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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 7) [ALL LTC posts go here]

Hi everybody
Here it is my story
Excuse my english this not my native language
Im in my ltc 19 month now im still struggling with some symptoms that still persisting under medication ssri + 2 antipsychotics
The symptomes are
Muscle twitching
A minor brainfog
Legs vibrating
Some advice please
Im no doctor so by all means take my word with a grain of salt.
if its still persisting after 19 months i would try stopping all medication, MDMA might not be the culprit at this point.
yes, the medicine delays and interferes with the brain's recovery and homeostasis, meditation, turmeric, garlic and it will be fine
Yeah, as I've been saying since the begining, anxiety is a follow-up symptom from something physical.

However, seems a lot of people getting better, some sooner other later. But everyone is improving!

My memory is a little off again, but I know It will come back again.

Just worried I haven't done some other harm to my body from so much stress over the ltc. Like I have this heart area pain I've developed after 1.5 year mark in the LTC, went to cardiologists, but haven't found anything.
great, I said it would be good, most of it is our psyche, maybe some minor damage and disorders in the brain were why he needed time for regeneration but as you can see this regeneration is going on and it will be better and better, the brain knows what is good for it
yes, the medicine delays and interferes with the brain's recovery and homeostasis, meditation, turmeric, garlic and it will be fine
Raw garlic- I swear is a powerful potentiator of psychoactive substances. Unquestionably in my many years of experience. I noticed it very strongly with ketamine years ago.

Every time I ate raw garlic with dinner, then took ketamine that day or soon after, it would absolutely floor me way more than normal. My tolerance was reduced by half probably.

I have been eating raw garlic practically every single day for years and years now to manage my respiratory symptoms from allergies and multiple chronic infections it is almost essential that I eat raw garlic every day to stay on top of the symptoms and it has to be organic because non organic garlic just doesn't do anything.

And the only drug that I have been using over the years except for 5 occasions taking 1plsd this year, is cannabis. But I was certain many years ago as well that I was able to observe an unquestionable increase in the effects of cannabis whenever I ate will garlic although I am just so accustomed to it now I never give it any thought.

I have recently been diagnosed with gastritis and helicobacter pylori bacterial infection and I'm unable to take any real sufficient supplements or remedies to quickly deal with the infection including antibiotics which I would not want to take anyway.

So I have been taking raw garlic in a far greater quantity than normal crushing 3 or 4 cloves and swallowing twice a day on an empty stomach.

This is more garlic than I normally would be eating and I can promise you it has substantially increased the effects cannabis is having on me.

The effect is particularly pronounced shortly after taking the garlic.
Really way more stoned than usual.
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Raw garlic- I swear is a powerful potentiator of psychoactive substances. Unquestionably in my many years of experience. I noticed it very strongly with ketamine years ago.

Every time I ate raw garlic with dinner, then took ketamine that day or soon after, it would absolutely floor me way more than normal. My tolerance was reduced by half probably.

I have been eating raw garlic practically every single day for years and years now to manage my respiratory symptoms from allergies and multiple chronic infections it is almost essential that I eat raw garlic every day to stay on top of the symptoms and it has to be organic because non organic garlic just doesn't do anything.

And the only drug that I have been using over the years except for 5 occasions taking 1plsd this year, is cannabis. But I was certain many years ago as well that I was able to observe an unquestionable increase in the effects of cannabis whenever I ate will garlic although I am just so accustomed to it now I never give it any thought.

I have recently been diagnosed with gastritis and helicobacter pylori bacterial infection and I'm unable to take any real sufficient supplements or remedies to quickly deal with the infection including antibiotics which I would not want to take anyway.

So I have been taking raw garlic in a far greater quantity than normal crushing 3 or 4 cloves and swallowing twice a day on an empty stomach.

This is more garlic than I normally would be eating and I can promise you it has substantially increased the effects cannabis is having on me.

The effect is particularly pronounced shortly after taking the garlic.
Really way more stoned than usual.
garlic contains substances that "regenerate" the brain, rejuvenate it, I think that it strongly supports neurogenesis in general garlic is one of the strongest drugs on earth, I will not mention the anti-cancer properties, but you remember how you said it, you once flew with drugs and did a lot of it
garlic contains substances that "regenerate" the brain, rejuvenate it, I think that it strongly supports neurogenesis in general garlic is one of the strongest drugs on earth, I will not mention the anti-cancer properties, but you remember how you said it, you once flew with drugs and did a lot of it
That's interesting because now I'm thinking how I have generally been a regular consumer of raw garlic ever since I was a teenager.

When I was taking the majority of the way and very heavily in the early 2000s, I was eating raw garlic regularly most of the time. 2003 to 2005 I was also using ketamine very frequently and almost always with MDMA and I took LSD whenever I came across it and had some money in my pocket I also grew some mushrooms for a period and would use them as well in combination with all other substances.

