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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] High Doses


Read that. The highest I've gone is 500-600ug and it was wonderfully; still Me, but also everything.

The feeling is like being on lot of LSD. Sorry, but thats it. What does a beam of translucent energy crisscrossing the multiverse and giving birth to spore colonies of galactic size all occurring in a fleck of dust at the farthest edge of your vison feel like? What does your body feel like when it can hear the sound of a painting that exists only in your mind even though your eyes are open and your still looking at that fleck of dust? Answer this my firnd and you'll know.

In short though the answer is 42.

Beta2-adrenergic receptor location & action: Lung, smooth muscle, cerebellum, skeletal muscle. In lung, agonists cause bronchiole dilation. Agonists can be useful in treating asthma. In smooth muscle, relaxes walls. Relaxes uterine muscle and promotes release of insulin.

It's interesting that LSD has such great affinity at many receptor sites, as opposed to just a select few (as is true with most simple PEAs and IEAs). Explains it's complex array of effects I guess, and why it's so deeply loved by so many people.
Another interesting article:


Other 5-HT receptors:


Edit: sorry to go slightly off-topic, I wish I had something to say Re: OP, but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to go high dose with LSD yet (save for one occasion, which doesn't count due to high tolerance at the time). And even if I did, I suspect I wouldn't be able to describe it much either. All my friends who have experienced this have failed to report anything meaningful besides "Woah!"
To the OP looking for personal experiences.

When i dropped a handful of tabs recently i went on what id define as a cosmic/spiritual adventure. It was as if my soul, light body, etc. call it what you will, the part of you thats aware of its divine connection to everything was teaching me a lesson. A spiritual experience if you will, i wont explain in depth considering the sheer mass it would take to successfully communicate the details.

Ego spereation was present, one of my favorite aspects. I was guided by my divine spark so to say and saw what i perceive as another dimension/mirror reality, i was privy to grasp the concept behind time and space itself. I also saw what i perceive as the essence of chaos somewhere deep in the cosmos, maybe i passed through a dimensional rift, idk.

Also, the whole thing was almost a schizophrenic out of body experience. Kinda like your moving around on this plane of existence(the one we acknowledge as reality, watching TV, smoking cigs, buds whateve, playing games etc. while your traveling around the infinitely expanding consciousness of the universe in your mind. Im uncertain if anyone else will understand the bulk of this but if you do, then thats good. Just trying to contribute a very enjoyable and mind expanding experience i had about oh i dont know, 6months ago? Hope this helps.
The biggest factor is probably how susceptible you are to placebo effects. Tim Leary found that when he told people they were getting 250 gamma and then gave them 1000 gamma none of them ever knew the difference.
^ Doesn't that suggest that everyone is highly susceptible to the placebo effect?
Thanks for all your replies guys! willow, recept, frosty your replies were most helpful.

Whats 250gamma and 1000gamma?
Recept said:
^ Doesn't that suggest that everyone is highly susceptible to the placebo effect?

Perhaps, or it suggests that after a certain dosage level your brains receptors are full and you can't trip any more intensely - unless someone has told you that you have taken a massive dose and your placebo effect ramps up the trip.
Well, there's certainly a "saturation point" for LSD, but I was under the impression it was well above 250 mics (if that's in fact what you mean by "gamma")? At least for me 250 mics is far from a massive dose. Good point overall though.

Edit: ahh, didn't think it through that well did I. What you're saying is if I'm on 250 mics, but I think I'm on 1000, I'll trip way harder. That's interesting indeed. Hasn't it been shown however, that the saturation point for LSD on 5-HT2a receptors is well above 1000 micrograms?
My friend has hits of acid in the 175-200ug range

I took 6 a week and half ago (so def above 1000 ug) and it was pretty great. It got a little weird (vision) in the begging once things kicked in but after the inital peak it was just downright enjoyable. Its not like you lose sense of reality or go crazy, you are just in an altered state.

