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LSD Info Request: What's going around – Numero Cuatro

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i remember the smiley's last year had a weird taste to them.
they were odd, but good trips.
hoping for your sake the hoffmans lead up to their reputations.
Probably gonna get a few hoffmans tomorrow...

the guy says they taste like shit and that it's a commonly known fact that hoffmans taste like shit...

Is that true? Or could this be a RC?

Go back 1 page and look at one of the users comments on the Hoffman's, the new ones are really really weak so maybe go back to your dealer and tell him what you have found out and give him a link to the page and see what he has to say.

Your dealer sounds like a tossa just quietly! If it tastes like 'shit' then it is either 1. a RC or 2. the ink from the print.
A friend said to me tonight that the Obamas were "good" (it was a brief conversation), and he's fairly experienced. My guess is they'll just be more of your average Sydney tabs, comparable to the cheshires, ohms, etc., etc.

Should be trying them out this Saturday if I feel I'm on top of my uni stuff by then. If not some of my friends will be partaking regardless, so I'll follow this up with some kind of report by Sunday...
Go back 1 page and look at one of the users comments on the Hoffman's, the new ones are really really weak so maybe go back to your dealer and tell him what you have found out and give him a link to the page and see what he has to say.

Your dealer sounds like a tossa just quietly! If it tastes like 'shit' then it is either 1. a RC or 2. the ink from the print.

He isn't a dealer. Just a friend who's selling them to me from his personal stash. He says they're quit good though and they aren't the new ones. They're the old batch.
I have a source with the JFK ones again.
He described the sheet as an American bill with JFK's head on it.
Nobody has had these, right?
I'm a bit weary of picking them up.
He isn't a dealer. Just a friend who's selling them to me from his personal stash. He says they're quit good though and they aren't the new ones. They're the old batch.

Well if they are the old batch then they may be alright but if my memory recalls me correctly then they were laid in Switzerland about 6 months ago so would of degraded a fair bit by now... Would probably just be like your average tab by now.
ahhh the tabs were great haha.

I ate 1 and a half.. and had heaaps of cones.

so electric man..

so fucking electric
Hey all. Long time reader, first time poster. Me and my buddies picked up an 8 sheet of tabs for our first trip the other night (in Brisbane). The print I believe are called "Recycle" (http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_images_gallery3.shtml) there's a picture of them there. Now we only had one each, which produced a mildly effective increase in the stimulation of thoughts, and increased energy, but with little to no visuals at all. My buddy on the other hand took two of the little suckers and had a great time. He experienced fairly mild/medium rather typical visuals (stars rearranging patterns in the sky, walls breathing, city lights morphing etc). Anyone heard of these????
Confirmation on those smiley tabs that were/are in Perth at the moment.

The actual tab itself is much larger then the usual 1/4" size's.. the smiley is yellow on a brown background, extremely bitter taste.. absolutely nothing visual and a very very mild change in thought process.. although the change is so minimal you can barely notice it. I heard from a few people before that it was LSA.. but i dont know for sure.
Had smileys last night from Sydney, different to those described in the post above. I suspect they were the same as I had around a year ago, simply because they had the same sort of feel.

I had one and a half and on the peak the body load was more intense than anything I'd ever experienced - uncontrollable twitching, overwhelming heat and sweating, heart palpitations and vision blacking out (for want of a better description), all combined with my mindset to make me think I was somehow "ODing" on acid for about 2 hours from when the peak began. Not fun.. but still interesting.
came across some happy punters donning these pink pigs with supplier's claim of a 24hr duration!

I successfully bet my left testicle on that it ain't LSD and most probably an RC! (DOx)

User experiences? Sourced from Vic


That's a picture of those recycle tabs I tried on Friday night. Dropped around 9 o'clock, and didn't feel anything remotely acid-ish till around 11:30. Only took one and got no visuals what-so-ever, slight increase in energy and a 'somewhat' increased mental stimulation but definitely nothing revelating! My mate took two however and was getting some pretty cool standard visuals (or so he tells me) and was describing some quite acid-ish things to me. So yeah - if anyone comes across these, best to get atleast two.


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I tried the dynamites Permastoned posted a week or two ago. Took 3 and had a moderate-strength trip. They aren't especially strong but still quite enjoyable. :)
funky birds are back in SA. had 2 tabs sunday night. Was very very good. intense visuals. clear deep thought and felt very clean.

best batch ever for these birds :)
has anybody heard of tabs with a cartoon pink pig on them with a pirate type hat also smaller figures in the background ? cause when i looked at them closer they did not have perforated edges and the paper was quite thin with a almost plasticy type pic ???? I hope i havent been scammed :( i will post a pic when i have better lighting ...theyre about regular slim a little on the slim side if anything
only 1 way to find out i guess i will try in a few days could they be 2ce/2cb ??

i was so pleased when i heard i might be able to get tabs i jumped at the chance oh well least i didnt get lots of them lol
i decided to take a 3/4 of that dodgy pink pig i was talking about its' definatly got something on it not sure if its lsd quite yet might even be ketamine but i have not had ketamine so would know here is the picture anyway...

It wouldn't be ketamine.

You said it looked glossy, like plastic? I've had tabs once before which weren't perforated and had a very glossy look too them along with a bitter taste. Im still not entirely sure what they were.. they were definitely not LSD.. i originally thought that they might of been DOB as i experienced vomiting and muscle contractions.. but the length of the trip wasn't long enough to suggest DOB. I experienced alot of flashing colors and tracers, but that was about it.. it did absolutely nothing mentally or thought provoking.

Good thinking to only take 3/4.. when i took the glossy prints i had i took 3 tabs at once, was not fun at all.

That said, what i took and what you took is likely to be a completely different chemical.. report back on how the 3/4'ths go and mention everything that you notice that changes (or doesn't change) In my opinion its some form of RC.. but i wouldn't have a clue as to what.
I scored some Cheshire Cats with Green Ohms on them today. My mate had them last Saturday and said they were great, stronger than the Wild Strawberries and clean. I think they might be from Melbourne or Sydney. Most likely Melbourne.

Anyone know of them?
Had the ones with purple ohms multiple times, fairly decent acid albeit not a whopping dose per tab I would say. Very interesting there's now ones with green ohms behind.

I still don't think they're "reprints" as some people have suggested. I just can't see anyone putting already laid tabs in a printer or the like hahaha.
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