Not to mention cannabis 24/7 but never excessively heavy pretty moderate impact but sufficient.

The more I used to use psychedelics and MDMA the less I would use cannabis generally and vice versa, in terms of the amount and frequency and compulsiveness.

So I think we could make a case to suggest that despite me having done a total job on myself and completely deranging myself and altering my brain in many ways, I may have received much less harm, and lasting harm, as a result of all of these protective agents not least of all the raw garlic which going by what you are saying will have certainly been playing a role in supporting my brain recovery and health over the years, and immediately at the time, in a patch up style.

This ties perfectly with my general experiences of taking so much MDMA in all the wrong ways (I even used to go to the public sauna on comedowns, knowing nothing back then about the danger of high temperatures recording neurotoxicity), and really not feeling badly damaged at all off and recovering mentally quite quickly back to exactly where I was before the last time I took MDMA.

So maybe very little of the negative experience and feelings I have these days is actually related to my past MDMA use now?
Maybe my brain and neurotransmitters have recovered quite some way but it will always be impossible to appraise due to the way in which my lyme disease hit me like a train and has overridden everything else ever since.

Lyme disease allegedly destroys serotonin receptors for some parts of the system I can't remember exactly. So what people experience mentally and in terms of anxiety and emotional health with lyme disease is probably very similar to severe cases of LTC.

I can absolutely confirm though that my currently higher than normal intake of raw garlic has significantly enhanced the effects I'm receiving from my cannabis consumption. I was amazed at how high I got yesterday and last night from Les herb than normal.

I always reasoned it must be at least partly related to garlic's blood thinning properties.
But I'm sure there is something else going on. Garlic is powerful stuff, it's like a drug and I know that air pilots are strictly not allowed to eat garlic because it slows down reaction time and apparently we register as braindead if we eat garlic and then have an electro gram or whatever it's called.

And then Hinduism and Buddhism etc caution against consuming garlic because of its hot nature then how it increases passion and anger and arrogance.

So no doubt garlic has powerful, direct effects on the brain, I think it has an antidepressant effect.

I personally only use garlic for respiratory system support and infection treatment and control. it's nice to think about that it also is supporting my brain health.
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Hello all,

I'm back with great news. 2 weeks symptom free. Don't lose hope. Practice mindfulness. Stop stressing out over this (this helped the most I'd say).

Exercise, eat healthy, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and don't worry about being "normal". One day you'll notice that all of your symptoms have gone away. Spend time with friends and loved ones, take part in activities that make you feel alive, and go out into the world. Don't lock yourself up in a room all day. Explore, interact with people, and just try to forgot about it as best you can. It WILL go away, you WILL be normal. If anything your perspective might change, but I see that as a blessing.

If you want to take supplements, I personally was and still take: Magnesium, NAC, Lions Mane, Fish Oil, and a mens Multi everyday. I will ween off of these since I don't think they're doing much, I eat veggies and organic foods so perhaps I'm getting all I need there. Stay away from sugar. I want to thank @G_Chem and @BlueBull for advice.

I think I was on the luckier side of things. It's been about 3 months since my abuse. The last symptoms to go were the head tensions and stomach pain which seemed to have disappeared, along with the feeling of hopelessness and impending doom (which are both heavy symptoms of anxiety)

Like I said, stop stressing out about this. Worrying about things never makes anything better. As Newt Scamander says, "My philosophy is if you worry, you suffer twice."
that's right, the psyche does the most here, why? because some people get symptoms after taking a single 130 mg and some do nothing even though they took 500 many times, I think the body was connected by some alarm system, although it is possible that some biochemical contamination has occurred but it all returns to normal
That's interesting because now I'm thinking how I have generally been a regular consumer of raw garlic ever since I was a teenager.

When I was taking the majority of the way and very heavily in the early 2000s, I was eating raw garlic regularly most of the time. 2003 to 2005 I was also using ketamine very frequently and almost always with MDMA and I took LSD whenever I came across it and had some money in my pocket I also grew some mushrooms for a period and would use them as well in combination with all other substances.

Not to mention cannabis 24/7 but never excessively heavy pretty moderate impact but sufficient.

The more I used to use psychedelics and MDMA the less I would use cannabis generally and vice versa, in terms of the amount and frequency and compulsiveness.

So I think we could make a case to suggest that despite me having done a total job on myself and completely deranging myself and altering my brain in many ways, I may have received much less harm, and lasting harm, as a result of all of these protective agents not least of all the raw garlic which going by what you are saying will have certainly been playing a role in supporting my brain recovery and health over the years, and immediately at the time, in a patch up style.

