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LSD Info Request: What's going around - Love Potion #9

sorry posted this in the other lsd thread..

but has anyone seen these exact cheshire cat prints floating around

Anybody have any info on these?


I'm a bit suspicious.. I was warned that they were strong, apparently stronger than the facebooks and coyotes which have been floating around my area recently. I've also never seen acid with the same back as these before; there's a black square border around each individual tab. Out of curiosity, in regards to the size of the tabs, I compared one of the facebooks to these and it seemed to be the same size. However as you can probably see in the photo, some of the tabs are a bit larger than the others... Is this suss? Although I've experienced this before, a couple of years ago, from the same guy but the tabs were fine and I had a great time. I was under the impression I was going to grab one of the coyotes for myself but now I'm not really sure what to do.. 8( Didn't come with a name either...

I have seen/taken that exact print up in the Northern Rivers area from that certain laneway a few months ago.... Sold to me as LSD. Most defiantly not! Was liquid dropped on the blank blotter. Took 2, came on very similar to LSD for a few hours but 7 hours in it launched me into a fuck off borderline psychotic peak. Complete with 12+ hours of intense stomach cramps, vomiting and a ridiculous body load. A total of 20 or so hours all up until i returned to baseline. I would be very careful with that print, not too sure if its the same still but just a warning! :)
Hey Perth peeps, I wanted to quickly let everyone know that I've just found out that the sumos starting to circulate at the moment are from the same place as the facebook ones, the person is just changing up the blotter. I'll post pics on Friday to show. So if you hear of sumos in Perth, they will either be those awesome ones (well-stored hopefully) from a couple of years back, or this new lot. Just thought I'd post a wee heads up :D
Hope everyone gets off to a swimmingly good week tomorrow
I have seen/taken that exact print up in the Northern Rivers area from that certain laneway a few months ago.... Sold to me as LSD. Most defiantly not! Was liquid dropped on the blank blotter. Took 2, came on very similar to LSD for a few hours but 7 hours in it launched me into a fuck off borderline psychotic peak. Complete with 12+ hours of intense stomach cramps, vomiting and a ridiculous body load. A total of 20 or so hours all up until i returned to baseline. I would be very careful with that print, not too sure if its the same still but just a warning! :)

Thanks heaps for the reply man. That sounds fucked up, just a couple of questions though.. Did you take the two at once, or one and then another one later? Also what do you mean by a psychotic peak and body load? Do you mean like intense tripping and body high or? Sorry for the nooby questions, haha. 8)
Thanks heaps for the reply man. That sounds fucked up, just a couple of questions though.. Did you take the two at once, or one and then another one later? Also what do you mean by a psychotic peak and body load? Do you mean like intense tripping and body high or? Sorry for the nooby questions, haha. 8)

No, i took one at first and it was quite fun for a few hours, so i ate a second one say 3 hours in. Without warning i was just sitting outside having a smoke in a pretty relaxed state and all of a sudden it just started ramping up in effects into a kinda second peak. I could have just had too much but it was really speedy and disorientating. Major hot flushes and then the stomach cramps kicked in, really panicky thought loops trying to work out what the hell i had taken. By bodyload i mean it was hard to move my limbs at points, like having really tense muscles.

Not nooby at all mate, not a problem :)
No, i took one at first and it was quite fun for a few hours, so i ate a second one say 3 hours in. Without warning i was just sitting outside having a smoke in a pretty relaxed state and all of a sudden it just started ramping up in effects into a kinda second peak. I could have just had too much but it was really speedy and disorientating. Major hot flushes and then the stomach cramps kicked in, really panicky thought loops trying to work out what the hell i had taken. By bodyload i mean it was hard to move my limbs at points, like having really tense muscles.

Not nooby at all mate, not a problem :)

Hmm I see, well I was warned they were full on so I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same. They seem to be a pretty uncommon print too.. Well from what I've seen make its way around my area for the past 4 or so years anyway.. Pretty sure a few people I know grabbed a couple of them so will have to let them know to take it easy if they consume. Thanks again for taking the time to reply though bro, really helped shed some light on them! :D
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Hmm I see, well I was warned they were full on so I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same. They seem to be a pretty uncommon print too.. Well from what I've seen make its way around my area for the past 4 or so years anyway.. Pretty sure a few people I know grabbed a couple of them so will have to let them know to take it easy if they consume. Thanks again for taking the time to reply though bro, really helped shed some light on them! :D