Took 3 last Friday so about 600 and still a hell of a trip...%)

I want to take 20 at once just to see how it is...maybe 2000+ ug. Fatal doses are at 12000+ ug so its damn near impossible to overdoset. I do recommend that if you do take a high dose that you trip alone, its very enjoyable and can be intensely self-rewarding.
A high dose of LSD is also something that is hard to put it words, it must be experienced and felt. It is vastly different than a 'low dose'.

Your mind can go to places you cant even imagine and some people swear they end up seeing god.

Anyways a heavy trip is whatever you make it out to be.
sarcean said:
My friend has hits of acid in the 175-200ug range

i highly doubt that.
probably half of that.

standard hits are 100ug (in the US, higher over seas)and they only degrade from there.

The only sure way to know how much is on a hit is if you layed it yourself or are very close to the person that laid it.

Hits arent laid strong for safety reasons. There are many people who will drop 5, 10, 15 or even more hits. To keep these kids out of trouble the distributers choose to lay sheets at 100ug or less.
When your drug dealer tells you how strong the hits are he will exagerate a bit as a sales tactic.
Delsyd said:
i highly doubt that.
probably half of that.

standard hits are 100ug (in the US, higher over seas)and they only degrade from there.

The only sure way to know how much is on a hit is if you layed it yourself or are very close to the person that laid it.

Hits arent laid strong for safety reasons. There are many people who will drop 5, 10, 15 or even more hits. To keep these kids out of trouble the distributers choose to lay sheets at 100ug or less.
When your drug dealer tells you how strong the hits are he will exagerate a bit as a sales tactic.
Speaking from experience with the source I am talking about that they leave the chemist at ~200ug..sure given time and exposer it will weaken some but not too much if kept some what cool and dark.

These gels do contain north of 150 ug for sure, everyone that has taken them have said they were very strong. Six was definitely quite an interesting experience, I wonder what 10-15+ hits would be like.
ok believe what you will.
but believe me when i tell you that they dont leave the chemist as hits laid at 200ug.
Chemists have nothing to do with distribution or laying the sheets.

And consider yourself lucky to be in possession of such potent hits. im a little jealous, if in fact they are that strong.

As for high dose LSD. Its good, real good.
Iv found though that once you've been there a couple times its much easier to tap into the same mind space at lower doses.
sarcean said:
These gels do contain north of 150 ug for sure, everyone that has taken them have said they were very strong. Six was definitely quite an interesting experience, I wonder what 10-15+ hits would be like.
If they're truly 150+ mcg, taking more than 10 would obviously be a waste due to exceeding the saturation point.

I'm sorry but something doesn't sound quite right here - "quite an interesting experience" is not a very common description for doses well above 900 mics is it...
sarcean said:
Six was definitely quite an interesting experience, I wonder what 10-15+ hits would be like.
If those 6 hits were really 150mcg plus then 10-15 hits will be quite similar.
Except of course for the bragging rights. Those about double in value. =D

[edit] Recept beat me to it[/edit]
Ismene said:
Perhaps, or it suggests that after a certain dosage level your brains receptors are full and you can't trip any more intensely - unless someone has told you that you have taken a massive dose and your placebo effect ramps up the trip.

Busted!!!! The PLACEBO effect- why would you accept something as bizarre as that when you won't ecept alot of other postulations? How can someones impression of events actually change physical reality- how can 1000gamma (ug?) be taken and not noticed to be any different to 250? Because the human brain is capable of subtly altering the physical properties of the material universe in a way we cannot, but NEED to understand. If you can accept placebo (and truly think about what your accepting- in this case, people were somehow affecting their 5-HT receptors-howwwww????) then you have to accept that the mind can alter reality in other ways; such as causing animal migration etc. I think you've shown us the inherent flaws in rationalising everything.
willow11 said:
The PLACEBO effect- why would you accept something as bizarre as that
It's no longer bizarre if you downplay it to *just* the placebo effect. That's how it works. Nothing is explained but it's no longer a threat. :D
Back ontopic: a high dose of LSD is like nothing you, me or anybody else could ever imagine. Reading a zillion trip reports cannot change that.