This ties perfectly with my general experiences of taking so much MDMA in all the wrong ways (I even used to go to the public sauna on comedowns, knowing nothing back then about the danger of high temperatures recording neurotoxicity), and really not feeling badly damaged at all off and recovering mentally quite quickly back to exactly where I was before the last time I took MDMA.

So maybe very little of the negative experience and feelings I have these days is actually related to my past MDMA use now?
Maybe my brain and neurotransmitters have recovered quite some way but it will always be impossible to appraise due to the way in which my lyme disease hit me like a train and has overridden everything else ever since.

Lyme disease allegedly destroys serotonin receptors for some parts of the system I can't remember exactly. So what people experience mentally and in terms of anxiety and emotional health with lyme disease is probably very similar to severe cases of LTC.

I can absolutely confirm though that my currently higher than normal intake of raw garlic has significantly enhanced the effects I'm receiving from my cannabis consumption. I was amazed at how high I got yesterday and last night from Les herb than normal.

I always reasoned it must be at least partly related to garlic's blood thinning properties.
But I'm sure there is something else going on. Garlic is powerful stuff, it's like a drug and I know that air pilots are strictly not allowed to eat garlic because it slows down reaction time and apparently we register as braindead if we eat garlic and then have an electro gram or whatever it's called.

And then Hinduism and Buddhism etc caution against consuming garlic because of its hot nature then how it increases passion and anger and arrogance.

So no doubt garlic has powerful, direct effects on the brain, I think it has an antidepressant effect.

I personally only use garlic for respiratory system support and infection treatment and control. it's nice to think about that it also is supporting my brain health.
and you had a tick, how many hours was stuck in your body over 24?
and you had a tick, how many hours was stuck in your body over 24?
I don't think so but can not say for sure. I just noticed it one afternoon, I visited the local hospital who removed it and thought no more about it.

That was 2004, my Lyme developed gradually, then suddenly in May 2005 with a Slam.

But I never actually discovered that I even had lyme disease until 2015.
I don't think so but can not say for sure. I just noticed it one afternoon, I visited the local hospital who removed it and thought no more about it.

That was 2004, my Lyme developed gradually, then suddenly in May 2005 with a Slam.

But I never actually discovered that I even had lyme disease until 2015.
understands, once in my life I had a tick, it wasn't fully stuck, it was maybe 30 minutes in me, taken out by my uncle's doctor myself, so I never considered bolerosis
that's right, the psyche does the most here, why? because some people get symptoms after taking a single 130 mg and some do nothing even though they took 500 many times, I think the body was connected by some alarm system, although it is possible that some biochemical contamination has occurred but it all returns to normal

The disparity in symptoms and dosage is likely due to differences in batches, impurities, etc. Which in no way I mean to say to excuse the psyche in all of this, the mind is a powerful thing. But still.

Also, to this suffering: get sunlight and block blue light after dark. Follow The Light Diet and Optimal Circadian Health on Instagram. Light is the most important aspect of health Dr Jack Kruse is now showing. More important than nutrition, exercise, etc.
Hello all,

I'm back with great news. 2 weeks symptom free. Don't lose hope. Practice mindfulness. Stop stressing out over this (this helped the most I'd say).

Exercise, eat healthy, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and don't worry about being "normal". One day you'll notice that all of your symptoms have gone away. Spend time with friends and loved ones, take part in activities that make you feel alive, and go out into the world. Don't lock yourself up in a room all day. Explore, interact with people, and just try to forgot about it as best you can. It WILL go away, you WILL be normal. If anything your perspective might change, but I see that as a blessing.

If you want to take supplements, I personally was and still take: Magnesium, NAC, Lions Mane, Fish Oil, and a mens Multi everyday. I will ween off of these since I don't think they're doing much, I eat veggies and organic foods so perhaps I'm getting all I need there. Stay away from sugar. I want to thank @G_Chem and @BlueBull for advice.

I think I was on the luckier side of things. It's been about 3 months since my abuse. The last symptoms to go were the head tensions and stomach pain which seemed to have disappeared, along with the feeling of hopelessness and impending doom (which are both heavy symptoms of anxiety)

Like I said, stop stressing out about this. Worrying about things never makes anything better. As Newt Scamander says, "My philosophy is if you worry, you suffer twice."

Thank you so much for returning to tell us man and sorry I didn’t get back before, I can space at times heh ;)

You hit on such important points. As hard as it is, just get out and live life. Sitting in dwelling on the computer for days, weeks, months on end is a horrible cycle I’m sure many LTC sufferers find themselves in.

Also the intense worry over being “normal,” who’s normal anyways? Lol. Every time I trip I change, every time I experience something I change, we’re ever evolving. People will always feel like something is wrong if they are constantly trying to fit themselves into whatever they believe is normal.

