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Material Items Youve Broken/Destroyed On Drugs


Nov 19, 2011
I thought this would be a fun topic, I haven't seen any other threads which discuss such matters so...

What MATERIAL items have you destroyed from being 'too high'?

I have a few different scenarios which come to mind.

I had this awesome Crooks and Castles hood a few years back when I was in the midst of a horrible benzodiazepine addiction. I had started my day with some xanax, probably around 4-6mg. Ended up taking about 10 of my friends lorazepams and going over to my chic friends house to party, or so I thought. Being very sociable, I ended up slamming down some vodka, and I asked about her so-called prescription to clonazepam. She ended up bringing out her so-called clonazepam pills. They were red?... Odd, I didn't think twice tho'. I busted 5 or 6 up and railed them away, hoping to get that minty feeling. Instead I wake up the next day covered in my vomit. From head to toe, wondering what the fuck happened. My hood was ruined, and I was so frustrated. I look at the pill bottle sitting on the table, it read... CLONIDINE. WTF! Needless to say, I probably would have passed out either way, at least then I could have hit the bathroom to vomit. -Sigh. Moral of that story is lucky I didn't asphyxiate or aspirate in my sleep.

Other story, My 98' Sentra...
This was my favorite car I have ever owned, small, stylish. And damn, those 10's looked good.. haha! I had just gotten off work and my buddy told me that he had just gotten some new MDMA in. He came over to my house, about 11 O'clock. Instead of trying the new stuff, I finished off the last of a two gram parcel. My buddy thought that the specific parcel he brought only had about 200mg left in it. To my surprise... it didn't. I just poured the parcel into my mouth blindly, we were sitting in my car outside my house listening to music, and about ten minutes later I started coming up and grinning. I then proceeded to sweat profusely, and I felt... too good? I asked my friend "How much fucking MDMA did I just take?" He looks at the parcel and goes, "Oh wow, I brought the wrong parcel, oops... I think this one had about half a gram left in it." I about shit bricks, and within 30 minutes I was beyond raging. I could barely see, and I started making out with my arm, haha! It was crazy because I knew I wasn't going to die, but I knew tomorrow was going to suck! We drove back to his place and he weighed out some normal caps, and gave them to me for the mistake. Then when we got back to my place, we sat back in my car and chatted up a storm whilst I grinded my teeth insanely and sweated like a fat chick at a rave. I asked him if it was normal to feel like I was going to get sick on that high of a dose, and he didn't know. Low and behold, I started tossing chunks, everywhere. On him, in my console, on my steering wheel, on my dash.. I didn't know what to do, so I just 'rolled' with it. And laughed. I ended up going in a few hours later covered in vomit, and crashing, hard. I wake up the next day with a few caps of MDMA in my pocket, feeling like a grey turd. My vision was fucked beyond any recognition, I could barely tell colors apart. I go to my car to find it covered in vomit... literally. Layers of silky looking vomit particles everywhere. Even in my damn backseat. I cleaned it up, but it was never the same. Haha, you live and learn tho'.

Lets hear some others stories!

Edit: I am a dumbass, and mispelled 'KNOW'... OH NOES!
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I'm hjigh/drunk at the moment so excuse me if I sound wrong. Like its not worded right. I was super stoned and fell on my sisters rockband drums luckily they didn't break...almost did. I broke my ray bans before by stepping on the urmmm what's the thing that holds them ony your head? But I super glued it and wore them but they couldn't close shut anymore. I ripped many close by stupid means when high... I was also skateboardxng once and I fell off the board and then tried to get it but someone ran over it, snaaaap. I ruined more but can't remember at the moment.
I am not exactly sure if this counts as a "material" thing, because it's a part of my body that got ruined, but here goes:

I ruined my right ankle while drunk, at age 15. Me and a 'friend' were hopping a fence to get to a secluded spot to drink some beers we stole from the fridge. My friend was pretty stupid and for god knows what reason, she pushes me over the fence! I lose my grip and fall completely on my right ankle with all of my body weight. I hear a "pop" & feel nauseous with pain. My army surplus cargo shorts apparently also got caught in the fence on my way down because there was this huge rip below my right upper thigh/leg in the back that I didn't even notice until the next morning!

