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Its different for everyone as far as finding good stuff goes. I don't like the attitude that good drugs are everywhere all the time, however. That just comes across as unrealistic. What is realistic is that there is a huge profit margin to be made by selling poor quality drugs but even if a dealer unknowingly buys poor quality drugs, they will need to make their money back.

Basically, don't think someone is dumb because they can't get good drugs. IME, it takes some time to establish reliable connections. I didn't just enter the drug using world knowing to get whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted on short notice.

Yeah, if drugs were legal, we'd all have the luxury of getting great quality drugs at any hour but it simply doesn't work that way.

At the same time, people out there who think they'll never come across good MDMA, keep your hopes up, good stuff is generally out there. A policy of mine has been if I'm not pleased with a connection, I move on asap. Even when I have it good, I keep my ears open cause part of the nature of the game is that it can and does change on a consistant basis for the most part and its always good to have multiple options.
^Great advice...i don't know how many times I've had a good connect that's supplying nothing but great shit, only to have them suddenly put some garbage out there. It's about money for them, which means even if they're testing shit, it doesn't matter becasue if there's nothing clean to sell, they still have to make their money. The most important thing is for buyers to test shit before they buy. The more of us do this, the more it will make it so that dealers can only sell good shit.
A common tactic with dealers of any substance is to sell great quality a first and then cut it more and more over time. This allows them to develop a good customer pool that will eventually end up buying crap. I see no reason why Molly would be any different which is why it's good to always test regardless of a dealers reputation.
And then there's test reagents... never gone bad yet with anything I tested that showed good results...
It is sad, but I have faith things will pick up again. It is getting bad though when my friends in Miami are saying there is more bunk than goods. The only city still kicking hard is Chicago...The mintman is doing his job properly...

Does the mint man leave extra mdma unpress to sell as molly? I haven't personally any molly at all this summer but then again I haven't bothered looking since I'm content with mints.
that stuff looks dirty and isnt 1 rating LOW? -

it took longer to find MDMA than it did good L - and that requires patience!
No the numbers for the american results are ratios... 1 means that is the only active chemical detected...

If for example something had a rating of mdma-1 caffiene-2, that means there's twice as much caffiene as mdma... but they can't post actual amounts for legal reasons apparently...

Mdma-1 is the best rating there is assuming you want mdma... or you can substitute any name before the one and that means that's all that's in it...
^ Nah, Chemically Insane is correct. Like if you look, some will have ratios like 1-mdma 2-meth 5-caffeine.

Plus molly can be cut as well so I think the same ratio system would apply to "molly."
There is a LOT of Methylone out there...I've not taken any as I don't have an interest at this point in time but from what I've seen firsthand/heard/read, it is possibly the most likely ingredient in "molly," in capsules with an active chemical with similarities to MDMA but that isn't MDMA.
Who ever said stick to smaller events (too lazy to scroll up lol) is absolutly correct. Some of the coolest people ive met and now have the pleasure of being friends with have been form smaller events. The large events attract too many bandwagoneers that are only there because its "cool" and the really have no idea whats going on.
georgewc2001 said:
^You test it? All the molly i've been testing has been mostly methylone, although lately I've been testing more pills than molly.
I do test it, and I've never run into a yellow result on a Marquis agent unless i KNEW it was a cath.

And yes, there is methylone out in the NYC streets sold as molly, but you can tell just by looking at it, bk is more grainy and doesn't look right from the beginning, not to mention the obvious cath test results. Either way since the supply of bk-mdma is waning due to the ban, it will all be gone soon. I feel like the people that were selling methylone as molly should just fuck themselves. Remember what happened to pills after the piperazines hit (in the nyc area, but nation-wide also)? Its not a good idea to substitute....ever (as far as selling as something else).
Hmmm...i'll have to start testing more molly again. And, yea, some of the molly i see is obviously garbage, but some is tough to tell apart from mdma. Far as these assholes selling fake molly, they can def go fuck themselves...scumbags.
Molly I see in Detroit

See some black goo.Sass for sure.Like lucylovesmolly said takes like half a gram to roll.roll pretty fuckin hard thou.Just not worth the Triple digit price.Found some real nice tan powder as well.Also have seen the glitter powder here ....shit tastes like garlic
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