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[MEGA]Combinations of cannabis with other drugs

I'm pretty surprised nobody has mentioned 5-htp. I hear conflicting reports but after having bought a bottle for post-molly recovery I was getting significantly higher (like the first times I'd smoked) and that lasted until a couple days after I stopped taking it. I didn't realize there may have been a correlation until afterwards and have since tried it again with positive results. It really isn't worth the money unless it's the sort of thing you have on hand though.
Benzos with bud is great always. I took around 23mg of Hydrocodone and 10mg of Valium another time and smoked some Critical Mass and I felt FANTASTIC.

I'll probably smoke a little before I down 4g of mushies.
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Sceletium Tortuosum, Kanna and a strong Sativa Strain:) a mild psychedelic trip, very nice high without Anxiety. Kava kava is a nice combo with it too. I hate uppers and weed. Uppers and weed are a horrible combination.

I forgot to mention another holy herbal combination Kratom with Cannabis.
After smoking all day i did a fat lung full of nitrous as it was my last one. It made me feel fuzzy all over and weighted down, quite delightful!
I also ate two brownies combined with a bottle of WalTussin. Not as strong of a dose of DXM as I would have liked, but strong enough to become totally entranced by music. Anyone here listen to Mac's new album Watching Movies while intoxicated? If not, highly recommended. =D
Is anyone else like this with drugs.?

whenever I take a drug, no matter what kind it is (opiate, stimulant, psych, etc) I ALWAYS take it with marijuana
pretty much combines mj with everything and has few memories of doing other drugs without being stoned as well.

We dont use SWIM on Bluelight; youre not fooling anyone.
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Nope. Not at all. I don't even smoke marijuana anymore, however, I used to be a complete stoner back in the day & would mix MJ with just about any other drug if I had it on hand..
Now'a'days, I really don't care or go out of my way to cop MJ.
whenever I take a drug, no matter what kind it is (opiate, stimulant, psych, etc) I ALWAYS take it with marijuana
pretty much combines mj with everything and has few memories of doing other drugs without being stoned as well.

We dont use SWIM on Bluelight; youre not fooling anyone.

This is true...since weed is for the most part safe ( toxicity wise and cns wise ) I always include trees in all my recreational activities.
I always smoke weed so I'm constantly combining it with other drugs if only by coincidence. I think benzos take away from the psychdellic and "head buzz" aspects of weed and make it more of a body high. I will only list the drugs which I think are greatly improved by weed even more so than expected.

All opiates but to a much lesser extent than kratom
DXM (which I haven't done in years and won't do again for any reason)

That's all that comes to mind but I'm sure there are many I'm forgetting. Oh add coke to the list.
Favorite combo with weed has to be a nice hot cup of coffe in the morning gets my mind right everytime.

2nd would have to be with some heroin. Sends me to noddsville and adds a whole another layer to being faded.

Lastly with mdma and lsd because it intensifies everything. Love takin a fat rip while on a roll exhailing and having my eyes immediatly wiggle every direction possible.

Least fav prolly with booze. I dislike being drunk and weed just isn't the same when I'm all dulled out on alcohol
To many to list but I'll have a crack. DMT, DOC, DOA, DOI, 2cb, 2cc, 2cd, 2ce, 2ci, MXE, K, meth, 3meo pcp, pcp, LSD, MDMA, 4HO MET, mushrooms, 4 HO MiPT, 4 HO DET, 4 ACO DMT, etc. hell I can't be bothered to continue listing. Long of the short a little bit of weed during any other substance experience is an enjoyable addition with the exception of Etoh.
Opiates + Herb
Benzos + Herb
MDMA + Herb

other herb combinations can be nice, especially when combined with large-poly-drug combinations, but for 1 + Weed I think those 3 are hands down the best.
Weed just so perfectly compliments any benzo, opiate, MDMA, most alcohol, tobacco, dmt and or magic mushroom usage, in nearly any combo. It is so underrated for it's medicinal values-- due in large part to the huge recreational potential.
Blue Dream and temazepam
OG Thai/OG Kush and amphetamines
Trainwreck/Jack Herer and heroin
Silver Haze and Mushrooms
GDP and dissociatives or opiates
Sour Diesel and LSD

I like mixing and matching strains with certain drugs, it's just lovely when you use a strain of very anxiolytic indica pot with your say, amphetamine, and they compliment each other so perfectly. I feel like that's why a lot of people don't like smoking pot while on hard drugs, because if you use, say a sativa with speed, it can feel overwhelming, just like combining s heavy indica with a benzo or opiates will muddy up the high.
I recently tried a small dose of opiates with a hit of herb and found I didn't like it. I used to love that combo. Then again, I found that I also do not like opiates like I used to. Basically the only thing I combine my herb with nowadays is alcohol.

Good craft beer or three+a hit or two of herb = Chill night but do not expect to get anything done.

Benzos and bud are nice, but I try to stay away from benzos (and regular herb usage for that matter)
Benzos and bud are nice, but I try to stay away from benzos (and regular herb usage for that matter)

...Nice? NICE?!?! Try blissful, amazing, orgasmic, scintillating. Xanax and some medicinal is my favorite psychoactive combination without a doubt, but it's a fine line to walk between "No fucks given and loving it" and total blackout. Though, to be fair, I'm pretty certain I'm still giving no fucks and loving it immediately following a benzo' blackout.
fav. mix w/ the weed!?

what do you guys take while smoking? if anything, of course.

typically ill smoke and just only smoke.. but I always loved taking a benzo while smoking. small dosage but still gives me a good high.

I used to be a heroin junkie and always stayed away from weed because I wanted to FEEL THE DOPE! well, dope and benzo's. but I've been away from the dope now but brought weed into my life to help stay away from the dope. it's worked so far.