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MDPV Megathread

MDPVagrant said:
Just a few, very few. And yes, I make no secret of my opinion that Bluelight is overflowing with morons. Never seen anywhere near as massive a collection of uncreative, uninteresting, empty-headed, boring, useless, immature dimwits in my life, online or off.

Well, IMO, even when we (empty headed, uncreative dimwits, as you so eloquently described) offer words of encouragement and support - regardless if it's about a severe withdrawal from a week long binge of a substance that we cannot relate to, that you brought upon yourself, BTW- a decent, educated, interesting, creative, and fascinating person such as yourself- would show some gratitude and respect.

The quote "You're so stupid that you don't deserve the air you breathe" rings a bell in my memory. And that was directed to somebody that has done nothing BUT offer words of encouragement to you. Of course that post is no longer with us, because it was removed-appropriately so- by a mod.

Anyways, I've said what I wanted to say regarding this situation. I have no tolerance for hypocrisy. If you feel you are so elite and above the rest of us, why do you not find a forum elsewhere that you feel can match your superb intelligence?
MDPVagrant, I'm sorry you feel it's neccessary to pull down all of your posts, as a lot of it has very useful information. I have recieved information that has helped me from some of your posts.

They're all still visible, all you have to do is look at the personal profile and click on find all posts by...
Peace and tranquility, coming to a message board near you , soon, hopefully .
Lev said:
I dont like to get involved with this, but it can only be a case of miscommunication.. Probably down to the fact that it wasn't face to face.

On-topic: Doing too much mdpv within in a short space gets fucking paranoid and dark, Friday just gone is not a mistake I will make again

How much in how shorter time out of interest?
well, i hear consuming over 1000mg of this drug in a night may be cause for some rather aberrant behavior and thought patterns. i feel it is my solemn duty to warn the would have been woulda bes to not ever attempt such a blunder under, well, any circumstances. or so i hear.
^ You are certainly correct in your opinion. Silliness is one thing flat out craziness quite another.
It's hard to even imagine a full gram consumed over the course of one night... seems to me that could exceed the LD50 of the substance (?).

It would depend on bioavailability too, e.g. IV'ing 1000mg in one night strikes me as unlikely no matter what the tolerance involved. Who knows though, I've heard some strange things in connection with MDPV use (thankfully, never actually witnessed anything more than a few mood swings).
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I learned the meaning of a new word to me last night.....Sketchy! I only ever first heard this word used as a joke on some stickers at a rave thing I was at on Friday. (the sticker stated "I am a proper sketchy munter") The next day after dosing on mdvp 3 times in 6 hours. with at a guess.....10-15mg lines, (maybe a little more), Feeling a little not right then looking to bluelight for answers, I learned the definition of Sketchy first hand. Although I was not really in a humourous mood I still saw the funny side despite my sketchyness and panicy state. I thought I would have learned my lesson after my Desoxy Pipradrol episode where I suppose the feeling I had for a full week could be descriped Sketchy. As well as paranoid, uncomforable, panicy. (I knew there was another horrible thing I was feeling apart from being, Paranoid, Uncomforable, & Panicy. Sketchy!!
I apologize, sorry about last week...

No downers around at all, high-dose MDPV admin? Ouch...

I wouldn't even use it at all anymore without a full "supporting cast of characters" (which has granted, shrunk quite a bit from the original). Highly recommended, dontcha know...

P.S. I don't mean to sound condescending, lord knows I've done that enough already & made a serious arse out of myself last week. If you were involved in that (or for anyone who was) please accept my apology, I was really being a dickhead and I hope I don't do that again. Side effect of researching MDPV, but that's no excuse.
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gabbachris said:
I learned the meaning of a new word to me last night.....Sketchy! I only ever first heard this word used as a joke on some stickers at a rave thing I was at on Friday. (the sticker stated "I am a proper sketchy munter") The next day after dosing on mdvp 3 times in 6 hours. with at a guess.....10-15mg lines, (maybe a little more), Feeling a little not right then looking to bluelight for answers, I learned the definition of Sketchy first hand. Although I was not really in a humourous mood I still saw the funny side despite my sketchyness and panicy state. I thought I would have learned my lesson after my Desoxy Pipradrol episode where I suppose the feeling I had for a full week could be descriped Sketchy. As well as paranoid, uncomforable, panicy. (I knew there was another horrible thing I was feeling apart from being, Paranoid, Uncomforable, & Panicy. Sketchy!!

Hate to say it, but I did say so! - Too much of a good thing is a bad thing...
I thought I would have learned my lesson after my Desoxy Pipradrol episode where I suppose the feeling I had for a full week could be descriped Sketchy. As well as paranoid, uncomforable, panicy. (I knew there was another horrible thing I was feeling apart from being, Paranoid, Uncomforable, & Panicy. Sketchy!!

Potential wiki entry that one !
Don't knock the sketch, guys... helps keep you sane, believe me.

Vagrant ...............please ////please ~
Ah ha ~
believe me.
Oooh I dunno , I mean , well I'd like to..................Hoi ! J/K !!

<insert appropriate smileys in sufficient quantities to make everything sweet 'n' all that >

You believed me!


^^ My Lab
Monkey (recent pic)
fastandbulbous said:
Hate to say it, but I did say so! - Too much of a good thing is a bad thing...
Picked up my share of lessons along the way, but the above I just keep missing (shrug). Guess I'm not alone there at least.
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Strangely, I doubt I'll be able to get hold of this stuff until it's made illegal.
Lev said:
I reckon so, my prediction is for more than a year.
MDPV is still randomly available here and there, but probably not enough to keep the thread alive. It's very close to becoming unobtanium. Why, I'm not entirely sure... IMO it's no more risky or illegal than the average RC, and should be a decent income for a seller willing to stock it (due to the compulsive nature of the stuff).

I wonder if the compulsiveness is what's scaring sellers away... if so, I think it shouldn't be, but that's just my opinion. This is getting into an area we're not supposed to discuss, so I'll shut up here.
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KFrid said:
Nothing new on the MDPV-front? :(
I, too may have some coming in, but if so it might be the last MDPV I ever see. I won't deal with this particular seller again - they took WAY too long to ship, and I lost trust. Not even holding my breath to receive it, although they never outright ripped me off before.

Since I don't know anyone else who has it, this may be "it" for quite a long time, maybe forever. Oh well... time to get interested in something else.
I smoked about 5mg in a weed pipe with a bit of weed about 2 months ago and I swear i have had a horrible weeze since... it's fucking with my sleep.