• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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silentangst, what's your birds name? What species? Gorgeous colors. I see a kitty too. How many more pets do you have and what are their names?
Uhm, she's called Spyro, or Spy for short. I don't remember why I named her that :p haha.

She's a galah, we found her on the side off the road back when she was quite young and she was still there about an hour later as we came back so we took her home and tamed her. We've had her for about 8 years now.

And the cats name is Tim, I've had him for 11 years. I don't have any more pets, but I've had fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, mice, rats and at one point, a ferret haha.
I guess I should post up some shots of Moe being his strange self.

There he is....angry as always.

Just kidding hes always happy!<3
Ohhhh, they're both gorgeous MaW and Help! I'm so nuts over animals.
I can't believe the birds that fly around wild in other countries- like yours silentangst, and
other ones posted. All we have up here are cardinals and bluejays as the brightest colored birds.
Boring..... we get a visit from orioles in May, but then they continue migrating.
My new puppy, Zoey <3 I just got her a couple weeks ago, she's a 4 mo. old Pittbull-Golden Retriever mix.

Sleeping like an angel =D


I am a first time dog owner, and I want to know if anyone has any advice for me on this whole thing?? Now is not really the ideal time in my life for a dog (I don't have a lot of money and I live in an apartment with no yard for a big pup :( ) but my sister originally bought the dog, and ended up not being able to take care of her... I knew I would put a lot more time and love into her, so she's been staying with me.

What I am mainly concerned about is how much exercise she should be getting. Since I don't have a yard, the only time she gets out is when we take her for walks or to the park, which I try to do several times a day (and obviously take her out for quick bathroom trips as well).

So if any one has words of wisdom for me, I could use all the help I can get :)

this is my baby Oliver (Ollie), an Australian cattle dog/hound mix.<3
He is 9 months old ans we got him 2 weeks ago.
He is a super playful and loving and kind if not a little goofy and stupid :)

heres one of him smiling
^^ Awww he is so cute Delsyd!!! <3

What I am mainly concerned about is how much exercise she should be getting. Since I don't have a yard, the only time she gets out is when we take her for walks or to the park, which I try to do several times a day (and obviously take her out for quick bathroom trips as well).

So if any one has words of wisdom for me, I could use all the help I can get :)

She is adorable!!! Congrats!

Exercise is indeed very important, and as long as she gets in one decent long run every day she should be fine.

Diet is also very important, if you can't afford premium quality dog kibble (i.e. NOT just the supermarket stuff), you can make do with the supermarket brand kibble and supplement it with some cheap beef mince and give her a raw bone once every 1-2 days. (Make sure you supervise her whenever she's eating a bone so she doesn't choke on it.....it happens)

Has she had her vaccinations?? Does she have a microchip? You need to make sure both those things are covered. It's also important for puppies that you worm them every month, as they are very prone to getting worms and can get quite sick from them. Once she's, say, +9 months old you can cut it back to worming her every 3 months or so.

Obedience is very important also. I would HIGHLY recommend doing some puppy training, preferably around other dogs so she can learn appropriate social skills. This will make for a much more relaxed and manageable dog :)

And last but definitely not least, you must get her desexed at 6 months of age!! I'm sure you're aware but just to remind you, female dogs have periods just like us, and I'm sure you don't want to have to clean up her blood all over the house every time she's in heat. Not fun at all. Plus she will be much more likely to want to escape to mate. That will be a huge hassle each time she cycles.
Neutering surgery can be a bit expensive but if you contact your local animal charity organisations I'm sure they can offer it for a cheaper price.

Let me know if you have any more questions!! Good luck! <3
My puppy, Penny. She's a pure bred golden retriever, 6 months old. She has more personality than I ever thought a dog could have and I love her so much it's silly!

The day we got her



Looooves playing in her pool!
^^ Oh good lord!!!! She is so gorgeous queenbee!! <3
I know what you mean about the immense love for our pets. I love my little dog so much, it's like he is my son :D
I finally found some! Gotta wait for the bf to get home to see where he stashed all the good ones on his camera... :)

Emmie is the funny colored tortie and she *always*, and I mean *always*, wants to snuggle. Loki is the smartest cat I've ever come across (my little black and white troublemaker). Callie (shockingly, the calico, lol) is "the original" - my first pet ever, and she's 17 this year. (I was not entirely unoriginal at age 8, though; Callie is short for Calliopy. :)) Unfortunately she has to stay with my parents these days because of health problems and a bit of a proclivity for peeing on things, but she's still mah gurl. :)

Sorry the pics are so huge. I'm lazy... =D





^ so cute! i have a dark tortie (i've always referred to light torties as calicos).

this is Lila. she's my perma-kitten. <3

That's funny, my tortie looks really young too... People always think she's 2 or 3, but she's 11. :) And I'm a total stickler about the use of "calico"! :D
FP how old is Lila?? She looks like she's about 4 months old in that photo! :D
My new puppy, Zoey <3 I just got her a couple weeks ago, she's a 4 mo. old Pittbull-Golden Retriever mix.

Sleeping like an angel =D


I am a first time dog owner, and I want to know if anyone has any advice for me on this whole thing?? Now is not really the ideal time in my life for a dog (I don't have a lot of money and I live in an apartment with no yard for a big pup :( ) but my sister originally bought the dog, and ended up not being able to take care of her... I knew I would put a lot more time and love into her, so she's been staying with me.

What I am mainly concerned about is how much exercise she should be getting. Since I don't have a yard, the only time she gets out is when we take her for walks or to the park, which I try to do several times a day (and obviously take her out for quick bathroom trips as well).

So if any one has words of wisdom for me, I could use all the help I can get :)

One thing thats important with dogs is not to feed them a kibble that contains grains, like corn, or animal by products and various "meals". They get fat, and later on have a much higher risk of developing maladies like cancer or arthritis.

This is my favorite site for dog food information:
FP how old is Lila?? She looks like she's about 4 months old in that photo! :D

she was just a kitten when that photo was taken. i'll haveta to take an updated photo of her, but i think you'd find she doesn't look much different. she's very small and weighs maybe 4 lbs. she is truly a mini-cat. <3
Big-little kitteh FP! <3

My boy is a total bruiser - but i've just scanned a photo of him when he was about 6 weeks old AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :D I think i had just brought him home.


This was taken in my first apartment - it was an utter shithole with hibiscus wallpaper in the kitchen and laundry - it made for some very interesting times on psychedelics ;) See if you can spot Falcor! :D
Man.. i can tell ya right now it would have been awesome tripping in there! haha!

Awwwww widdle falc... he is so gorgeous!

All of the animals in this thread and warmed my heart and brought a huge smile to my face. :D
drugfukkdrockstar said:
Man.. i can tell ya right now it would have been awesome tripping in there! haha!
Hahaha we nearly moved in to a place about 4 years ago that had felt embossed wallpaper for that very reason =D

Samadhi, Falc was so tiny in that photo!!! I had to seriously look at that pic for a good 10 seconds before I could even see him!! <3