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[MEGA]Combinations of cannabis with other drugs

Btw you can snort Kanna, take it Orally, Sublingually. I took it orally last night with the combo with Cannabis. And there are different forms of Kanna at different strength levels. The 15 times strength is one of the strongest on the market its hard to find it at that level . I bought it in Europe and I know they dont sell it like that in the USA they usually make them at regular Times 3 and times 5 but times 15 is rare to find that level of Kanna extract. :) Anyhow i am heading out peace if u have questions about the combo Cannabis Kanna and how to use Kanna message me my vendor is from Europe so if ur from the states it will be hard to get it. But keep this forum Going with Comments, insights, etc I will log on later on sorry if i didnt answer immediatly though.
Some of my favorite combos with weed are (in order):

  • Weed/LSD
  • Weed/Mushrooms
  • Weed/MDMA
  • Weed/Nitrous
  • Weed/Opiates
  • Weed/Benzos
  • Weed/2C-X's
  • Weed/Ketamine
  • Weed/Adderall
  • And of course mixing multiple of these with weed particularly Weed/LSD/Mushrooms/Ketamine (This is SUCH a beautiful combo!!! It's my number one combo!)
A few more notes The 15 times strength of Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum is stimulating, anxiolytic, Antidepressant less sedating in Nature so when you take it with your weed it energizes a Energy buzzes through your soul. This combo to me it doesn't get to the brain it gets to the soul the feeling is pure bliss. It is like a mini psychedelic experience. Today I am feeling an afterglow reminiscent of a Magical Mushroom Afterglow. The combo reminded me of a good shroom trip similiar effects yet slightly different. One more note the Kanna takes the Munchies away from your weed high as it is an appetite suppressant. I have two types of Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum powders on me 15 times strength extract which when taken with Weed the effects are as described above. I took a large dosage last night( Kanna) and I took many hits so at one point I felt dissociation from my environment and pure Euphoria it was insane trip though so good and the world appeared beautiful the trees and stuff. And all of you who think that Kanna doesn't have an amazing combination with Weed you guys are missing out its not like the feeling you get when you combine weed with other substances its a lot better Kanna and Weed where made for each other. If you take the proper Kanna that I had mine was shipped to me from South Africa( where it grows naturally) your trip will be pure bliss.:D and Psychedelic trippy, but good. Losing your mind in a good way=D I feel a strong afterglow today. Wow. And the body high you get on the combo is amazing your body feels like jelly. It is one of the best intoxicated states I reached proves how powerful the substances in Nature are.
Shamanism. AHHAh
Anyhow this was the combo 15 times strength Extract Kanna with Cannabis.

The other Kanna( Sceletium Tortuosum ) I have is regular powder not extract it also enhance the effects of Marijuana but not to the extend as described above. The Regular powder is slightly stimulating but more so sedating, leads to more introspection, Mental Visuals and increases the stoned feeling of weed and the feeling of sedation on Weed the effects are amplified and its also Euphoric but more so for chiilling out relaxing and Introspection and it takes the edge off a lot and Paranoia and anxiety on Weed. Its great for those anxious stoners. I developed a tolerance to Regular Strength Sceletium Tortuosum powder as I have been using it for a few months to deal with anxiety, it helps tremendously with anxiety but the stronger effects and synergies with Marijuana I achieve better with 15 times strength extract I used to achieve such synergies on Regular Powder as well. Nonetheless I take the Regular Powder daily it has positive effects on my mood and my life, energy levels sleep.

The 15 times strength Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum has a crazy ass synergy with Cannabis for me as described Psychedelic trippy in Nature stimulating energizing it was great.

Kanna, Sceletium Tortuosum on its own without Cannabis both the regular powder and the extracts need priming to achieve stronger effects that is you have to take it daily for a week or so. Sceletium is a Serotonin reuptake inhibitor for its effects to appear you need a few days. The effects are a mood boost, Stimulation and then followed by sedation, Empathy, Mental Visuals you can dream about things think through your life , Introspections, increased energy, Increased Connection with Nature and increased beauty of nature that your able to see, increased appreciation of music, decreased anxiety, stress tension and decreased Depression , Euphoria, Sceletium on its can produce nice Euphoria now imagine when combined with Cannabis wuffuuufu . These are some of the effects of Sceletium Tortuosum when you take it alone it is natures best antidepressant . It has a special Synergy with Cannabis far above any other synergies. Tribes in South Africa always combined Kanna Scelet. With Cannabis to induce the effects I described above, The Euphoria and feeling of happiness, giggling was surreal and overpowering.

