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[MEGA]Community Growing advice, tips, tricks, & experiences Part 5 (2012-2013)

It wasn't bud rot I found, but caterpillars, I hate them with a passion. I found about 6 , Im sure there are more, tearing away at my plants at this moment,
ones I couldn't find, how depressing , I hate them, so much.
If you sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the ground surrounding the stem they will not be able to crawl up that way without killing themselves (unless they travel from a different plant if your plants is right next to a bush or something). Try it, it's cheap.
Blah, just lost 1/4 of my plants, 1/3rd of my pineapple trainwreck *sigh*
Idk where they are coming from, probably our neighbors fucking tree that they can't trim because they are so stupid.(Only one of my plants touches the other, and the largest plant, is most unaffected. Pineapple trainwreck, my favorite, seems to be those little bastards fucking favorite too)
What a waste...
Was such a great looking bud too...
Fuck fuck fuck. I am so pissed.
I don't think I will ever be growing sativas , outdoor, ever. I can't leave shit outdoors this long, EVERY year, I lose ALOT of bud to caterpillar and budrot, but now that I think of it,
it's probably all damned caterpillar damage. These caterpillars have 'silk' lines that they repel down on, hitch a ride on people , or just find other plants. (So I dont know thatdiatomaceous earth will do much, but I will try.)
Ugh. Seriously , I wan't to just go pour gasoline on my plants and burn them up just so I know these caterpillars suffer as much as they make me suffer.
I know Im supposed to be 'nature' friendly, and most times, this wouldn't bother me, as in the past , it's only been baby little caterpillars not doing a whole lot of damage, these things were like, 2 inches long, and I only found 10, Im sure there 10 more eating the rest of whats left.

I went back through today, picked out three more, and Im sure I will find more tomorrow.
had to cut off 3 colas from the Pineapple, and about 5 from ice berry, and 2 from green crack, what a disappointment, no joke.
Man, this is such a bummer, I am so down now.
Prelude don't be disheartened, there's virtually no pest or disease that can't be treated, you just need to be willing to try something new. Diatomaceous earth is a shotgun silver bullet, it should kill most insects. But if not there's other options like pyrethrins. But if you leave the plants untreated they will get eaten.
Well, I figured I can't be spraying, as Im looking to harvest in about 2 weeks.
I can and will be laying down diatomaceous earth.
But, I can't imagine that will stop them from falling down from my neighbors trees.
I know it can all be treated, it just sucks to have lost so much, harvest after harvest to these little pieces of trash.
I guess Ill just keep an eye on them ,lay down some of that stuff, and hope it will stop them, if not, I guess Ill just have to cut down everything early and use it for cooking or hash, or whatever, unfortunately.
Sorry, just discouraging to see my best plant completely thrashed and shitted on. :(

Went back out later than day, realized I missed like, 4-7 more smaller colas I had to chop.
I really, really hope I cut them all out, and got them all off, I went through ever bud like, 3-4 times, and got about 15-20
I remember dropping one, and it was alive, that made me furious, I spend an hour looking for it, it was the last one.
I am going to have nightmares now.
I went them dead.
DE! I hope it kills them
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What I tend to do when they're flowering is to literally paint neem, pyrethrum etc. actually onto the leaves themselves with a fine paint brush. Alternatively fine netting works absolute wonders. You might want to invest in some because you'll only run into exactly the same issue again and again. The netting should in theory completely solve the problem as that's what it's designed for. Why not get some from Ebay? It could be with you within a few days. You need the fine type that protects berries iirc.
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Really, I would've never thought of that. Is it just enough of a deterent to keep them away?
Do you paint the solution on or pure 100%neem
Wouldn't a screen decrease the intensity of the sun?

Anyone know around what time people start harvesting in California, So/Nor/Cen.

Thank you so much for the info
The smell should keep them away, yes, but you must use it regularly. Dilute it at the rate recommended by the manufacturer.

The screen won't block out an excessive amount of light, no. You should still yield well with it. The pros certainly outweigh the cons.
I just started harvesting them as fast as I can trim to try and beat the caterpillars to the bud... I'm clearly too late for the diatomaceous earth... they're already there amd eating away... gotta hurry lol
Well, I had to remove quite a few buds from the plants, but I still have a bit left that I can harvest.
My main question now is, I have ALOT of shitty caterpillar bud.
Can I use this in making butter? Or would it be recommended against?
Should I rinse it first? I'm just worried that all of the shit on the buds might make me sick, but I am NOT willing to waste like 2-3 ounces of buds that got attacked.

