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MDPV Megathread 10: Stuffandnonsensemonger

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What's a twat?


There are other types of twat. Generally less interesting to look at.

U like em hairy, eh knock? ;)

I don't mind a bit of pubic hair :D They come like that out of the box. As nature intended.

I chose that picture (not the Cameron one) specifically because in my mind a twat should be a bit hairy and probably a bit moist. Something about onomatopoeia, I think. Some might disagree, but I would call a hairless twat a snatch or a quim.
I chose that picture (not the Cameron one) specifically because in my mind a twat should be a bit hairy and probably a bit moist. Something about onomatopoeia, I think. Some might disagree, but I would call a hairless twat a snatch or a quim.

Now there's a glimpse into the mindworkings of a Knock :D

Now you come to mention it though...
is it just me or does snatch remind anyone else of a kind of animal trap?

like "once i ran through some woods at night, fell, landed in snatch and had to be hospitalized for a couple of days..." kind of...
like "once i wandered through a forest at night, fell, landed in snatch and had to be hospitalized for a couple of days..." kind of...

Fix'd for personal, childish sniggerworthiness.
just read that china are banning the making mdpv any one else heard this ?

Well I just "panic ordered" 500mg (cos I'm not allowing myself to get more than a gramme at a time now and am hoping I'll still get the chance to get the full gramme at some point in the future - without the panic buying bit) and it said nothing about it being expected to be going bye-bye at the place I ordered from. Not that that means anything really if it's a very recent announcement. It's hardly a thing one can stock up on - doesn't really lend itself to that :D - so am just hoping that alternate manufacturers are out there. I've never had to experiment with (or perhaps sink to) a-pvp or any of the other half dozen or so analogues I've seen knocking about and I'd rather not. Better the devil you know and all that. And if any drug deserves the 'devil' tag... but at least I know where I stand with peev. Not that I'm intending to go back to the kinda usage I used to usage but prohibition is prohibition and I just don't like it on principle. It really doesn't ever make things any better or safer for anybody much :\

You is not the only one who panic ordered 500mg .

I have a brilliant system for this drug & it's all about the envelope & not opening it .

Oh yeah & a huge amount of self control which after 1/4 century of drug abuse is much more prevalent than ever b4 . But still one must be aware of getting cocky with any drug as toxic as this .
not shit stirring, but thats fascinating that you also see the stuff as toxic, yet shambles thinks its physically benign. I share your opinion, i think i turned yellow last time i took it, possibly cos i couldnt eat or drink anything whilst on it. The stuff does me no good at all, just makes me hunt for new porn for hours and hours.
shambles thinks its physically benign.

No, Shambles simply points out what has traditionally been believed about the potential toxicity of this drug. He doesn't know one way or t'other and remains open-minded on the subject. As he said up there somewhere: all the discussions and (presumably informed) speculations from the chemistry bods focussed on the "extraordinarily non-toxic" nature of the stuff. That's not the same as saying it actually is safe.

As for being physically benign, I never said that either (and will now switch to the first person before the men wiv big nets come for me). Yellow is the standard skintone for anybody on a bit of a peev run, ankles swell up, walking becomes difficult, vasoconstriction (reddish-bluish-purplish knees usually in my case)... I (and many other regular/heavy users) have mentioned all of these physical symptoms and more. All I've said beyond that is that all those symptoms disappear once you stop taking the stuff and have gotten some rest and nourishment.

I am extremely fond of the stuff but am not a complete moron nor am I blind with my fingers in my ears saying "Na-na-na-na I can't hear you!" whenever people (including myself) point out physical issues. Am just saying that all these things appear to be acute effects and it's very likely that a large contributor to them is not just the chemical itself but also the staying up for days on end, the sitting in the same position for hours (if not days) on end, the not eating for days on end, the not drinking for days on end. I'd love to know exactly what is directly caused by MDPV itself (knowledge/power and all that) but at the moment all we actually have is speculation (both informed and otherwise) and conjecture.
im not saying your a complete moron for one 2nd, i just didnt quite understand where you were coming from. I think i do now though, that post has clarified everything. I agree its hard to tell what symptoms are kind of secondary effects from PV, the lack of food, sleep, and hydration, and not moving for hours could lead to circulation problems.
walking becomes difficult,

When you falling around because you try to walk, knockin ya head in everything, can't feel a thing, just laughing at it makin a line on floor, you know it time to stop. But I didnt ofc, bag no empty =D
^ Personally I feel much worse physically after boshing a couple grammes of meph (FWIW, I've only ever had "pre-ban meph") over a night than I do until at least several days into a peev run. For me meph feels significantly harder on the body and the comedown is a lot more vicious. Others may feel differently.

im not saying your a complete moron for one 2nd

You didn't, no, but I often do so was maybe just trying to reassure myself :D

As it happens, I have noticed some batches are significantly worse than others when it comes to the physical issues so I'm fairly sure that there is a direct causal link of some kind with the vasoconstriction and swollen ankles in particular. Which would make sense given it's a strong stimulant. The swollen ankles thing I've always put down to sitting in the same position for so long but some of the folk here seem to be more active than I tend to be when on a run so am now wondering if it's more than just a postural thing and is more directly related to circulation issues (again, vasoconstriction/strong stimulant = makes sense).

