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[MEGA] Cooking with Cannabis

How long do I keep it in the double broiler? And if I dont have a double broiler, can I just hold a smaller pot over another pot? Yeah, it sounds like a pain in the ass, but I'll do it. How long does this step take? I was hoping not several hours, but if I have to, I will do it, or at least find a way to....perhaps i could tie a string to the handle, and tie that to a rock, to make the handle stay up. Yeah I know, its ghetto. I dont want to buy one, after all part of the reason im in this is to make money, not to lose it
I usually like to saute it.

Say if I had a recipe that called for 2/3 of a cup of oil, well, then I would put 2/3 - 3/4 of a cup of oil into a pan. Let it get pretty hot, keep it at about 4.

Drop in your shake.

Stir it around and shit, don't let it stick to the pan. It'll shrivel up and turn very dark. Wait until it's black, almost.

Then, just use cheese cloth to strain out all the black shit.

Use your cannibinoil in place of any other.
Hey all, I couldn't find an answer to this with the search engine, probably because I'm too stoned, so I thought this looked as good a thread as any to ask, what is the most economical way to use hash? For about half a gram of top notch bubblehash would cooking and eating by as efficient as smoking, factoring in the presumably longer effect, or would smoking via stovetop/bong make it go further? Also, is it worth combining with butter and cooking or should I just bung it in a coffee or yoghurt? Cheers for any help.
I just put about a gram and a half on two slices of left over pizza and then heated in the oven for 10 minutes. Ingested aboout 45 minutes ago and so far little effect. I have not had success before though even when other people did.
Done grinded up a heaping bowl of respectable buds. Then I let them simmer (or what I think I would call a simmer) in about a tablespoon of butter for roughly a hour. All the bud matter disolved into what I would call black ashness, but since I couldnt find something to strain stuff that fine I just left it in. I'll chock the stuff down before I goto school tomorrow and let yall know how it turned out. The ash can't taste much worse than a shot of vodka imo.
What is the maximum amount of weed that you can put in a cup of butter? Is there a point where the amount of THC that gets absorbed into the butter starts decreasing?
I've been trying to ditch a gram of chron for a while, but my one friend who smokes here wouldn't trade me any beer for it .. since I don't smoke any more, thought I'd use it up by throwing it with my dinner to try something new ...

Gonna break it up, mix it in with some tuna muffins and nuke it for 5 minutes ... I'll post back here in an hour to see if it does anything :)

edit: i think i'm feeling it. oh yes i'm feeling it. yeeeees...

*goes off to watch more aqua teen
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can someone try to approve or disprove this recipe (i need to make something to eat a gram of cannabis with on friday):

-grind up a gram of marijuana
-melt butter in microwave with the ground up cannabis(duration?)
-strain the marijuana out of the butter
-pour the butter on a pan over a stove
-put strained marijuana in a cheese sandwich
-make grilled cheese on the pan, absorbing all of the butter with the bread

anyone ever try anything similar to it? would this work? if not, what part of it won't work and what can i do differently? any input is gladly accepted.
Grilled Cheese

hey just wondering....if you are making grilled cheese on an oven or grill or whatever, if u put some cannabis on the cheese while grilling, one the grilled cheese is ready will the cannabis work to get you high through oral consumption? if not, what do u need to do for it to work?
I dont know how well that would work - What I would do is seperately saute the bud then add it to the middle of the sandwich before you begin to cook it on the grill/oven/pan whatever..
C-Cracker recipe and walkthrough..

This is my step-by-step edition of Grin Reaper's C-cracker recipe, which can be found here

Pics by me (kisps)

This is a very cost efficient alternative to smoking. Its also probably one of the easiest routes to edible cannabis out there. I've been making batches of these for a week now, and i've cut back on smoking by a significant amount. The high lasts a lot longer than smoking, and is a lot more of a physical, sedating high.

0.4 - 0.6g cannabis
8 saltine crackers (any kind will work)
Organic Peanut butter (non-hydrogenated!!! "skippy" will not work.)

Spread peanut butter on the tops of all 8 crackers. I use organic, crunchy peanut butter. The crunchy kind seems to have more peanut oil, and just tastes better.

Cut your bud up into a fine dust with scissors. I wouldn't recomend using a grinder, as scissors can cut your bud into a finer consistency. This nug is weighs about .6g


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Next, sprinkle the cannabis "dust" very finely across the full peanutbuttered surface of four of the crackers (make sure you dont pile it up, just cover the surface of the peanut butter). It is very important that your cannabis is cut up into almost powdery consistency. This allows the THC and other cannabinoids to absorb into the peanut oil easily.


Next, sandwich the weed/peanut butter side with the plain peanut butter side. Make sure the weed is nestled in between the peanut butter nicely.

Now place your C-Crackers on a sheet and cook them in a preheated oven at 320 fahrenheit (160 Celsius) for 22 minutes. There shouldn't be a problem with the smell, just make sure the pot is nestled in the peanut butter, and that none if it is exposed.

kisps has found that c-crackers are best consumed on an empty stomach. If you're planning on smoking weed too, do it after consuming the crackers so you will fully notice the effects. 3 of these crackers gets me WELL fucked. The high is very physical, and comes on gradually, perfect for work/school!

Credit for this recipe goes out to Grin Reaper over @ overgrow.
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Nice pics and recipe. I might try it out some time. Come to think of it I havent cooked with weed for a while, though brownies always go down well. Cheers, nonetheless.
i used to put finely chopped weed on bread and grill cheese on top, and it got me FUCKED.
sounds disgusting any way you go about it
i dont like the taste of marijuana at all (well at least when its mixed in with something that should taste good alone---i have never eaten more than a tiny piece of bud alone before)
make some cannabutter/oil and make some brownies or cookies or something

i guess the saute method SirChefsAlot-KBE suggested would be better than just putting weed in the sandwhich,but it wouldn't taste much better-EHHHHHH

and in my experience, Xenomaniac is right
i dont think you could get enough weed in there to get you high....and if you did,that would be one NASTY grilled cheese
but whatever
it seemed to work for Randomer

good luck
if you're going to quick cook the pot you might as well just eat the pot and the sandwich separately
Anybody know how well these will keep? I don't have immediate access to a conventional oven, so would it be ok to make a large batch of these and save them for later? What about storage?