low testosterone on a 25 year old


Jan 1, 2014
I went for tests 2 weeks ago for my testosterone levels. got results today and my doctor said they was low cause ive been feeling low energy, depression etc. My level was 5.5, when the low point is 8.8 or something (AND IM ONLY 25), with normal levels being easily double what I am.

This is very bad, I think I should be aiming for at least 10 or more, and can put my feeling bad of late purely down to this. given I am young and used to be active, I was 100kg with 12% bodyfat 12 months ago and now im 115 with less muscle than before.

I am thinking of getting steroids for medical reasons from overseas, but im thinking this might still be a bad idea, living in Australia even though I obviously need to do something about this problem, because I still might get into trouble.

I am glad Ive finally found out whats wrong with me because ive felt so down and dep[ressed and I have found an answer. But I still don't know what to do really... Any thoughts on importing banned substances for medical use? should I ask the GP for steroids? I don't know what to do, I just want to be normal again ;( and be able to train my ass off 5 days a week, and get out of bed feeling fine for once.

Does anyone here know how it feels to have really low test levels? Any ideas?

5.5 of what? Free testosterone? SHBG-bound testosterone? Albumin-bound testosterone?

What kind of blood test for measurement? ECLIA Method? LC/MS Method? RIA Direct? Equilibrium Ultrafiltration? Calculated free testosterone?

You are young and used to be active. Judging from prior posts, your problem is you are inactive and medication that you say isn't working and seem to be causing negative effects.

It sounds to me like you just need a strong dose of man the fuck up and get off your ass. Steroids aren't going to fix you, only you can fix you and that's a lesson I learned myself.

If you levels warranted TRT the doctor would of prescribed you something, and since it didn't even warrant AndroGel, I believe your testosterone production is fine but it's simply low due to inactivity, not working, and moping around.

By all means though, get a second opinion.
While what Guido just spouted may have been worded a little harshly (lolz), it's unfortunately true.

That being said, I was in exactly the same boat as yourself at the beginning of last year. Depression, ZERO sex drive, lack of energy or motivation, just generally feeling like a lump of shit. From what I recall my levels were around about yours (though regarding what Guido asked - I wouldn't have a clue either since I honestly zoned out when I was told what I didn't want to hear). For reasons I don't know, the endo didn't believe ANY kind of TRT was necessary, and more or less due to the underlying reasons my test levels were shot to shit, instead recommended I cut back on my lifting routine and completely cease any kind of regulated diet (even if it were correct - pretty much just stop paying attention to what I'm eating). Regardless of whether this would be effective or not, this "remedy" of sorts would inadvertently throw me into a different and potentially WORSE kind of depression, as exercise is the only thing that keeps me driven.

My personal decision under my circumstances were to go about effectively self-prescribing and administering TRT. Luckily in my case I already had a mate whom I could go to for anything; loads of information and advice - not just the gear itself. This allowed me to go about doing everything "properly"....well, as properly as you can without bloodwork and advice from a QUALIFIED professional haha.

Now while I'm not going to recommend you do as I did, as that would kinda be against BL rules and HR, I will say that it worked for me and I'd make the same decision again without hesitation. Whatever you choose to do mate, just make sure you've done all your research first. If you choose to go down the same path, make sure you're doing it as correctly as you can. There's always the chance you're just making everything significantly worse :)
Trozzle, I would of gotten a second opinion. That doctor you had was an idiot. Cut back on lifting? Weight training raises Testosterone. Cease a healthy regulated diet? No comment.

Bentover, get a second opinion, even a third and then go from their. The problem with self prescribing is the numerous variables you have to take into consideration. Is your source legitimate? Is the price fair? Is the gear properly dosed? Is it sterile? Is the source trustworthy? Is the source consistent? Australia is the last place I would get on TRT only because of how strict customs are. If anything you are going to have to find a domestic source and even then you will be paying a premium. Are you prepared to be on it for life? Because that's the name of the game.
I am sorry about the late reply. my testosterone results are the following:
-testosterone- 5.6
-free testosterone- 30.7

can anyone tell me what that means, and what results are ideal for someone who usually is a sports oriented person, and young, etc.

I am seeing a specialist on Friday and want to know what I should be aiming for realistically and Id say he will prescribe me some type of test.

I was away all weekend and Monday, hence no replies
regarding manning the fuck up, good point- but I have health issues mate. I have been training on and off for ages, at 19 years old I was benching 110 and deadlifting 160 for 6 reps no worries.

I agree, it could be a problem with my attitude, but I don't even know you. If you see or meet me, even the way I am now I doubt you would tell me to man the fuck up as wel. Im not the type who goes to the gym and talks for the whole time like most people. I train hard or not at all, and I expect no prize.

Lets see if someone can tell that dude who said that, (who may be on the gear) what its like to have testosterone at 5.5 or around that and to train hard (I think impossible but I might just have become lazy).

