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LSD Discussion Thread (Australian Centric) v II

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Ah, the Cherubs, my first trip and I dosed 1.5. That was an intense afternoon, and simply amazing. Got a bit dodgy towards the end, but I managed to get over that and continue my love affair with the psych.


I have one half left I'll probably take it this Friday, give myself a week to lose that tolerance.

Normally a week is long enough for me to feel the full effects (or close enough), but I like to leave it a bit longer if possible.
had slightly over half a tab of whatever i posted in the other thread 2.5 hours ago.

no visual effects, but things certainly look different and my fingers typing looks incredible. small brain fart and yeah. im loving how theres no crappy body buzz felt with shrooms, its all very floaty.

will definatly dose a full one next time.

edit: if i focus on a certain point i can sorta submerge myself into the trip, im sure it will make sense to you.

edit2: really want to redose...im half tripping and half not...argh but it's too late to redose :(
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^^ if they are the tabs that nano said were 105 mikes then I would defintley expect visuals. Maybe not all out balls but I definitly experiened some quite surprisingly decent visuals of half a fresh cloud when they came out and I thought clouds would have been 75 to 80 max. I'm just guessing here but I thought a 105 mike tab would be a lot higher than most decent tbs circulating.
yeah those, im getting very slight visuals. I probably had 60% of the whole tab and have the other part to my mate who's less experienced. listening to some bill hicks after watching the lion king :D wish I could go deeper though~~

he's not even experiencing anything at all, odd :/

If i stop doing a task and just lay on the bed and look at the ceiling the room starts breathing, the vent starts spinning and i can see all 4 corners of the room simultaneously, but if i get up to do something, i just feel normal...with a slight twist
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In my experience with half tabs only a few have given me visulas so if your getting any even slight swirls on a blank wall and while concentrating then to me that is a fairly ok tab. I just always assumed the half tabs that gave me slight visuals was like a 35 - 45 mike dose, so when I herd you took 60% of a 105 and was not getting Amy visuals that surprised me as I thought 60 mikes should be a nice small trip with visuals and all.

Any ways I have never dosed a tab that I know was a certain amount of mikes so it is all subjective, but I am fairly disappointed that nano said the dots I have tested piss poor at 64 mikes as I was told by the same dealer who sold me clouds that they were better.

Anyways I guess I won't be able to make own judgement until I dose the dots, but I wad hoping that they would be at least double the strength, especially as they are meant to be more fresh due to the coating of the dot around the LSD.
well its not +5h since i dosed. and +4 since ive been feeling effects. and effects are barely here anymore, if i concentrate on things i don't get the visual phenomena i did and my mental clarity is returning, not 100% normal but almost there. I guess a 6 hour trip is all one can really get with such a small amount of LSD.

Next time I'll definately be dosing a full tab and possible smoking a bit of marijuana to increase the effects if need be.

good first LSD experience. guess ill just have a nice relaxing comedown now :)

Also just noting. When I'm not on psychedelics I seem to think a bad trip is possible, but when I get there I can't see how bad trip could ever come from this. Ahh, it'll kick my arse one day when I dose too high :)

forgive my spelling and grammatical mistakes, laptops shit me.
^ I dosed two cherubs after having a long break from LSD and man Lucy kicked my ass..bigtime.

It got really intense for me at the peak, visuals were fucking wild...Couldn't talk/type/stand..I can't remember how long it was for, but there was a period where i just felt like nothing..Just layed on the bed looping the fuck out =D

Just don't make the same mistake i did..make sure you don't get interrupted by anyone unexpectedly.

how intense was the peak? (in a bit more detail if you can be fucked explainin) because Im thinkin of eatin two when I go downsouth to Margaret River in a fortnights time...

I dosed one tonight and I think two would be controllable.. to an extent.... :\
In my experience with half tabs only a few have given me visulas so if your getting any even slight swirls on a blank wall and while concentrating then to me that is a fairly ok tab. I just always assumed the half tabs that gave me slight visuals was like a 35 - 45 mike dose, so when I herd you took 60% of a 105 and was not getting Amy visuals that surprised me as I thought 60 mikes should be a nice small trip with visuals and all.

Well like i said the half cherubs felt like one and a half - two average tabs. These are indeed very strong, just off that half my loungeroom looked about twice as big and colourful patterns swirled the roof not to mention the banner I have on my wall that actually turned three dimensional and came out of the wall. I wish I hadn't wasted that other half by being a keen bean, now I only have a half left and I was oh so keen for a full one :(
Its Mushroom season anyways guys, GET ON THE SHROOMIES While they are about yo :)
^^ I am with Samaria on how lost you get the more you find yourself and get the the true LSD insight. Just be very careful with set and setting with the high dose, and
Ake sure you have at least 24 hours after to experience the reflection and after glow.

LSD king of psyche on high levels, just use wisely.

Anyways now for some Chang beer and vals in the the beautiful land of Thai.

Peace my brothers

Since I,m in koh samui I am going to suck a five trip of the tan man I posted was back in the last thread I think, the ones that never got ID'd. As I will have some benzos on hand ( not going to use them if possible but I think just knowing I can bail out if need be will give me the mental strenght to hold strong during the wig waves as they arise.
Just took 2 tabs , can I have other 2 ? Or is there point as been 10 hrs since last dose
vals are ok bro.

last lsd trip i had. it was intense as

and i had like 10mg clonaz the night be4 :p

and u know clonaz lasts for like 60hrs or so

But i still tripped mad mad balls :>

fractles everywhere. :D (mind u it was a high dose. 2 pink panthers, and a sugar cube thath ad 3 drops of liqqy in it)
Ok going all out 2 x greys. Yea

Hopefully not the 10 hr difference might fuck up the tolerance
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^ How did it go? I wouldn't have dosed again 10 hours after the first tabs, seems like it would have been a waste.Generally when people recommend re-dosing with LSD, they say to do it about an hour after taking the first dose. Personally though, with LSD I've always preferred to just take it all at once. :)
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