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LSD - does anyone agree? (argument about LSD being unhealthy)

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I am just going off what you said and now you are backing out of the "I know all/everything about everybody" statements into "everybody has their own top of the pyramid".

But then go right back into handing down dogmatic reasons why everyone is surely miserable at the top of their pyramid, none of which you have actually experienced.

As I was starting to say before, you have limited your pyramid by placing yourself at the top of it and now you see what is at the top without bothering to climb one. Perhaps you are missing something else entirely unexpected by doing so.

I think you're missing the point. I don't know everything about everyone/everything, and I don't know what is at the top of everyone's pyramids... I never said that. But I do know there are many people out there trying to climb these theoretical pyramids who WILL find nothing at the top. There is no dogma here. My point is that many people, including myself in the past, are trying to attain something that is a false happiness, when really true happiness comes from within. I spent years working toward a life path that I felt was never suited for me, because my parents, their friends, my friends, society in general, expected me to go that route. I found myself working toward a life that involved such-and-such a career, marriage and kids (which thankfully at this point in my life I haven't done), a white picket fence, this, that, all the "expected" steps of life in our culture/society, rather than doing what my gut told me would have been right for me all along. What I am also saying is that many others follow that same mistake because of the same reasons - what's "expected" of them by those around them. So, for your information, I have climbed a pyramid, at least the one involving a job/career, I have made it, and there is nothing there - so don't try to tell me about my life, my experience climbing my pyramid or what I missed out on, because you know nothing about me or my life.

Finding yourself and doing what makes you happy is all, and at that, there is no more "climbing". Once someone chooses what truly makes them happy, once they figure out their vocation, that IS the top of the so-called "pyramid", but in that sense, there is no pyramid to climb really, because you are already there. It's already being at the top of it. So I will put it this way instead... instead of people thinking they need to "climb the pyramid" to attain increased power, wealth or whatever, anything external that they think will make them happy, they can already theoretically be at the top of their "pyramid" by immediately surrendering to their current situation and start doing what makes them happy from this very second on. Even if you are in an unpleasant situation at the moment, looking at it in a positive light and accepting everything about it will put you at the "top of the pyramid". But there is really no climbing to be done. We are all already there if we accept it. If you sense you have to "climb" the pyramid to get to the top, to get there, you are not accepting your current situation, not being at peace with the present, possibly going in the wrong direction, and will find nothing when you finally think you "get there".

We can all have goals to work toward, and experience and enjoy life as a journey along the way. That is not "climbing the pyramid", that's enjoying the ride, and that itself is already being at the top.
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And of course helping "everyone in the world" and succeeding is impossible. No one can do that, but it's the small things that add up. Be the change you want to see in the world. By helping people and doing small things, I am not going to change the world, and don't expect to, but it is still making the world a better place.
But I have nothing to do with LSD. On the contrary. I´m an opiate user.
What I meant was that my only experience with LSD was the worst possible. I said this would be playing with fire. Quite dangerous drug indeed
What I meant was that my only experience with LSD was the worst possible. I said this would be playing with fire. Quite dangerous drug indeed

I'm an opiate user too, unfortunately. Though I've been clean from opiates for over 70 days now. Yay :D

Can you describe your experience? Including set and setting and dosage. Set including long-range and immediate... long range being you as a person... your fears, desires, conflcts, guilts, passions... who you are as a person. Immediate set being your mood at the time, expectations about the experience, etc. Setting meaning the environment, who you were with, where you were, the situation... Events in your life going on at the time could be considered a combination of both set and setting.

I'm interested in hearing what your experience was and what happened, if you don't mind. All of those things above mentioned are important.
Man this thread is still kickin? Hasn't anyone learned to ignore Pmoseman yet? He's the anti-psychedelic crusader who will fight the good fight till the end, it's like talking to a wall lol.
Man this thread is still kickin? Hasn't anyone learned to ignore Pmoseman yet? He's the anti-psychedelic crusader who will fight the good fight till the end, it's like talking to a wall lol.

