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LSD Info Request: What's going around

I would have made a scan but my friend is scared the intense light might degrade the potency of them.

Good thinking. I wouldn't have thought the light would contain much UV, but I would hazard a guess that even visible light - if it were intense enough - would easily damage the molecule.
got some decent paper in melbourne - ghetto blasters - from memory. was told they were a few years old, but i ain't believe what cunts say these days. i would say new users shouldn't take a full.
spacemonkey69 said:
i was trying to get hold of some dilbert and friends in Brisbane, unfortunatly that fell through and i was offered homer simpsons instead. Has anyone had these tabs before, how would you rate them?

I would also like peoples opinions of these, a few people i know tried them on the weekend, and i will check back with a report once i get in touch with em :)
OMG!!!! In the NSW area about 1 month ago I had a tab with the head of Dilbert on it. The backround on one side of his head was green the on the other side of his head was blue. Was my second time taking acid... last time about a year and a half ago I me and a mate had a sugar cube each that were very weak. I am experienced with high dose mushrooms (wich I love) as well as many other things. I was thinkin I might need to buy a few to get me going at the required level I like but a friend warned me the tabs were strong so come back later in you need more.... I took only half and FUCK it was it strong!!! easy 10x stronger than the sugar!!! I was tripping for a good 10 hours!! even at 12hrs was still not fully baseline!!! Was thinking I'd be a wreak next few days but instead was unbelievabley "chilled" and felt so peacefull.

When the trip had reached it's max strength (and I was trippin hard) I was actually thankfull I'd used caution and not taken the whole thing because it was so strong that I don't think I would have gotten any more out of the trip being any stronger in these conditions! I then talked to the freind and was told they were double dipped... so 1 half=1 normal good trip dose!

I would only reccomend taking a 1/4 of a tab (or even less) from the batch of dilberts I tryed for someone who has never had acid before plus all the usuall psychotherapy recomendations of setting, setting, setting! Experienced users will I'm guessing will really enjoy a 1/2 or a full.
The homer's are pretty good, i had a couple over the weekend, and smoked some meth. I was rushing from the meth and I could see the rushes because of the acid. Everything was glowing slightly and pulsating in time with the body rushes. The sunrise and cloud formations on sunday morning were pretty cool too!
Originally posted by TheYellowDart
Of the two I've had a chance to closely examine, one is 7mmx7mm, the other is 7mmx6.5mm. The intact sheet I saw had a mostly red fractal pattern on a black background. They were obtained in Sydney. I would have made a scan but my friend is scared the intense light might degrade the potency of them.

So does anybody have any experience with these?

My friend consumed these recently as his first time trying LSD. He found that half of the larger tab taken during the day followed by the other half about 2 hours later produced a very mellow intoxication not unlike marijuana. After several hours of this he noticed slight visual distortions such as the patterns on the carpet "moving", a little later the actual carpet rippling and a TV and mug "melting" (not dripping, they just didn't hold their proportions correctly.. if that makes any sense?) as well as a small amount of nystagmus at the peak. After the first had worn off my friend took the second tab at a rave party and noticed no effects except for a rather dazed feeling which lasted several hours.

The first tab was found to be a little underwhelming compared to what he was led to expect but still quite enjoyable and the second after the first had worn off had little effect. Is it typical for a second dose taken after the first has worn off to do this?
Originally posted by Ekstasis-//7
I then talked to the freind and was told they were double dipped... so 1 half=1 normal good trip dose!

Heh. There is no such thing as double dipped.. and lets assume that there is and they were - how would your friend even know this?

No, no, no... there are no double dipped blotters. This is a sales pitch, and is often (note not always) a method of pushing a price up.
Shit yeah man, these are worth $x, they're double dipped too!'

Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless :) That's all that matters.
^^It's more of a 'soak' than a 'dip'. ;)

YellowDart: Sounds about right actually. Tolerance to LSD builds up and goes away quickly. For example, if you took a tab on one day, you would need more than one to get as far the next day. So to avoid disappointment, it would have been better for your friend to have taken the first tab whole and saved the second for another weekend.
hey all, new to this site, i`m on the nsw north coast i`ve been getting pink hearts latley. Been 2 batches out, strong and weak, i`ve had both and the weak ones really sucks but the strong ones now they were some fun indeed, anyone else tried the pink hearts??
Ekstasis-//7 said:
OMG!!!! In the NSW area about 1 month ago I had a tab with the head of Dilbert on it. The backround on one side of his head was green the on the other side of his head was blue. Was my second time taking acid... last time about a year and a half ago I me and a mate had a sugar cube each that were very weak. I am experienced with high dose mushrooms (wich I love) as well as many other things. I was thinkin I might need to buy a few to get me going at the required level I like but a friend warned me the tabs were strong so come back later in you need more.... I took only half and FUCK it was it strong!!! easy 10x stronger than the sugar!!! I was tripping for a good 10 hours!! even at 12hrs was still not fully baseline!!! Was thinking I'd be a wreak next few days but instead was unbelievabley "chilled" and felt so peacefull.

When the trip had reached it's max strength (and I was trippin hard) I was actually thankfull I'd used caution and not taken the whole thing because it was so strong that I don't think I would have gotten any more out of the trip being any stronger in these conditions! I then talked to the freind and was told they were double dipped... so 1 half=1 normal good trip dose!