Sceletium Tortuosum is Euphoric on its own and when you blend it with Cannabis you will have so ultra Euphoric state.

Weed usually doesn't give you an Mushroom type afterglow but anyways I am feeling that today and it is due to the 15 times strength Kanna plus Cannabis combo.
Its a good feeling even today I feel slightly high the world appears better, music is still elevated, the world is more beautiful, Kanna takes away some of the negative effects of weed like today when I woke up I felt energized, Clear minded, and had a positive outlook and afterglow feeling. I am seeing things outside your eyes typically don't see. The motion of Humanity, the constant movement, the trees, the clear sky, the air , the connection with Nature is strong. Memory, Cognitive abilities are intact, slight insomnia was noted last night after toking. Ahahha this is like a trip report but i had such a good time and i dont even call it a high but a trip because Kanna+ Weed is a trip to me.
Sceletium Tortuosum i consider it a holy herb.=D

Sceletium Tortuosum is controversial it might come out as a antidepressant but they wouldnt like that due to reasons such as a nice synergy with Cannabis. On Its own and when taken in Herbal form it has many active Alkaloids Mesembrine, Tortuosamine, Mesembrinal, etc that interact with Dopamine, Serotonin and Cannbinoid receptors. As I stated it causes Decreased Stress,tension, Anxiety decreased Depression a increased connection with Nature, Clearer thinking, better cognitive abilities, Increased Energy levels, more smiling less mental tension, Empathy, Euphoria, Sedation, Analgesia one more noted on Regular Kanna powder I notice this effect a lot more Analgesia and a strong body high and I dont notice this effect on Kanna Extract so Kanna in different ratios,extract has different levels of alkaloids and their strength the regular powder is more analgesic, Sedating, calming anxiolytic body high & to me my mouth and teeth go numb as well on regular powder whilst the 15 times strength extract Sceletium Tortuosum is more energizing, Uplifting, Euphoric , a stronger connective force with Nature.
Both combine well with Cannabis.

Sceletium Tortuosum is somewhat similiar to Coca as the two have similiar effects such as stimulation, antidepressant, energizing and numbing to the teeth and mouth and analgesia. I also Consider the SCeletium Tortuosum somewhat addictive to me its like harder for me to break then lets say a Coffee habit or Kratom. I consider the effects of Kanna superior to Kratom. Substances tend to affect people differently because I consume a lot more Kanna then Kratom and Kanna is subtle so you function very well on it and this sometimes leads to daily usage.=D

Btw you can snort Kanna, take it Orally, Sublingually. I took it orally last night with the combo with Cannabis. And there are different forms of Kanna at different strength levels. The 15 times strength is one of the strongest on the market its hard to find it at that level . I bought it in Europe and I know they dont sell it like that in the USA they usually make them at regular Times 3 and times 5 but times 15 is rare to find that level of Kanna extract. :) Anyhow i am heading out peace if u have questions about the combo Cannabis Kanna and how to use Kanna message me my vendor is from Europe so if ur from the states it will be hard to get it. But keep this forum Going with Comments, insights, etc I will log on later on sorry if i didnt answer immediatly though.

Just to let you know....you can reduce the amount of posts you make back to back in a short amount of time by simply editing your original post and adding to it. I mean Seeing as how you made all 4 of these posts within like a span of 20 minutes, and I understand being a stoner or just being excited about shit so you make a post...but then think of more shit to say like 2 minutes later. I do that all the time. I add shit to my posts all the time. Just click the edit button.

Its not a rule...just a way to keep your posts organized. Sorry I am an art teacher and orginization is a must for my AD/HD mind.