So, basically, I'm limping (I think I sprained my ankle, because it became incredibly swollen and it's never been the same since) and my ass is hanging out of my shorts and we're trying to walk back to her house (in the dark, at like midnight) after consuming some disgusting cans of Budweiser. Our parents were still up on the deck in front of the house, drinking and oblivious to me and my friend. I tell my friend's mom and my mom that I slipped and fell on my ankle and it's swollen and I can hardly move it. So my friend's mom puts an Ace Bandage on it, which didn't really do much. Luckily I drank enough to pass out (2 beers, haha, being 15)... and woke up, remembered what happened and got really mad that my friend's mom & my mom didn't do more for my ankle because they were drunk, but I was also drunk so... Oh well.

tl;dr - I ruined my ankle drunk :(
Aww, that sucks about your ankle Rabid, lol. I'm sure an ambulance would have been too much money for the injury at hand, but that does suck they didn't/wouldn't give you more beer to just mellow out on.

stayfaded, that sucks about the ray bans. Even when you fix 'em... you know they are cashed.
Changing title to: Material Items Youve Broken/Destroyed On Drugs. It gives a clearer idea what the thread is about.

Ive kicked a hole in my door from raging on Heroin 8)
Ha Seyer. Thank you for the title change. I felt so... dumb after putting 'Know'... Eek. That is funny tho', I never had the motivation to do anything when I was strung out on opiates. I think I kicked a hole in my wall once because one of my ex-girlfriends and I got into a silly fight.

Must have been either really good or really bad gear. ;)
Oh this is interesting, and I'm sure that I have a couple of fun stories. I'll have to think about it some more, but a couple of things already come to mind...
I've broken plenty of glass bottles while drunk. Besides alcohol, nothing really makes me feel destructive enough to break things.
I get so violent while taking methyl prednisolone once that I threw my desktop computer through the office door 5 times
I'm actually lucky in this department. I've thrown up on a hoodie but it was only on the back. Everything washed off fine.

I think once I walked into a swimming pool with my cell phone in my swim trunks pocket after getting really high. The phone ended up being okay. I know I've broken a cigarette here or there when really drunk but I don't smoke cigarettes anymore.

Damn...I can't really recall anything serious.

A really close call though-nearly drove my 2010 civic-then brand new, literally got it new and a month after I'd gotten it nearly drove into a bunch of trees while tripping on LSD and hitting roads. It looked like there were a thousand roads around me and so I swerved left.
I broke a nice pair of earbuds by stepping on them at a wedding the other weekend while really drunk. I have no idea why I even brought them with me, I should have left them in the car. :(
Nice topic. Well, in the midst of a triazolam/alprazolam blackout, I sold my MacBook for some cocaine, which I then lost. I only know about any of this because I woke up with no computer, some phone calls to my dealer, and a spoon with some coke residue left in my table.

I also managed to drop my cellphone into a toilet while fixing a shot of dope. That sounds kind of hard to do, but I managed.
I broke my turntable while on acid. I kept pushing the needle down to the record for some reason until it broke the record and the turntable.
Punched 3 holes through my door when I was on amphetamines (raging, obviously). Very out of character for me and quite frankly didn't think I was capable if doing that. That same night I also threw a brand new phone of mine across my living room at the wall causing it to break it numerous tiny shards.

I stick to opiates and benzos now. They don't make me violent.
after drinking wayyyyyyy too much thompson's whiskey and smoking wayyyyy too much pot.
they just kept packing the bowls and passing it around
I pulled up a hit, took out the bowl, instantly felt the puke coming, spewed all over his couch/bong, dropped the damn bong and broke the ash catcher, inline perc, and bowl.
good thing his couch was leather. cleaned up nice.
sucked having to buy him new parts for his bong though.

back when I was drinking a handle (1.75L) of vodka a day with a raging heroin habit as well (0.5-1g a day), my girl and I drove out to get a $40 sack at like 4am because we were broke as fuck and not getting any more loot for 3-4 days. we get the sack and the next thing I remember is waking up sick, searching my apartment head to toe for the sack, calling my dealer for a gram front, getting in my car to head out, and realizing both of the tires on the right side of my car are popped. all 3 dealers said they couldn't deliver, searched every inch of the car and couldn't find the sack. 4 days later and I'm in rehab

got drunk as fuck one night and wake up the next morning to see my $600 samsung tv toppled over (thank god it was ok, later pawned it for $75 to pay off a heroin front) and my 2 500gb hard drives on the floor with a red light on the front (which means they are completely broken)

I think I have learned my lesson
Ive never experience Amp rage, so I cant tell you from personal experience. Meth/Amps always made me super chill, calm, and friendly. Any little thing can set off Opiate rage though. Its different for everyone, but most people will agree it can get wild haha.
Any little thing can set off Opiate rage though. Its different for everyone, but most people will agree it can get wild haha.

Yeah opiate rage is a bitch!

Luckily I haven't broke anything yet.
Although my friend broke my brand new pyrex bubbler from Amsterdam my dropping it sideways. It was the second time I was smoking with it. A little bit of tape fixed it though.