on different fighting games, Mario Galaxy and this Zelda crossbow game ( that was actually alot of fun ) w a buddy when wed just be chillin and rollin, always had little music and light show breaks, but yea I can get down on lots of different activities while rolling now...anything i like is made that much better by it :) another game I like to play is gtaV , just drivin around blasting music n murdering people...cant beat that lol
Dont get me wrong, loud music and raving out is still top of the list, but not an absolutely necassary thing anymore. (Shit just the other night me n my gf had a awesome night on 5mapb just hangin at home , we played Injustice for a lil bit and bet with sexual favors lol, glad I have a bad ass gf :)
I've done it before but its like eventually im so damn geeked I feel like my eyes are popping outta my head n I cant sit still, then I start thinking non stop and talking random thoughts lmao, the joys of e. Long story short I start off playing the game and end up looking at the music visualizer bug eyed 8(