The Kanna combo sounds pretty steller though.
I tkae 150mg Venlafaxine daily and I haven't toked since starting about 3 months ago and want to have some again, I was reading up and found some scary stuff about interactions with weed and Venlafaxine (Effexor), but I can't find anything on the particular details of it like why it would cause a bad reaction chemically. http://www.erowid.org/pharms/venlafaxine/venlafaxine_interactions.shtml It says here "Life-Threatening" . I mean, I like my Venlafaxine and don't want to stop, but I want to toke too, I need some science to back up why this would be dangerous though, does anyone know?
I have a son who smokes marjuana and he is only 19years old he had already 3 pneumothorax......I strongly believe there is a link. Doctors do not take in considerations many thins...I am not going to write a book on it but I do not trust them as knowing how to do prevention. And I have no doubts on this. My son dad made few research on it and he found many evidences.....
Hmmm, weed is the common ground medication for my monkey that combines well with literally anything. some of my monkeys favorite combinations for recreation would be the following.

Cannabis +:
-nitrous oxide
-Alcohol (not a favorite, but it makes for a good time sometimes.)
-Dxm (also not a favorite, but same goes)
-benzos or opiates can be somewhat recreational

Medicinally speaking, my monkey like these drugs with cannabis:
-Kratom (also pretty fun)
-kava kava
-valerian root (for the sleepies and restlessness)
-diphenhydramine (for sleepies when hes out of all the other shit)
-benzos (when all of the above fails, which is rare)
Not having read anything yet, does anyone else think that benzodiazepines have a (negative?) effect on edibles, or let's just say high potency cannabis extract consumption.

Some people, myself included, have in times LONG past, experienced mindblowing CEVs but ONLY when I take a super strong edible, and I am wondering if anyone here thinks that diazepam could decrease the (in this case desired) hallucinogenic effects of my cannabis experience? Kick started the edible with half a gram of wax dabbed via my favorite oil rig, and have not taken any benzodiazepines in hours, however I'm wondering if the diazepam that I took this morning (and every day for the past........) which has certainly accumulated in my system due to it's long half life and long duration of action of it's active metabolite, nordiazepam/desmethyldiazepam.

So is there anyone else who is benzodiazepine dependent who has any information on any effects that benzodiazepine therapy may have on medicinal cannabis? I have heard in the past of people who were tripping balls on LSD or shrooms (including friends of mine) who were hospitalized and then given IV benzodiazepines to comfort them, but by nature benzodiazepines don't block or stop or have any real effect on the mechanism of action of cannabis, or does it?

I know that with other hallucinogenics like LSD and mushrooms, antipsychotics can be administered and in doing so, it pretty much stops the trip and is not necessarily fun, but then again, neither is tripping balls so hard that you required a thorazine shot to begin with. Anyways, anyone? benzos vs weed?

Benzodiazepines tend to ruin any chance of euphoria if I take too much of them with my pain medication, and most people I know report the same.
Not having read anything yet, does anyone else think that benzodiazepines have a (negative?) effect on edibles, or let's just say high potency cannabis extract consumption.

Some people, myself included, have in times LONG past, experienced mindblowing CEVs but ONLY when I take a super strong edible, and I am wondering if anyone here thinks that diazepam could decrease the (in this case desired) hallucinogenic effects of my cannabis experience?
Can't tell you the exact mechanism, but intuitively I'd say yes, they could very well do that. GABA is after all an inhibitory transmitter and by that simple logic it'd make sense that an overly active mental imagery could be inhibited to some degree.

Edit: Benzos suck ass.

Hmmm, weed is the common ground medication for my monkey that combines well with literally anything. some of my monkeys favorite combinations for recreation would be the following.

Cannabis +:
-nitrous oxide
-Alcohol (not a favorite, but it makes for a good time sometimes.)
-Dxm (also not a favorite, but same goes)
-benzos or opiates can be somewhat recreational

Medicinally speaking, my monkey like these drugs with cannabis:
-Kratom (also pretty fun)
-kava kava
-valerian root (for the sleepies and restlessness)
-diphenhydramine (for sleepies when hes out of all the other shit)
-benzos (when all of the above fails, which is rare)
Lol you sure like your drugs. ;) It also potentiates neuroleptics by a considerable amount for me. Both the medical benefits, as well as the perceived quality of the effects are increased. In low amounts it'll also decrease the chance of me experiencing akathisia. On the other hand, it's interesting to note that extremely large amounts of cannabis, smoked over many consecutive hours, can also induce akathisia in me without taking any neuroleptics.

