• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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Samadhi, i think we've already had this discussion, but Falcor is my cat Ferguson's long lost twin! (btw, he looks so damn cute n' tiny in that pic!) does Falcor suffer from allergies?

here's Fergie Love:

Everyone has such gorgeous animals!!

Delysd: Your dog actually looks like he is smiling!! That's awesome!

Queen: that puppy is just gorgeous! That face could melt anyone's heart :)

rnr: Your kitties remind me of mine in terms of the things that they get into, the kinds of places that they sleep, and what they find for "toys"

FP: I love that picture, its a great shot, the sideways sleepy shot is always a good one. :)
Haha, Loki's definition of toy is anything that fits in his mouth. His favorite things are hair ties, "Madonna bracelets", Smarties rolls, and a very particular kind of cat toy shaped like a mouse, but he will play fetch with anything I can toss across the room. I'm still in shock that he taught himself fetch...
^Haha, so cute. I finally got my little boy to drop the toy back in my hand and everything! It's so adorable. He'll play for a half hour at a time. :D
he wasn't laying on his blanket, so i moved him to put the blanket down. then i moved him and placed him like that, and he fell asleep like that!

tis a comfy couch! :D
Anthony was watching your videos with me and he was like "OMG is that Noel?"
Apparently our cats not only look similar but have a similar personality. :D
So cute!
You just need to teach him to howl "I love you" LOL

My friends dog could do that, it was hysterical.
Anthony was watching your videos with me and he was like "OMG is that Noel?"
Apparently our cats not only look similar but have a similar personality. :D
So cute!

Hahaha awesome! How beautiful are ginger kitties. I've never come across a mean one, they're always lovely boys :) <3
Here's a picture of my kitty that we had to put down last year, he was 17 years old, I had had him since I was 9 :( I miss him very much. He also had amazing taste in handbags as can be seen by his choice of sleeping locations. He loved Vera Bradley

He was the sweetest cat you could ever meet, very snuggly and cuddly in his old age.



We took the new guy to the beach Sunday , a wave about a foot high trashed him , and the saltwater got in his eyes
^^ Awwww that is too cute!! Poor little guy! <3

pff, he looks like he was such a lovely boy <3
Mazey, that is too freakin adorable. :D

purplefirefly - don't say that! One of my girls is 17 and totally starting to go. :(
I'm sorry rnr. :( <3 My heart goes out to you. The day we decided to put him down I actually had to leave work because I couldn't stop crying. It was very traumatic.

Thumper (that was his name, as when he was a kitten, and had a flea bath, he was soooo cold that his hind legs were shaking, so my mom decided to call him Thumper") was a borderline diabetic, diagnosed in the summer of 2008 (spending two days at the vet while they tried to regulate his insulin "scared" the diabetes right out of him, I swear!) and then he developed a hyperthyroid in the winter of 2008 and had to take a pill daily and then eventually a transdermal medication.

Sonic and I went to South Carolina on vacation last June and when we got back is when he started to get really sick. He got to the point where he could no longer walk, he would take a few steps and fall on his side. It was heartbreaking. The last time I saw him, I just held him in my arms at home and he couldn't even meow. At the vet we found out that he weighed a mere 4 lbs (spending most of his life around 10/12lbs) and he was severely dehydrated.

Writing all of this is really making me tear up, I will probably delete this post soon as its really too painful to leave up.

He was my baby and I miss him terribly. :(