low testosterone on a 25 year old

Yeah mate I will let you guys know. I see UGL test is on silk road, I cant find it anywhere else on the web. Im asking my mate today hopefully he will give me the number to contact his MMA fighter mate, who I haven't spoken to since I saw him since primary school- and then at a cop shop about 3 years ago (we were both reporting for parole at the same time for various reasons, unrelated to each other) and we caught after that a couple times, haven't seen him in a while, and hes MMA fighting now so I hope he knows someone reliable and NOT a rip off.

I have got a thing for the other guy I know's ex-girlfriend and don't want to talk to him in case I get with his ex. Its just the safer option to either go online and through the post- or with the friend of a friend who is a fighter (even though he could roart me and I couldn't do much about it)
If you buying gear through a person you are going to pay a premium. Buy online. Not the silk road but a trustworthy UGL. Do some research.