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Make your own HTP...


Oct 19, 2002
After a night out noy long ago my g/f and i had a brochure on a type of HTP which can be purchased(dont remember the name) and the main ingredients in it were two types of amino acids.. TRYPTOPHAN and TYROSINE. Lookink them up in a medical book we found them to be important in the production of Serotonin and helps to relieve symptoms such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression(acting as an anti-depressent).

If taking as a supplement(purchased from health food shop) there are a few things to watch out for...take them with juice or water between meals..and NOT with proteins. also do not Tyrosine if you suffer from migraines or are taking MAOI anti-depressents.

We take these after the big night, and also take some vitamin B6, which helps you sleep. There are many more benefits, all which can be found in a medical journal or in the book info at the bottom. As well these amino's can be found in some natural substances such as: milk, meat, cottage cheese, turkey and bananas.

So just remember when your forking out your cash for your HTP there are ways around the pocket drain. And you also get to find out what the chemicals your putting in your body are actually doing and why. Hope this can help some people out. cheers. party safe.

*The illustrated encyclopedia of Healing Remedies.
C.Norman Shealy. M.D., Ph.D.

p.s. there are heaps more helpful tips and hints in there for everything that goes on in your body..
there is no such thing as a "type" of HTP...
5-HTP is 5-hydroxytryptophan.

Your body can indeed make 5-HTP out of tryptophan, but tyrosine has nothing to do with that whatsoever.

Here are the metabolic processes that occur in your body:

tryptophan --> 5-HTP --> serotonin
tyrosine --> DOPA --> dopamine --> noradrenaline.

You're right in that there's some studies which show a link between tryptophan and reduction of depressive symptoms, and you're right that you can "make" your own 5-HTP from tryptophan (well your body does it), but most people find that 5-HTP is much faster acting than tryptophan due to a much faster enzymatic process involved.
Yes but all the same, taking these aminos after a big night out will help you feel better and relieve some of the symptoms that come with this. Sorry if i got the 5-HTP wrong. Was just trying to give ppl a remedy to help themselves feel a bit better after a big. I just thought it was all about harm minulmisation. And if not everyone can get there hands and a certain product then they could just as easy pop down to a local health food shop, it might not be as faster working but it will work.
Taking tryptophan and tyrosine is generally a good move although there is some debate concerning the role of dopamine in MDMA induced neurotoxicity. With this argument also goes the reasoning that if you up your dopamine levels after MDMA, you may increase neurotoxicity. Tyrosine then, may be seen to be contraindicated immediately after MDMA - at the time when you may post load with tryptophan or 5-HTP and Vits.

So preload with both, but before loudly advocating that it's a definitely better health to post-load with tyrosine, first read up on some old posts here and elsewhere on the topic.

BTW I use tryptophan when I can for pre-post load. But more so than with 5-HTP, the usefulness of tryptophan is limited with higher doses of MDMA due to inhibition of the rate limiting enzyme which pops that OH group on the magic 5th position as VeloxideX pointed out;

From tryptophan --> 5-HTP

You should be aware of EMS and tryptophan / 5-HTP, and always inform anyone thinking of taking these amino acids regularly that tryptophan is considered to not be without risks of it's own. That's why the effective dosage of 500mg is prescription only in Australia - much to my annoyance :p
Any tryptophan products on the shelf in Australia will be under 100mg unless something has changed since I last looked.

An effective dosage is 1-2 grams of tryptophan, although you get around that from a glass or 2 of milk.

I'm repeating what's been said here before. Check out those old threads, including some on nutrition based sources of these amino acids, preparations which come ready packaged with supporting nutrients ;)
Doesn't milk have other amino acids that compete for the same transport molecule though>
Ever had a warm glass of milk before bed? I get the same drowsiness after 2 x 500mg tryptophan as I do from drinking milk or eating ice cream late at night. While there is certainly some competition for carrier transport during assimilation, I'm quite sure some tryptophan is absorbed.

1 liter of milk from memory contains ~8g of tryptophan.
fark pd u no alot.

so tryptophan can be bought over the counter at health food shops? what about pharmacys.

want 5-htp jus dont have a credit card
You may find some OTC preparations with tryptophan in, but this will be below 100mg, and generally 1 of several nutrients etc.

If you want plain old N*****'s O**, then you will require a script from your Dr for 60 x 500mg tablets. They're priced at around the same as alpha lipoic acid.
Most health shops I've come across sell 5-htp right over the counter, no credit card necessary.
Definately - I didnt even know about 5-HTP until I came across this cool board.. I went to the first health store from where I live and they had it...
i was lead to believe it is illegal to sell in australia, hence the credit card for legal importation.
i was lead to believe it is illegal to sell in australia, hence the credit card for legal importation.

In NZ its sweet and I guess its a good thing if we are behind in the world with drug culture as it usually takes another year or two before govt realise theres a problem (mainly if someone dies or too many people OD'ing) heh...
It's illegal to sell in Australia except for Queensland. It's cheaper to get from overseas than to order from either NZ or QLD stores (if they sell to you at all, as it's illegal to buy from a qld store online if you're not from queensland I think)

'person' is from NZ from what I have picked up.. *EDITED* person just stated they were from NZ.. :)
BTW I use tryptophan when I can for pre-post load. But more so than with 5-HTP, the usefulness of tryptophan is limited with higher doses of MDMA due to inhibition of the rate limiting enzyme

So p_d, are you saying that tryptophan is better to take than 5-htp? I am not sure what you mean by this, could you please exlain a little further, thanks.
It takes a lot more than a little bit too explain. Read up on both; paths of metabolism etc, and come back if you don't find your answers in the comments I've made elsewhere on this forum.
What? It's illegal in Australia? Why on Earth would they make 5-htp illegal?! Is this John Howard's doing?

I wouldn't bother attempting to make it... it's no substitute for moderation, and there's good probably pre/post loading stuff available at your local drug paraphanalia store, you know, the ones that sell pipes disguised as puzzles, bongs as vases, etc... I'm not sure at all about the legal status of herbal recovery pills in Aussie sorry, only NZ.
It's not that 5-HTP is illegal, its that its never been approved for sale.

Every pharmaceutical that exists cannot be marketed in Australia unless its an essential component of your diet or unless its been approved.

You cant restrict amino acids, vitamins, etc, but 5-HTP isn't a necessary part of your diet. Moreover the TGA reviewed it and saw no reason to allow it given that its not really used for anything except comedowns :p
Just because milk and turkey make you tierd and they contain tryptophan doesn't mean its the tryptophan that makes you tierd.