Anyways, harvesting some , at the moment, and leaving some to get more mature.
Not looking horrible, not as great as I thought it would be either.
Pineapple express is coming out great, but the smaller iceberry plant is just so airy, popcorn like. So I plan to just roll that in joints/vape.
My larger Iceberry looks to be pretty damn solid, more so than the rest of the plants.
Just hope that it wont be completely eaten 3 weeks from now when I would preferably harvest.

Pics soon.

Shit sucks huh Toad?
lol, I see all my beautiful buds, then I see a spot that looks dead , peel it back, and find caterpillars munching away shitting all over my bud :(
After spraying, I stopped getting huge green caterpillars, but now there's just tons of these little 1/8th - 1/4th inch brown caterpillars, blahhh
I use the caterpillar bud to make hash oil out of.... after ite been dissolved in alcohol and filtered and evaporated I can't imagine any poo left in it...

I just do a quick rinse with 91% IPA...
Well, I've made ISO before, always came out a bit harsh on my lungs.
Would rinsing with water, then drying the bud again work for cooking butter?
Or is it recommended against?
I would end up filtering the hell out of the final product, I'm just trying to figure out if theres anything in there that would make me seriously ill.
Would the poo end up settling in with the water when I cool the final product? or would it stay in the butter?

Also, AE, I remember you saying that buds are usually ready when the pistils are past the point of pollenation, well, most all of my buds out back , have nearly all dead pistils (with the exception of maybe 3-4 new pistils poking out of the top of the buds) , should I still wait a week or two, or are these buds ready to harvest? Ill try to get a picture if I can :/

Sucks pulling this stuff so early, normally it wouldn't be a problem because I grow indica, but these sativas take so damn long to finish.
So light and fluffy :/

Also, need that answer about pistils and harvesting ASAP,
My trichs looking about 10%amber, 30%clear, 60% cloudy.

And, as far as the buds I want to use for cooking, the only BAD thing about these buds is that they have caterpillar crap in them.
I could poke through them, and pick it out (though Im sure I wouldn't be getting 100% of them.)
there are VERY few places that actually got bud rot (as I did cut them off immediately when I saw the caterpillars attacked it.)
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I wouldn't rinse with water, no. Just make iso hash in the normal way and it'll be fine. Though the best way to remove catapiller poo is to do a butane extraction. You can then use the end product to make edibles if you so wish.

If pretty much all pistils are dead, and I do mean all, you will be fine to harvest, yes.

By the sounds of it they are about ready. You could leave them a week longer but if you do jusy keep an eye out for mould.

Edit: please do post a pic for me to see o I can tell you whether it looks about ready to harvest or not.
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I wouldn't rinse with water, no. Just make iso hash in the normal way and it'll be fine. Though the best way to remove catapiller poo is to do a butane extraction. You can then use the end product to make edibles if you so wish.

If pretty much all pistils are dead, and I do mean all, you will be fine to harvest, yes.

By the sounds of it they are about ready. You could leave them a week longer but if you do jusy keep an eye out for mould.

Edit: please do post a pic for me to see o I can tell you whether it looks about ready to harvest or not.

Alright, well I guess Ill be trying ISO, even though I hate it, I always felt like Im just wasting weed (leaving ALOT behind in the ISO rinse)
(Any alternatives? Now that I think about it , I can never find 99% iso, 91% is the highest Ive ever seen, and I don't want a bad final product)

Pretty sure Im just getting ancy and wanting to cut this crap down because Ive already lost 50%.
Fucking blows. I'll probably get the same ammount off these 6 plants that I got off two last year...haha.

Uploading pics, pretty sure they aren't finished from the looks of it...
I figured pistils are past pollenation when they START to brown on the tips, thought it's probably more or less the whole thing starts to brown huh

Anyways, whats the most efficient method for getting the thc off of the bud. I always cooked in butter because I KNEW I was getting everything out of the bud.
How hard is making butane hash?
Will using hash instead of bud effect the taste of the butter?
Man I am so bummed. I know I shouldn't be , since I cant still use all this crappy bud for stuff, but , man, it's so depressing walking outside every morning , and knowing that I'm going to find more stuff to cut off...
Today I didn't but when I walked out 3 moths flew out of the plant, which means, tomorrow, while Im at work, they will hatch and munch away while the plant is helpless.

