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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Cheshire_Kat

LSD and Pregnenolone


Oct 29, 2018
Recently been experimenting with adding Pregnenolone to LSD trips. The pregnenolone acts on the CB1 receptor and somehow eliminates all bodyload and mental anxiety from the LSD trip.
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Man fuck it I'm trying this next time I get some acid. Wonder if it would work with mushies too!
Hey, @Ismene2, have you determined an optimal dosing schedule/protocol for this combo? I’ve been forever seeking something to help with body load/discomfort and anxiety.
Nice one for bringing pregnenolone to my attention, Issy. After a bit of reading (and the fact I love psychedelics and weed), I will be trying this. Sounds pretty great. I assume it's fine to use on an Anavar cycle, and as 'var annihilates cholesterol levels, this would keep providing some goodness.

Edit: After doing some more reading, it sounds unpredictable and like it could cause issues for some people. The tablets I hastily ordered were 100mg, which seems like a lot. I don't fancy guinea pigging this particular supplement.
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