Gotta love weed.
Can't tell you the exact mechanism, but intuitively I'd say yes, they could very well do that. GABA is after all an inhibitory transmitter and by that simple logic it'd make sense that an overly active mental imagery could be inhibited to some degree.

Edit: Benzos suck ass.

Lol you sure like your drugs. ;) It also potentiates neuroleptics by a considerable amount for me. Both the medical benefits, as well as the perceived quality of the effects are increased. In low amounts it'll also decrease the chance of me experiencing akathisia. On the other hand, it's interesting to note that extremely large amounts of cannabis, smoked over many consecutive hours, can also induce akathisia in me without taking any neuroleptics.

Gotta love weed.

Cannabis is a peasant, a fucking peasant when in the royal presence of alprazolam.

Edit: Well, maybe a Prince.... but definitely not His Highness (err.... no pun intended.)
I smoke weed with everything, but there are few drugs that weed seems to potentiate, like MXE. Also a smoke after my methadone kicks in in the morning definitely seems to make it stronger. Most other drugs weed just adds to.
Combinations with Cannabis ways to reduce anxiety whilst toking

There is a Succulent herb with Mild and Moderate psychedelic effects along with anxiolytic, antidepressant, Appetite suppressant and anti-psychotic effects.
It is called Sceletium Tortuosum, Kanna a beautiful herb,plant it has very strong antidepressant for a herbal compound far exceeding those of St.johns wort and Valeriana root but instead of being sedating it is more of an Energizing effect. Sceletium is mildly psychedelic and the visuals are more comparable to that felt while coming up on Shrooms.

Anyways what regards do I have for this? Because with Cannabis the two compounds have a synergy and a potentiating effect and it tends to increase the effects of Cannabis whilst Cannabis tends to increase the effects of Sceletium Tortuosum. This is a combination that has a very nice psychedelic effect and colours as well as nature and the out door world are more prounounced , appearing more beautiful. Paranoid and negative anxious effects on weed are negated this is amazing as occasionally i feel tense whilst smoking, I find the mood I have before smoking tends to effect my weed high a lot, so if I take Kanna before smoking I feel good and uplifted before smoking and weed enhances this Uplifted feeling . But if you smoke a lot and take Kanna you can get very Euphoric and disconnected somewhat from reality a very intense high very uplifting you can only occasionally get such high level of Happiness, I was literally walking around town and smiling none stop smiling none stop aahahhaha it was insanity I was smiling at random strangers, I felt mellowed out with the Earth.

I just wanted to mention this that Kanna and Marijuana have a special synergy and you can read more about this online its confirmed Scientifically that the two compounds synergy quite well. Euphoric, Uplifted effect, you feel good and it takes away the paranoia and anxiety that some people can feel on weed but whilst at the same time you feel the positive effects of both herbs.

Kanna is one of the only other known naturally occurring herbs that has affinity for Cannibinoid receptor specifically the CB1 receptor this is perhaps one of its points for mood lifting effects and appetite suppressing effects & Slight psychedelic effect and it is one of the reasons it has a synergy with Cannabis because your overloading the CB1 receptor. It also has affinities for Dopaminergic, Nicotinic, Noradrenaline receptors and strong affinity for Serotonin receptors acting as an SRI.

Cannabis is an antidepressant and Anxiolytic as well but Indica has a more pronounced Anxiolytic effect due to Cannabidiol and it seems lower dosages of smoked Cannabis act as an anxiolytic so if you get buzzed but not high your less likely too feel to wired on pot. I have noticed this on myself.

Anyways, Did anybody else Combine Kanna and Cannabis????

