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LSD Info Request: What's going around - Love Potion #9

if anyone in melbourne is wondering about some rocket tabs, where each rocket takes up ~4 tabs and the background is a gradient between red/green (over the sheet), they are clean and reasonably strong LSD. can provide pics on request
Hi everyone,

Didn't know where to post this, remembered about bluelight a few years back and well now I'm here. Anywho - a friend of mine told me a friend of his, or well "dealer" was selling some acid. I haven't tried any of it in probably 10 years. I did some research and knew what questions to ask the "dealer" and all of this NBOME and 25I going around scared me because it didn't exist before, I didn't want any of that crap. I met up with the friend and asked him how strong the acid was, he replied with that it was 300ug, surprisingly.

I asked him to see it, and we went to his car and he showed me it. I could not believe my eyes. It was BEATLES tabs, it looked amazing on the sheet. This is a photo I found on Google that looks EXACTLY the same -


I asked for prices and they were tempting. I ended up picking up 5 for a good deal. I turned the tabs over and it had pink on some of the tabs. I was furious and asked him what the hell it was, he told me that sometimes when the tabs are laid using a laser injection system that some some of the color reacts with the solution and the ink of the blotter paper, and it leaves it pink. I had a bad feeling about it but said thanks and went home.

I was very eager to try it out. I ended up dropping half and it had a very, very slight lemon bitter taste that lasted for about 60 seconds, it went away though. It didn't say in my mouth like some of the NBOME stories I've read, the trip was amazing. I cannot describe it, it was once in a lifetime. My room came to life, is the best way I can describe it.

I purchased some more the next day from the same person and asked him what the lite bitter taste was and he told me that with stronger doses of acid upwords of 280 micro grams it can have a slight bitter taste for a bit that goes away.

It was amazing. I've stocked up a couple now. This was bought around the sydney area. Amazing LSD going around!!!! :) it rocks.

That dealer is full of shit. Every tab I have had that was pinkish on the back was nbome. LSD has no taste at all. Even with 300ug. I've seen that same sheet being sold as an nbome print. Nothing wrong with nbome at all but if your after acid it's a let down. And if you got it cheap then yeah, it's nbome.
Hey guys, I just heard of some Jimmy Hendrix tabs. Haven't seen them yet, as he is still waiting to get them off his mate...
anyway, meant to be from the sydney area, and a picture of him (Jimmy) holding a guitar on every tab.
if anyone has seen these or know anything, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks yo.
Hi there friends. Any one seen these ones around in SE QLD/Northern NSW? They're white background with a black wire-frame square/cube design overlaid (I've only seen a corner so I can't be sure what the whole sheet looks like). Received from a trusted source, but still waiting for a testing kit. Sorry for poor quality and low light in the image.
Hey guys, I just heard of some Jimmy Hendrix tabs. Haven't seen them yet, as he is still waiting to get them off his mate...
anyway, meant to be from the sydney area, and a picture of him (Jimmy) holding a guitar on every tab.
if anyone has seen these or know anything, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks yo.

I remember tabs of that exact description in Adelaide about a year back. Had a fantastic time on them but they did have a nasty comedown the next day. My friends and I always referred to them as an RC but there's no denying we enjoyed the effects.

Would love to hear your report on these as i wouldn't turn them down if they were offered to me now.

Adelaide is completely dry at the moment.
Can anybody tell me anything about "Loony Tunes" blotters? Mate has a couple but they seem like they might be pretty new to my area and nobody I know has heard about them. I swear I remember seeing somebody on here post about them, but I couldn't find anything while backtracking or I simply just could've missed it aha.

Also worth sharing, the weird tabs I posted about a few pages back were garbage. A few friends ended up trying them and all reported very minimal or no effects what so ever. Avoid! :p
Is there anywhere aside from ecstasy data where I can send a blotter to get it tested for what amount is on it?
Can anybody tell me anything about "Loony Tunes" blotters? Mate has a couple but they seem like they might be pretty new to my area and nobody I know has heard about them. I swear I remember seeing somebody on here post about them, but I couldn't find anything while backtracking or I simply just could've missed it aha.

Also worth sharing, the weird tabs I posted about a few pages back were garbage. A few friends ended up trying them and all reported very minimal or no effects what so ever. Avoid! :p

That's the thing with tabs, so many people get a hold of clean blotters or sheets only to find out there are copycats that are absolute rubbish or adulterated, it can be hard to gauge with all the possibilities, blotter is like that. Your probably aware but thought id mention it.
Hi there friends. Any one seen these ones around in SE QLD/Northern NSW? They're white background with a black wire-frame square/cube design overlaid (I've only seen a corner so I can't be sure what the whole sheet looks like). Received from a trusted source, but still waiting for a testing kit. Sorry for poor quality and low light in the image.

In case anyone is interested, these have now been tested (by the least scientific method, of course - eating them). No taste, felt very much like previous LSD experiences, lasted quite a while (10 or so hours before I could say that the effects where gone). A very satisfying evening.
Hey festivalfun, Thanks for getting back to me.
I wish i could update on how they were, but sadly I didn't get a hold of them. They all got moved or my mates mate didn't end up getting them or some shit. :/
It's been pretty damn dry here too, havent seen lucy since new years. :/
am working on it though...
Also, I do remember seeing loony tunes a few pages back i believe.
has anybody had these ones that are red/blue lines that almost morph into sphere's, a bit hard to explain and can't post a photo sorry.
Does anyone know of any safe, decent tabs going around the Campbeltown region? Everyone I know is and has been for a while, dry. And I'm definitely avoiding the synthetic.
Just got a few Felix tabs in sydney, they depict Felix the cat smiling on each tab with light and dark blue lines in the background, I never got to see the ones that went around a few years ago that were really good but do they sound the same or do they sound like a new print?
Just got a few Felix tabs in sydney, they depict Felix the cat smiling on each tab with light and dark blue lines in the background, I never got to see the ones that went around a few years ago that were really good but do they sound the same or do they sound like a new print?

Whenever a good print disappears for a while then reappears, it's more likely a new (and different) batch than the same ones resurfacing. I would say that whether these are good or not is a separate matter from the amazing ones that went around a few years back. I remember well =D
Anyway to tell what rc I've got, they are on a white background with multi coloured lines going all over intersecting. I'm suss because they are a larger blotter then some real CID I have. :(