I don't think anybody is saying that the stuff is healthy as a lifestyle choice or owt - taking any strong stimulant regularly or heavily cannot be good for a person. That's not the same as being toxic though. The reason it's thought to be unusually safe for such a potent stim is cos people have (either deliberately (if stupid) or (more likely) accidentally) taken enormous doses - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than enough to get an elephant tweaking its lil trunk off (maybe not quite but you get the point) - and have been physically fine once they've come down. If you tried doing that with more of less any other stim I can think of you'd be dead most likely. Which suggests that it's really not acutely toxic as such - long term health problems are a complete unknown, of course. We really do only have speculation and user experience to go on. I've not really seen much in the way of reports of ongoing physical (or indeed mental come to think of it) problems that linger long after a person has stopped using but I may well just not have come across them. This thread and the fiends who dwell there are the guinea pigs for all this kinda stuff really.
Have any of you ever experienced entity contact (or the like) while PVing? I've had two experiences (I may have already shared one of them before):


One time I had just checked myself into a hotel room. I had already been up for three days or so. I get in my room, lock the door and prepare myself by turning the laptop on and loading a huge pile of pv into my lightbulb. I get a good porn video playing and proceed to take a massive hit.

Suddenly, something pats me on my right shoulder. Not exactly a soft pat, more of like a sudden slap. As if to say "Hey buddy!". I scream like a little school girl that was about to be murdered. Repeatedly. I'm surprised nobody came to check on me because I screamed so badly.

I turn around to find nobody there. I was alone and I made sure of it hours later once I got my whits about me. Holy hell was this the single most frightening moment of my life.


Usually towards the end of my runs I get way out there (duh). Sometimes it becomes harder and harder for me to take massive hits because I begin to experience a sense of terror or impending doom with each hit. On one run in particular, I had a sense that what I was experiencing was actually something from the shadow realm that was watching me after each hit. The bigger the hit, the more I could sense that something was watching me and getting ready to attack me.

I decided enough was enough and it was time to face my fears. I dumped a shit ton of pv on a piece of foil and took a massive hit (probably the biggest I've ever had). I briefly felt an intense euphoria that was suddenly replaced by intense fear. I looked at my bed and almost shit myself as a gigantic spider was crawling out from under my bed (like 6 foot in diameter big). The strange part about this was that I could only see the spider when looking at my bed through my bathroom mirror. When I looked directly at my bed I saw nothing, but I could sense its presence. I was terrified and the intensity of the massive hit I took was still rising fast. The spider was coming for me.

Suddenly I felt the come up come to a screeching halt. The spider crawled on top of my bed. A white ghost was laying next to the spider and was soothing/distracting it somehow. The ghost spoke to me and told me to put the foil down. He also told me that I "owe him one". I guess he saved my life?

Anyways, I was actually fairly calm considering the size of the hit. I danced around the room a bit because it felt like I was under water. Then I took a shower. Don't remember much until I finally fell asleep 12 hours later.
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Yowzers! That's quite a tale, Psych! 8o

I'll slightly sidestep the question and say that no, I've not really experienced anything quite like that. Not on MDPV anyway. But I can totally see it - peev headfukkery is more real than reality at times. More real but infinitely freakier. I have a sneaky that actual reality is probably not a million miles away from such freakiness if only we got to see it all.

Perhaps I'm fortunate in that when I take really big hits I tend to fall asleep (or pass out, maybe). At least I do a few days into a run. Never had the balls (or frankly the inclination) to do properly big hits early in a run. Too many physical issues initially if nothing else (at least for me).
Damn, dude! That's a potent one.

Have any of you ever experienced entity contact (or the like) while PVing? I've had two experiences (I may have already shared one of them before):


One time I had just checked myself into a hotel room. I had already been up for three days or so. I get in my room, lock the door and prepare myself by turning the laptop on and loading a huge pile of pv into my lightbulb. I get a good porn video playing and proceed to take a massive hit.

Suddenly, something pats me on my right shoulder. Not exactly a soft pat, more of like a sudden slap. As if to say "Hey buddy!". I scream like a little school girl that was about to be murdered. Repeatedly. I'm surprised nobody came to check on me because I screamed so badly.

I turn around to find nobody there. I was alone and I made sure of it hours later once I got my whits about me. Holy hell was this the single most frightening moment of my life.


Usually towards the end of my runs I get way out there (duh). Sometimes it becomes harder and harder for me to take massive hits because I begin to experience a sense of terror or impending doom with each hit. On one run in particular, I had a sense that what I was experiencing was actually something from the shadow realm that was watching me after each hit. The bigger the hit, the more I could sense that something was watching me and getting ready to attack me.

I decided enough was enough and it was time to face my fears. I dumped a shit ton of pv on a piece of foil and took a massive hit (probably the biggest I've ever had). I briefly felt an intense euphoria that was suddenly replaced by intense fear. I looked at my bed and almost shit myself as a gigantic spider was crawling out from under my bed (like 6 foot in diameter big). The strange part about this was that I could only see the spider when looking at my bed through my bathroom mirror. When I looked directly at my bed I saw nothing, but I could sense its presence. I was terrified and the intensity of the massive hit I took was still rising fast. The spider was coming for me.

Suddenly I felt the come up come to a screeching halt. The spider crawled on top of my bed. A white ghost was laying next to the spider and was soothing/distracting it somehow. The ghost spoke to me and told me to put the foil down. He also told me that I "owe him one". I guess he saved my life?

Anyways, I was actually fairly calm considering the size of the hit. I danced around the room a bit because it felt like I was under water. Then I took a shower. Don't remember much until I finally fell asleep 12 hours later.
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