I have also noticed that Kanna supresses the appetite munchies of Cannabis and it keeps the high way longer. I am very high and buzzing Euphoric its deep Euphoria from the soul for 2-3 hours and then I still feel my high linger for 4-6 hours and I feel a afterglow Antidepressant type/ shroom type of afterglow for at least another day or two, it also relieves all of my tense muscles and pain and shit like psychogenic pain for a day or two, The psychedelic/ Antidepressant effect of Kanna is enhanced and the effects of Weed are enhanced and I feel an afterglow. I feel lighter the next day, cant describe it.Its good pleasurable.

I recommend you all to get some Kanna chew it with gum, snort it or oral dosages before smoking weed than smoke weed and you will have an amazing high. This is great for daily stoners who lost some of the good effects of Cannabis the kanna can bring it back, I am serious. The synergy is confirmed. And Kanna is expected to come out as an Antidepressant marketed Zembrin but they are holding back in some countries and this is due to the synergy noted between Kanna and Cannabis.
I hate to be the stickler but the vast amount of activity you state kanna has should be sourced. I mean, if you said it binds to SERT, fine, but those other mechanisms should be sourced...

Benzodiazepines reduced the recreational potential of weed for me by about 50%. In fact, by at least that much.

Tricomb, benzos crudely work to dumb down excessive monoaminergic activity through gaba while antipsychotics get right to the source of the matter with specific antagonistic binding affinities to various subtypes. Benzos I.e. don't work to kill the beast, so to speak, but rather to dumb it down, whilst APS are silver bullets for stimulant/hallucinogen/endogenous psychosis.

When it comes to the unique properties of thc psychosis, however, which mechanism isn't that understood, benzos may be more of a silver bullet than aps by restoring homeostasis in gaba, as opposed to the typical stimulant model in which there is an excess of something, not a deficiency. A selective d2 antagonist might work similarly.

In sum: benzos seem to work best for totally negating the negative side effects of THC whereas APS work best for those of stims/psychs.

Benzos will necessarily result in a net decrease of dopaminergic activity in healthy individuals, though they activate the mesocortical-limbic pathway, which is why your opiates/oids may be less euphoric. For those with anxiety this is in fact the opposite, standing to blue light anecdotal evidence ;).

This is all very inexact though.
To Tricomb who posted above. Im a heavy cannabis user and had a decent benzo tolerance, and in my personal experiences benzos and cannabis have went hand in hand most of the time. On a simple 1mg football of alprazolam (Xanax), I would maintain my normal smoking habits. I would feel the appreciable stone clearly, just as always, and get that urge to redosw roughly once every 2 hours still. A 2.5 mg bar or more might get me benzo high enough that I simply dont have much of an urge to get stoned, although if its being passed to me, I certainly wont say no. I have no reason to pull a bag out if Im not sober to begin with though. I probably am not tuned into the cannabis high as much in these doses, because of the stronger benzo intensity.

Regarding weed and other drugs, I must say, I went on my first acid trip without pot the other day, and I really believe my lack of cannabis caused my trip to lose luster. Just 3 weeks ago or so I had the same dose under the same circumstances, same mountains to trip in, just with my trusty pipe. I felt the anxious electricity of the acid come up much more than when I was stoned, it was unpleasant. I couldnt chill out enough to just zone and watch the mountains sorta melt into each other. If there were any drug I would say needed to paired with weed, LSD would be my top contender.

Weed also seems to make the comedowns from other drugs, hallucinogens to stimulants, much more bearable.
I hate to be the stickler but the vast amount of activity you state kanna has should be sourced. I mean, if you said it binds to SERT, fine, but those other mechanisms should be sourced...

Benzodiazepines reduced the recreational potential of weed for me by about 50%. In fact, by at least that much.

Tricomb, benzos crudely work to dumb down excessive monoaminergic activity through gaba while antipsychotics get right to the source of the matter with specific antagonistic binding affinities to various subtypes. Benzos I.e. don't work to kill the beast, so to speak, but rather to dumb it down, whilst APS are silver bullets for stimulant/hallucinogen/endogenous psychosis.

When it comes to the unique properties of thc psychosis, however, which mechanism isn't that understood, benzos may be more of a silver bullet than aps by restoring homeostasis in gaba, as opposed to the typical stimulant model in which there is an excess of something, not a deficiency. A selective d2 antagonist might work similarly.

