MA Heroin V We Overdraft Our Shit 2

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BH^No doubt.Unless it comes right off the finger I'd take a reliable stamp every time.From what I've read around here these 1/2's and g's can be hit or miss,even from the same guy.That's gotta be why we seein so many OD's lately and that just makes it harder for everyone else.Not the least being a po-po crackdown and the high amount of whatever bullshit cut they need to stretch it.Usually they use whatever they have ATM,prolly DPH or any powder from Rx caps that can be dangerous/deadly on their own.I don't get it when you can buy lactose,mannitol or even guinine(sp.,my cue does'nt work) online.These youg guys don't care and ,for the most part,lack the business skillz to create a loyal customer base.They just live for today.If they took the long view they'd have peeps like me lining up.
notice they ALWAYS say "routine traffic stop"...that's a load of bull or these are the luckiest staties around...wherever she copped must have been under surveillance or something
And it happens again....this place was down the street from the methadone clinic I used to go to...
Did you notice that the "heroin factory" was on mill st. I thought they would have called it a heroin mill. Another thing is they said 1000 bags with a street value of $15000. I never heard of 15$ bags unless the 7 grams of pure uncut dope that was found was worth $5000. The way I understand the article is the bags had that value.
Did you notice that the "heroin factory" was on mill st. I thought they would have called it a heroin mill. Another thing is they said 1000 bags with a street value of $15000. I never heard of 15$ bags unless the 7 grams of pure uncut dope that was found was worth $5000. The way I understand the article is the bags had that value.

I noticed that too. The irony...
Did you notice that the "heroin factory" was on mill st. I thought they would have called it a heroin mill. Another thing is they said 1000 bags with a street value of $15000. I never heard of 15$ bags unless the 7 grams of pure uncut dope that was found was worth $5000. The way I understand the article is the bags had that value.

That's what they go for in Vermont. It's a joke.
notice they ALWAYS say "routine traffic stop"...that's a load of bull or these are the luckiest staties around...wherever she copped must have been under surveillance or something
I'm thinking the same thing. They're definitely tapping phones without warrants or doing something shady to be busting this many peoe from "routine traffic stops" I hope some of these people get decent lawyers to get these cases tossed on lack of probable cause.
I'm thinking the same thing. They're definitely tapping phones without warrants or doing something shady to be busting this many peoe from "routine traffic stops" I hope some of these people get decent lawyers to get these cases tossed on lack of probable cause.

It goes something like this-- NSA>DEA>Staties>Local oinks>Dogcatcher>Mall Cop...and the world keeps spinnin round.
I remember years ago,even before roadblocks,the Providence popo used to line the main road to the "market" grabbin peeps with expired inspection stickers.What amazed me was how many people they were grabbing every F-in time.I mean they had em lined up! I remember thinkin what idiots come down to cop driving with expired stickers,liscence plates.Now I've driven like that too,for months some times,but never to cop.It was hard enough gettin in and out,why make it easier for the bad guys?Now they can read like a gazillion plates a second with those new-fangled doohickys.Where will it end?
It goes something like this-- NSA>DEA>Staties>Local oinks>Dogcatcher>Mall Cop...and the world keeps spinnin round.
It's true. They'll backtrack to create propable cause to pull over and search a vehicle. There have been cases like this and most of the time nobody finds out. Careful using phones people!
They're really tapping phones for customers? I wouldn't put it past em, but you think they wouldn't be wasting resources on someone with a small time dope habit? Maybe of this person was funding their habit through other illegal activities, but the guy spending a couple hundred a week working a normal job?

I suppose it's best to be careful anyhow.
^I'm not saying that E.Its just that Snowden made the NSA admit that they pass drug info on to the DEA(totally illegal) and if its too small for they pass it down the line and tell the locals to lie about the source of the info.They call it paralel construction,translation-make up a story.What do u think these Fusion Centers are all about.The lines have become so blurred that we effectively have one big national police force.Just the other day it was all over the news that the NSA can capture and save EVERY phone call made ANYWHERE for 30 days.Of course they could never follow up on even .01% of it and I certainly don't lose sleep over it.And we're so down the food chain that they can't be bothered,but I would'nt recommend tapping their daughters or ex-wives either. Remember,they don't really want to end drug abuse,just enough to feather their nest while putting their 20 years in.Think John Travolta playing the DEA guy in that movie I can't remember the name of where they kidnap the female drug dealer's college student daughter to trade for the girlfriend,it's still playing on HBO or whatever.BTW "25th Hour" is on Starz now ,watchin the Fuck You scene now,gotta go....Hey Mr. Scags,is that what it's really like in The City?
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I haven't actually seen that movie. I heard it was really good and I've been meaning to watch it. It was adapted from a David Benioff book, and I've read some of his other work, which I really liked. So I'm gonna give 25th hour a read and then watch the movie, then I'll let you know, hah.

You live in Boston right now MMT?
^Not Boston proper but I can see the skyline from the end of my street.You have got to see this movie.Its on again at 4:20 on STBZ.The scene in the bathroom of his fathers bar where Monty(Ed Norton) talks into the mirror is great.Oscar type shit IMHO and you might even recognize someone,haha.PSH is in it too as one of Monty's friends,big supporting part.Not to spoil it but the scene of Ground Zero out of Barry Pepper's(another Monty friend) apartment window sends chills up my spine and brings it all back,if for a moment.You will definitely dig this movie.
^Not Boston proper but I can see the skyline from the end of my street.

I've always loved places like that. The Boston skyline isn't anything spectacular, but growing up on the North Shore, I've found many places where you can catch a great view of the city. Those were always my favorite places to chill and smoke some bud during my heavy smoking teen years. Some spots were better/closer than others, but they all had their unique qualities which made them special to me. One of my favorites:

Even better at night. I'd like to explore the South Shore more.
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