Yeah... I've noticed lol. I'm done with it. I said my piece.
Despite his hate for psychedelics you can bet you will see him post in the great majority of threads about how either psychs have helped someone or hurt them in anyway, he even sarcastically told someone to "drink a gallon of LSD because it's totally safe" when someone was simply asking what a good starting dose is... If you hate psychedelics so much then why are you always lurking in PD Mr. Pmoseman?
LMAO a gallon huh? Yeah sure, sounds like a good starting dose, to last you the rest of your life...
A good starting dose is so hard to determine anyway... nobody ever knows how many mcgs are on a tab... my suggestion would just be uhhh... start with one tab lol
During the early 90s we tip-toed, pranced, danced and shined in many a midnight farmers field and country lane. Some of my fellow trippers took more drugs than me and went on to live successful lives. A few of us became casualties. It's hit or miss! That's all it is. I believe I'm living a fruitful, thoughtful and fulfilling life. Others would say I'm a sad, withdrawn, reclusive fuck up! What goes on within, what goes on without, which commands more merit? Whatever.
Yeah I'm also curious as to how people come up with their figures when they say I've taken "XXXmcgs and tripped balls!", with the exception of seized tabs that were lab tested to contain a certain amount of L. Recently there was a tab going around at 700 or 800mcs iirc, in that case one or even half a tab will truely fuck someone over... especially a first timer 8(. That's a rarity though, I've yet to see another lab tested tab test that high... I'm assuming whoever laid the tabs had no clue what they were doing.
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My experience was basically reduced to me as being very small for the world, colors to intense, and, basically a feeling that my reality was that way. By then I had forgotten how real was the world.
In my head, everything was not under control. Images on the walls were quite relevant, but the time wasn´t passing. It felt like being like this for ever. And if fact I was on for about 12 hours.
Then I really felt fearful. Everything basically was a threat, even small cat or my dog.
I'm an opiate user too, unfortunately. Though I've been clean from opiates for over 70 days now. Yay :D

Can you describe your experience? Including set and setting and dosage. Set including long-range and immediate... long range being you as a person... your fears, desires, conflcts, guilts, passions... who you are as a person. Immediate set being your mood at the time, expectations about the experience, etc. Setting meaning the environment, who you were with, where you were, the situation... Events in your life going on at the time could be considered a combination of both set and setting.

I'm interested in hearing what your experience was and what happened, if you don't mind. All of those things above mentioned are important.

Well, congrats for being off this shit for over 2 months. I don´t even try anymore. Too old for withdraws. As far as acid, I just freaked out and everything was too unreal in my reality. It was as if my reality was the feelings of fear I was having, and not otherwise. I completely lost control and everyone said I was too calm when I was literally running from my own mind. To crazy. People around me had no problems whatsoever, but not for me. The worst was that it was never gone.
Ahh I see...

It just sounds like you weren't mentally prepared for the experience that was to come... which isn't abnormal at all. It happens. Maybe the set and setting could have been better also. I have developed and researched coping mechanisms and techniques to fall back on in case I begin to feel overwhelmed like that. That's why it's important to be in a relaxed and positive mood the day of taking it, and have an open mind for the experience, and make sure one is in a very comfortable environment when doing it.

I usually like being either by myself or if anything with one very close friend, and either at home, (or their home, with no one else around and KNOWING that no one else will be around) or maybe somewhere far away and secluded in nature, though nature can sometimes be overwhelming also, and I would not want to trip alone in the middle of nature I don't think, unless it was a very light trip. But normally I like tripping by myself because then I feel like I have complete control - I can do what I want, when I want, not have to worry about what the other person wants to do or what they are doing, etc... that's just me though. I can listen to the music I want, if any, or watch whatever movie or TV show I want, if any. I usually only do this on the come up, it feels comfortable merging with music on the come up... it feels it smooths it out, for me at least. If there are too many people around then the sensory intake and information processing of it all becomes too much - too much going on and too overwhelming, so I like it to be a quiet and alone place. I also like tripping at night better, though with LSD I've usually always done it during the day just because of the duration (12 hours is long and I know I'll want to sleep later)... but normally especially for shrooms, it's just more comfortable for me to do it at night... the dark wraps me within itself like a blanket... and I lay on my bed under the covers, hugging a pillow with the lights out, and some music of my choosing playing lightly in the background... :)

If music is too much, I can turn it off and just focus on my breathing, slowly, like meditation. Sometimes going into another room helps, even if I'm afraid to move for whatever reason, or it feels too hard, if I do it and enter another room it could change everything and suddenly make it better. It's weird but it can work. A shower can do wonders too if one can manage. If someone else is around, physical contact with them can help bring back a sense of security too. As long as they are comfortable with it... but of course, if they aren't you probably shouldn't be tripping with them anyway lol.