I would say they are then.. i grabbed them from a pretty small circle so to say. Honestly i would bin them and be having a word with whoever you got them off, they're not safe. The grub's think its funny to pass off ultra potent RC's as LSD, seen so so many RC prints and fake vials in the same area of late i have just given up in general for the mean while. Not a problem anyway bro, glad i could help :)
Hey guys
I've got some tabs just hoping for some id help.
One is a pic of a topless cartoon girl wearing a hat with a 'b' on it spread over 10 tabs
The other is sort of olive green with some sort of whitish lines with little bulges going through it spread over 10 tabs...
I can't figure out how to,post pics but any help would be appreciated

Edit: photo added
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Personally I'd consider getting a test kit for the cartoon girl tabs, if only because who fkn knows what that b might represent (25B-NBOMe, perhaps). Just in case :)
Personally I'd consider getting a test kit for the cartoon girl tabs, if only because who fkn knows what that b might represent (25B-NBOMe, perhaps). Just in case :)

I think your right on the money there.
There is a post about those girls Agee pages back and the general concencus was that they are an Nbome
Well they'll tell you it's LSD when you're buying it, but the reality is they haven't a clue themselves if it really is or not.
Sourced in adelaide
Guy reckons one is 25i-nbome but can't confirm dosages etc
The other is apparently double dipped Lucy but I don't know the guy well enough to trust him...
[Arguably] nothing wrong with it being an NBOMe (aside from the fact it was sold as LSD), as long as you know you're taking an NBOMe. Obviously start off with a very low dose should it test as such, given the lack of safety profile this chemical has and having no idea how much is actually on each tab :)

Otherwise happy tripping :p I honestly wouldn't mind getting my hands on some more 25i tabs personally, I absolutely LOVED the stuff....it's just hard to find, since the only sources I really have for psychs will only have "LSD" (meaning they have no idea what they've got lol), and even then NBOMe is too easy to synth, so it's still a touch risky :( waaaaaaa gimme gimme 25i!!! hehe

What would you call a very low dose? 1/2? Maybe 1/4?
And at what point would I know if I needs to re-dose?
Well, if you assume it's an NBOMe, a single tab with no redose should be safe....however, given how much you have on hand, I'd start with half a tab just to be sure. Worst case scenario is you're half a tab down (out of the like bazillion you have :p), and you have a good idea how much to take next time :)

That being said, my only real experiences with 25i were of known dosages (obtained from the Road AGES ago, before thing went to complete shit). My first trip on the stuff was 1200ug (2x 600ug tabs). I'm fairly sure I transformed into a ball of pure energy at one stage. hahaha
Hey all,
Has anyone seen/heard of the Mr. Burns blotter getting around Perth for the past month or so? It is a picture of him with massive pupils from the episode where they think he's an alien!
Just had a friend send me a pic of the blotter but I can't post it here as there are 30 tabs in the pic (the picture itself is 5X5)
Hey all,
Has anyone seen/heard of the Mr. Burns blotter getting around Perth for the past month or so? It is a picture of him with massive pupils from the episode where they think he's an alien!
Just had a friend send me a pic of the blotter but I can't post it here as there are 30 tabs in the pic (the picture itself is 5X5)

Had tabs of that print a few years.
Not overly strong but clean. Don't think it would be the same tho
Has anyone heard of Mushroom tabs in Adelaide? Or anywhere in OZ?

I've sourced some but completely unsure of what's going around atm.
Hi everyone,

Didn't know where to post this, remembered about bluelight a few years back and well now I'm here. Anywho - a friend of mine told me a friend of his, or well "dealer" was selling some acid. I haven't tried any of it in probably 10 years. I did some research and knew what questions to ask the "dealer" and all of this NBOME and 25I going around scared me because it didn't exist before, I didn't want any of that crap. I met up with the friend and asked him how strong the acid was, he replied with that it was 300ug, surprisingly.

I asked him to see it, and we went to his car and he showed me it. I could not believe my eyes. It was BEATLES tabs, it looked amazing on the sheet. This is a photo I found on Google that looks EXACTLY the same -


I asked for prices and they were tempting. I ended up picking up 5 for a good deal. I turned the tabs over and it had pink on some of the tabs. I was furious and asked him what the hell it was, he told me that sometimes when the tabs are laid using a laser injection system that some some of the color reacts with the solution and the ink of the blotter paper, and it leaves it pink. I had a bad feeling about it but said thanks and went home.

I was very eager to try it out. I ended up dropping half and it had a very, very slight lemon bitter taste that lasted for about 60 seconds, it went away though. It didn't say in my mouth like some of the NBOME stories I've read, the trip was amazing. I cannot describe it, it was once in a lifetime. My room came to life, is the best way I can describe it.

I purchased some more the next day from the same person and asked him what the lite bitter taste was and he told me that with stronger doses of acid upwords of 280 micro grams it can have a slight bitter taste for a bit that goes away.

It was amazing. I've stocked up a couple now. This was bought around the sydney area. Amazing LSD going around!!!! :) it rocks.