Thanks for coming back though seriously. Gives hope for others! Keep on living life man and a year from now you’ll be like “LTC what?” :)

Hey everyone,

First post here. I joined because I'm looking for support for what I'm going through.

I took 140mg (not even close to my highest dose) of untested new MDMA 2 weeks ago. I took ALCAR, ALA, and Vit C as usual... But since then i've been having headaches, difficulty concentrating, impaired memory, discomfort watching television or reading very small writing, and a general uncomfortable spacey kind of feeling in my mind. It comes and goes in intensity, but is generally constant.

I've rolled dozens of times before... but it had been 6 months or so. Never experienced anything like this after-woulds though. I'm struggling to perform work tasks.... especially communicating (a key component of my day job... even writing this is a challenge).

I'm in my 30's, generally good health, although overweight and my diet definitely could be better. Roll was good... all loved up... could have been stronger.... in fact no problems until i watched porn much later on... the headache was sudden and instant after woulds... and the following day my skull actually hurt to touch. I had also just recovered from a cold, and then caught another cold just after this happened. Its been a fucked fortnight.... generally wiped out.

My cold has gone, but the symptoms I've mentioned earlier have remained, and if I'm honest, I'm quite scared and anxious I've done some long term damage here.... LTC?

I have bothered to do some research before posting this.... but there are soooo many pages on these support threads, and concentration is an issue for me at the moment. That said, it seems my best options for recovery are;

- mindfulness practice
- exercise
- improved diet - high veg/good fats, low sugar/carb (essentially paleo)?
- supplements - vit c - turmeric - omega 3 oils - 5htp
- patience, positivity and hope?

Does that sound about right? Anything to add?

How fucked am I here on a scale of 1/10?

Any thoughts or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Ckraker, I would add sun exposure too in the list, but most importantly is to not obsess yourself over your situation. A lot of people here just made a slow and steady transaction to an anxiety disorder from their situation combined with obsession.

Important question. Was your last low mdma dose from the same stack you've been using before? If it was truly MDMA, then it's unlikely you've fucked yourself from a lower dose.
Thanks man. Im trying to keep anxiety under control. Its difficult...

Nar, this was new stuff. I was a little wreckless not testing. I was time poor, it had good reviews from friends and it looked and smelled the part....
Thanks man. Im trying to keep anxiety under control. Its difficult...

Nar, this was new stuff. I was a little wreckless not testing. I was time poor, it had good reviews from friends and it looked and smelled the part....
time time and time again, live healthily and try not to worry, it is very important in this because because the man will start thinking longer, he will fall into paranoia, just like me, I already got into myself the worst diseases of the world
Hey everyone,

First post here. I joined because I'm looking for support for what I'm going through.

I took 140mg (not even close to my highest dose) of untested new MDMA 2 weeks ago. I took ALCAR, ALA, and Vit C as usual... But since then i've been having headaches, difficulty concentrating, impaired memory, discomfort watching television or reading very small writing, and a general uncomfortable spacey kind of feeling in my mind. It comes and goes in intensity, but is generally constant.

I've rolled dozens of times before... but it had been 6 months or so. Never experienced anything like this after-woulds though. I'm struggling to perform work tasks.... especially communicating (a key component of my day job... even writing this is a challenge).

I'm in my 30's, generally good health, although overweight and my diet definitely could be better. Roll was good... all loved up... could have been stronger.... in fact no problems until i watched porn much later on... the headache was sudden and instant after woulds... and the following day my skull actually hurt to touch. I had also just recovered from a cold, and then caught another cold just after this happened. Its been a fucked fortnight.... generally wiped out.

My cold has gone, but the symptoms I've mentioned earlier have remained, and if I'm honest, I'm quite scared and anxious I've done some long term damage here.... LTC?

I have bothered to do some research before posting this.... but there are soooo many pages on these support threads, and concentration is an issue for me at the moment. That said, it seems my best options for recovery are;

- mindfulness practice
- exercise
- improved diet - high veg/good fats, low sugar/carb (essentially paleo)?
- supplements - vit c - turmeric - omega 3 oils - 5htp
- patience, positivity and hope?

Does that sound about right? Anything to add?

How fucked am I here on a scale of 1/10?

Any thoughts or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
I suggest doing as much exercise as possible, especially HIIT (High-intensity interval training). The easiest way of getting into HIIT is to do sprints. A fellow bluelighter here got out of a LTC a while ago and told that sprints have been pretty much the key. I, myself, have been doing high intensity workouts ATLEAST 4 times a week and it has worked wonders this far.

I also suggest taking medicinal shrooms, such as Lion's mane, Chaga, Cordyceps, Reishi to further quicken the recovery process (especially Lion's mane, it's amazing).