In sum: benzos seem to work best for totally negating the negative side effects of THC whereas APS work best for those of stims/psychs.

Benzos will necessarily result in a net decrease of dopaminergic activity in healthy individuals, though they activate the mesocortical-limbic pathway, which is why your opiates/oids may be less euphoric. For those with anxiety this is in fact the opposite, standing to blue light anecdotal evidence ;).

This is all very inexact though.

I will here is one
http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my/17 (02) 2010/IFRJ-2010-349-355_Alfi_Netherlands_(S)[1].pdf
The unfermented alkaloid was seen to have a stronger binding to CB1 receptor than the Fermented one and also acetlycholinesterase inhibitor activity. Actually just type Sceletium Tortuosum with CB1 Agonist or Dopamine effects into google search engine and you will find something. This are good sources too University research.

Anyhow I would much rather take Sceletium tortuosum and combine it with Cannabis than Benzos and weed( benzos numb weed) , because Kanna will mellow out the anxiety one could feel on the weed whilst at the same time make the psychedelic effect stronger, Euphoria and mood lift stronger, and the high and stoned feeling stronger just without any negative effects. Its hard to believe but its true.

Yea Kanna will become more popular if People had a good source to get it from and if you would give it a better shot, its like weed or some other things the first few times you take it , its effects are weaker till later they are stronger. But the source you get it from depends as well I have been getting good quality kanna from South africa and I know other people who have my quality batch and they mix it with Marijuana as well.
I hate to be the stickler but the vast amount of activity you state kanna has should be sourced. I mean, if you said it binds to SERT, fine, but those other mechanisms should be sourced...

Benzodiazepines reduced the recreational potential of weed for me by about 50%. In fact, by at least that much.

Tricomb, benzos crudely work to dumb down excessive monoaminergic activity through gaba while antipsychotics get right to the source of the matter with specific antagonistic binding affinities to various subtypes. Benzos I.e. don't work to kill the beast, so to speak, but rather to dumb it down, whilst APS are silver bullets for stimulant/hallucinogen/endogenous psychosis.

When it comes to the unique properties of thc psychosis, however, which mechanism isn't that understood, benzos may be more of a silver bullet than aps by restoring homeostasis in gaba, as opposed to the typical stimulant model in which there is an excess of something, not a deficiency. A selective d2 antagonist might work similarly.

In sum: benzos seem to work best for totally negating the negative side effects of THC whereas APS work best for those of stims/psychs.

Benzos will necessarily result in a net decrease of dopaminergic activity in healthy individuals, though they activate the mesocortical-limbic pathway, which is why your opiates/oids may be less euphoric. For those with anxiety this is in fact the opposite, standing to blue light anecdotal evidence ;).

This is all very inexact though.

Just go on google and type in Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum CB1 agonist,
then type in Kanna effects on Dopamine
but its effects are mostly as a CB1 agonist and on SERT
Anyhow the anxiolytic effects I get from Kanna are very comparable to Benzodiazepines but its a different type of feeling its also an anxiolytic effect unlike that of Kava Kava. If Anything kava kava is similiar to Benzos. Kanna is an anxiolytic but a stimulant as well, it gets you excited, energized but your calm as well sometimes i get side effects like insomnia because of the stimulant effect but i known it boosts my mood makes me feel happier, and generally calmer. The anxiolytic effect and mood boosting effects are strong stronger than some benzos at times. Also it decreases my appetite. I would recommend Kanna to anyone but you need good quality Kanna and you need know that powder after a while if not stored properly looses potency, I just made an Alcoholic extract of it . I just found out about it recently a few months ago and I can tell you the mood lift and anxiolytic effect of Kanna can be compared to like 1-2 mg of Xanax, but without the mental fog or sedation its more stimulated, energized and you feel happy too.
Cannabis makes me really turned off by the idea of taking other drugs, even milder ones like coffee or tea sometimes. The holy herb makes me want to only use more of the ganja and nothing else, unless I take way too many dabs to the point that I could use a beer to chill. That is the best way to stay really high all the time while maintaining a healthy body if you are anything like me.