I would only reccomend taking a 1/4 of a tab (or even less) from the batch of dilberts I tryed for someone who has never had acid before plus all the usuall psychotherapy recomendations of setting, setting, setting! Experienced users will I'm guessing will really enjoy a 1/2 or a full.

yer those dilberts were insane.
buckwa_inc are there any physical differences between the 2 batches you spoke of. Colour, size etc?

Have you ruled out any subjective differences due to set & setting?
buckwa_inc said:
hey all, new to this site, i`m on the nsw north coast i`ve been getting pink hearts latley. Been 2 batches out, strong and weak, i`ve had both and the weak ones really sucks but the strong ones now they were some fun indeed, anyone else tried the pink hearts??

I havent had them, but mates have and said that they werent real visual, but still werent too bad. Apparently theyre nothing compared to the dilberts.
Ekstasis-//7 said:
OMG!!!! In the NSW area about 1 month ago I had a tab with the head of Dilbert on it. The backround on one side of his head was green the on the other side of his head was blue. Was my second time taking acid... last time about a year and a half ago I me and a mate had a sugar cube each that were very weak. I am experienced with high dose mushrooms (wich I love) as well as many other things. I was thinkin I might need to buy a few to get me going at the required level I like but a friend warned me the tabs were strong so come back later in you need more.... I took only half and FUCK it was it strong!!! easy 10x stronger than the sugar!!! I was tripping for a good 10 hours!! even at 12hrs was still not fully baseline!!! Was thinking I'd be a wreak next few days but instead was unbelievabley "chilled" and felt so peacefull.

When the trip had reached it's max strength (and I was trippin hard) I was actually thankfull I'd used caution and not taken the whole thing because it was so strong that I don't think I would have gotten any more out of the trip being any stronger in these conditions! I then talked to the freind and was told they were double dipped... so 1 half=1 normal good trip dose!

I would only reccomend taking a 1/4 of a tab (or even less) from the batch of dilberts I tryed for someone who has never had acid before plus all the usuall psychotherapy recomendations of setting, setting, setting! Experienced users will I'm guessing will really enjoy a 1/2 or a full.

YES! the original dilberts were freakin MENTAL! the night i had mine it was last novmeber! i had 1 superman acid tab then went lookin for something stronger and managed to get 1 of the original dilberts had half becoz after seeing everyone just go retarded off these just had the half ... and wholey fuck that did it :D i was blizted for yonkers... i reccomnd dont drive home after eating one of these! lol... even after uve stopp'd tripping well i was still tripping when i got home... altho i woulda loved to have eaten a whole one! it woulda been gr8! the dilberts and friends r very nice tho! noot as head fucky as the originals i think the dilbertd & friends were more enjoyable...but i had loads and loads of fun on the original! lol ... i also heard that the Fractals/Stars r quite intense aswell !
Got a few reports back on those homers, friend had one....by himself (basically he took it and then went home and the people he was gonna trip with were asleep!), so i dunno how that would affect it, but he said they were pretty good. Another friend had one and said they were good....but not mindblowing - but he is a fairly experienced tripper and he said it might have just been him as the people he was with had an awesome time!
the only difference between the hearts was the taste, you could taste the acid with the strong ones, but visually they looked the same
Special-T.B.K said:
Heard down the grape vine that the Bermuda Triangles Are on their way back....

Can anyone Vouch this, these were fucking good blotters. Alot of wats been goin around up here in NTH QLD is liquid, Rivers goin thru lounge rooms, people look normal but have little hairy chimpanze ears, all sorts of funky shit!


Bermuda triangles...the pills? A few weeks ago I met a dealer who asked if I'd heard of them, then he said his supplier had heaps. I don't know if they were from a previous batch or if they're new ones, but he did say they were circulating.
i don't think he understands what "blotter" means...

anyway it really feels like perth is cursed with a massive lsd drought. there has been nothing here since early 2000.


even the bermuda triangle pills or micro dots never got this far :(
gher said:
Bermuda triangles...the pills? A few weeks ago I met a dealer who asked if I'd heard of them, then he said his supplier had heaps. I don't know if they were from a previous batch or if they're new ones, but he did say they were circulating.

No the Blotters.... TABS. You think Im a fukkin Moron... Anyone knows what a fukkin blotter is. Up here we call them Tabs, but I noticed everyone on here called them blotters so I thought, I shal call them blotters to avoid any confusion.

A while ago up here there were some tabs going around as BERMUDA TRIANGLES... I cant vividly remember them, I think they had a blue Triangular prism shape on them... They were a nice constant 12hour trip!

SpecTBK =D
Special-T.B.K said:
No the Blotters.... TABS. You think Im a fukkin Moron... Anyone knows what a fukkin blotter is. Up here we call them Tabs, but I noticed everyone on here called them blotters so I thought, I shal call them blotters to avoid any confusion.

A while ago up here there were some tabs going around as BERMUDA TRIANGLES... I cant vividly remember them, I think they had a blue Triangular prism shape on them... They were a nice constant 12hour trip!

SpecTBK =D

Easy mate, I don't think you're a moron, but the only trips I've heard of called bermuda triangles were the vitamin C tablets with the triangle logo. Felt about as strong as two Dilbert and Friends but was rather short lived at 6-7 hours duration.

Where's 'here'? I don't suppose it's anywhere near Sydney is it?