I find it oddly hilarious that they ONLY want to attack my tight, indica buds, all the loose sativas they couldn't possibly give a shit less about.
Blahhh. I feel like ripping my hair out, I should have just grown indoors. So much less of a hassle.
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Pure iso is easy to find online. I could find some in 30 secs on Google or Ebay to give you an idea. If you've got a debit card I would order some that way. The water content could mess it up.

You could chop them if you wanted or leave them for longer to mature longer.

When the pistils are turning brown it's usually well past the point where pollination is viable. You're not making seeds though so it's neither here nor there though I guess.

BHO is most efficient - there are some good how to's on uk420, although its not a method I would choose just for the tiny bit of extra yield you would get, its not worth it. Ice hash is efficient too, as are other methods. I would concentrate on quality over quantity though.

Butter tastes better when made with hash or concentrates because of the lack of chlorophyll.

If your plants are at risk of getting attacked or shit on further then it might be a good idea to harvest sooner rather than later.

By the way are you planning to start those seeds soon?
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Well, Im going to cut a piece off, let it dry, and seem how dense it is, and how well it smokes, let that determine what I need to do.
If I can keep the plant growing just another week or two without losing much to caterpillars Im willing to try it, wish me luck.

But that plant in the picture , bottom, Still has a while right?
The others look brown I believe cause I had to cut off peices where caterpillars attacked, and all of the pistils seem to die after I cut near them.

Well, With three ounces, of actual bud, how much ISO should I yeild? (average), and how much of that would I then add to butter .
I didn't realize how much trim / bud I have until a few days ago, I have 3 large paper bags full.lolI guess
I'll check out the BHO/ISO extracts.
Although I'd love to do BHO, I think it might be too hard for me , I just hate that Ive made ISO before and it tears up my lungs and the taste was horrid.

Thanks AE, I appreciate it.

As for those seeds, I WANT to start them now, but I don't know how well that might work out, because Im going on a trip with my family for a week, around the time my plants would be flowering.
Everyone I know is going on this trip, and I wouldn't have any family to water my plants for me while gone, so , I'm still trying to figure this all out . Gotta find a way to keep them watered while Im gone .
The best and simplest advice IMO is to never become lazy with it. Meaning don't grow in obvious and easily visible spots and don't feel like you are invulnerable on your property. While you do have more control on your property, you are not invincible so don't act like it. If you mess up and get caught you can get fucked big time (depending on where you live i guess, for me this is true) and it will ruin your life (again depending on where you live). Also if you get busted, it will GREATLY devalue your home and any and all homes that live near you, as well as your "public defamation" in your local newspaper. Again just be careful with how you go about doing this.
The best and simplest advice IMO is to never become lazy with it. Meaning don't grow in obvious and easily visible spots and don't feel like you are invulnerable on your property. While you do have more control on your property, you are not invincible so don't act like it. If you mess up and get caught you can get fucked big time (depending on where you live i guess, for me this is true) and it will ruin your life (again depending on where you live). Also if you get busted, it will GREATLY devalue your home and any and all homes that live near you, as well as your "public defamation" in your local newspaper. Again just be careful with how you go about doing this.

Thank you for that information, as I believe it applies to most people on the board.
I personally, live in California, and have a Medical Marijuana card, which makes it legal for me to grow and smoke.
But not, that doesn't mean I'm safe from others.
I do feel somewhat protected, as I live in a cul-de-sac , surrounded my mainly older people, who are very , unsocial, they all keep to themselves..
I don't live by many kids, and I grow plants near my fence , higher than my weed, so that if anyone were to look in my backyard, they would see tomatoes.
I'll always have a gun to protect myself though. I hear a lot of horror stories of people getting robbed in their own back yards around here.
I believe only one person knows WHERE my current grow is, and he lives in the UK, so I'm not TOO worried, though I always have my guard up :)
The one in the bottom can be harvested now but like the others could be left a bit longer. I don't know how much the ISO will yield.
As for how much to add to butter, add an amount in proportion to how much bud you would use in edibles.

Look up Tropf Blumat for watering whilst on holiday. Works a charm. Although less desirable you could use capillary matting as a temporary fix.