If the experience starts to overwhelm me, I convince myself that it will end and I will be okay, it really is not permanent, and really there is nothing to do to get out of it, so I accept this and just totally surrender to it, totally accept it without compromise, embrace it and allow it to take over - merge with it, while laying down in a comfortable, and comforting, spot. Cuddling under a blanket helps. I focus on my breathing and feel positive vibes entering through my lungs and flowing through my body.

Also I tell myself and realize that there is nothing I need to do. Nothing at all. At that time, I should know that I have no responsibility for the whole day. Sometimes "the fear" that occurs on psychedelics is because I somehow think that I am supposed to be responsible doing something else and that I am not in control to do so... that for some reason I need to try and force myself to stay in the "real world"... but I remind myself... no, there is NOTHING I need to do right now, except lay here and just be. Just relax, and trip. That's why it's important to me to choose a day when I literally have nothing to do, then I can tell myself that and actually be honest about it and it makes me feel better. I give in to the psychedelic world and just let myself go and float into it. I don't fight for control. This is also why I like doing it by myself, because then I can do that without having to feel the need to socialize with someone else and focus. Unless I know they are experienced and can handle a trip for themselves and can handle others on a trip too. Again, this is just me though. I wouldn't always advocate tripping alone, it really depends on the person. I am an introvert, and I like to control my environment without compromise, so for me at least, being by myself works. I have called certain people at times too if I felt I needed to (someone who knew what I was doing obviously and was okay with it and had experience).

Psychedelics aren't for everyone, but I personally feel it's great for a person to try a psychedelic experience at least once in their life, but safely, responsibly, and with set and setting in mind. I also am not a fan of huge doses, as they can be overwhelming as well and tend to be, at least for me, largely unnecessary for trying to achieve what I am searching for in the psychedelic experience.
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Man this thread is still kickin? Hasn't anyone learned to ignore Pmoseman yet? He's the anti-psychedelic crusader who will fight the good fight till the end, it's like talking to a wall lol.

Despite his hate for psychedelics you can bet you will see him post in the great majority of threads about how either psychs have helped someone or hurt them in anyway, he even sarcastically told someone to "drink a gallon of LSD because it's totally safe" when someone was simply asking what a good starting dose is... If you hate psychedelics so much then why are you always lurking in PD Mr. Pmoseman?
You've already expressed that you don't like me.

You've already asked me what I was doing here, as if you deserve an explanation, but I answered your question regardless and will repeat that here for the audience, I am here to find out more about drug use.

Nobody is better at expressing myself than me and you are entirely unwelcome to be part of it; if you believe I am liar, please put me on your own ignore list, do so, and report me as well.

If you want to continue this hate mongering with the gallon of LSD story, I suggest you reconsider the intent and result of my message; I was telling someone inexperienced that LSD was dangerous even in small quantities. Other users that lacked the most basic.knowledge were making unsupported claims about the drug's safety.

Labelling me a drug crusader is a pathetic attempt to repudiate my position. To muddy the waters as much as possible when you merely dislike the facts which support it.
Psychedelic crusader!!! I like that! I may steal that for a user name someday :D
You've already expressed that you don't like me.

You've already asked me what I was doing here, as if you deserve an explanation, but I answered your question regardless and will repeat that here for the audience, I am here to find out more about drug use.

Nobody is better at expressing myself than me and you are entirely unwelcome to be part of it; if you believe I am liar, please put me on your own ignore list, do so, and report me as well.

If you want to continue this hate mongering with the gallon of LSD story, I suggest you reconsider the intent and result of my message; I was telling someone inexperienced that LSD was dangerous even in small quantities. Other users that lacked the most basic.knowledge were making unsupported claims about the drug's safety.

Labelling me a drug crusader is a pathetic attempt to repudiate my position. To muddy the waters as much as possible when you merely dislike the facts which support it.

When did I call you a liar or say I hate you? Anyways I'll leave you be, lighten up :)

These days a civil debate is unheard of, everything is taken very personal. Pmoseman gets no hate from me. Seems he got a good discussion going if nothing else...:)
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