My point here is that the effects people i know said when they took testosterone (tren, deca, test prop are some they took) is exactly the opposite of how ive felt for 6 or so months or so- and im not different to them IMO, except I have some problems which are easy to fix with test gels, patches, sus 250 or something- that's what im hoping to get from the doctor and
I am not asking if this is a problem, but trying to create a thread which is helpful to others by seeing what a good test level for an athlete is and stuff. Im not evenm going to go into anything more about manning uP HAHA you made me laugh
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trozzle, thanks so much man. That's the shit I wanted to hear bro! U no where im comin from. Sadly some people over do it with their "TRT" and like to go punching crap into keyboards LOL... its better than getting no replies... I just want my gym focus/mentalitly back. Training should be a substantial part of my social life for lots of reasons. I love the gym, and the pump, the feelings after a gym session, and all of that! I have asked my mate who is in contact with an old friend of mine to ask that guy if he knows anyone. I know someone but Its a long story and id rather not ask him for any favours.. but given his results when we trained together, I know for a fact that it worked ?? hugely... he went from 80kg to 90kg and ripped up, all lean muscle in what seemed like just weeks (probably 2 months or so). My dad knew straight away when he saw this friend of mine after not sweeing him for a while, but my friend wouldn't admit it to my dad. but it was obvious...

I will do my own TRT for sure, if the doc doesn't help me but I THINK HE WILL.

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No worries :) though do keep in mind regardless of their attitude and the way they may come across, Guido and Genetic Freak are moderators. That mean's they know their shit a lot better than the rest of us, and their role on BL forums is not only to filter out the dickhead posts etc but also to provide the best advice possible where they can. They wouldn't be mods if they just had a go at anyone they felt like :p just read between the lines and ignore any negativity if that's how a post may come across :)

Either way, you seem to have more or less the right attitude about it. A properly researched and informed decision is much better than an impulsive one, regardless of whether it's "right" or not.
regarding manning the fuck up, good point- but I have health issues mate. I have been training on and off for ages, at 19 years old I was benching 110 and deadlifting 160 for 6 reps no worries.

I agree, it could be a problem with my attitude, but I don't even know you. If you see or meet me, even the way I am now I doubt you would tell me to man the fuck up as wel. Im not the type who goes to the gym and talks for the whole time like most people. I train hard or not at all, and I expect no prize.

Lets see if someone can tell that dude who said that, (who may be on the gear) what its like to have testosterone at 5.5 or around that and to train hard (I think impossible but I might just have become lazy).

My point here is that the effects people i know said when they took testosterone (tren, deca, test prop are some they took) is exactly the opposite of how ive felt for 6 or so months or so- and im not different to them IMO, except I have some problems which are easy to fix with test gels, patches, sus 250 or something- that's what im hoping to get from the doctor and
I am not asking if this is a problem, but trying to create a thread which is helpful to others by seeing what a good test level for an athlete is and stuff. Im not evenm going to go into anything more about manning uP HAHA you made me laugh

Easy there tough guy. If you think you might of become lazy, well, you have become lazy. If you look as big and tough as you you say you do, it sounds to me like you don't need Testosterone. I would man up, stay active, and eat right for a few months, and then go back for another test to be sure.

It sounds to me you are looking for a quick fix which could prove to be detrimental for your health. You are bit depressed and have gotten lazy which has lowered you Testosterone a bit. You are using this as an excuse to justify getting on Testosterone and it's crystal clear that is the case because you go on about wanting pumps, getting big, and how big your friend got.

Like I said before, I would man up, stay active, and eat right for a few months, and then go back for another test to be completely sure. At that point your levels will be fine and you can make the choice to get on steroids to take your physique to the next level.

Or better yet, just fucking admit you want to get on the fucking gear to get big and take your physique to the next level. :) Be fucking real. Sure you want the energy and all that good shit a nice Testosterone level gives, but you want more, justifiably so. Your 25 years old and have lifting experience. I doubt fuck all you only plan on running 100mg of Test Cypionate a week or want to smear on a squirt on Androgel every day. You take your lifting seriously so you probably want to run 500mg of Test a week, some Dianabol, a little Exemestane, and maybe some Deca or Equipoise down the line.

Your not going to be able to run bodybuilding dosages on TRT and cost of prescription Test is bollocks when you can get the same quality if not better from a proper UGL for half or a third of the price you pay for a script. You should be blasting and cruising. That will put an end to your hormones jumping all over the place, normalize your levels no matter how mopey or shitty you feel, and it will let you really put in that work at the gym since you like lifting and training. Your 25. Perfect age for gear. You just got to do it right.

Stick around and we'll teach you everything you need, tell you how to do it right, and point you in the right directions.

And please, please don't go buying gear from some faggot at the gym. The markup is incredible and I can bet money that he got the shit from a UGL online for much much much much less than he is selling it to you for.
I wanna get some advice from you guys. Any good UGL's in AUS? I don't wanna order from overseas, so im thinking of a reliable SR2 Vendor.

Im not scared of the police, so anyone with a good reliable source would be great info for me and would help me, otherw2ise ill be finding some guy at the gym (my dodgy friend lol) or ill get something from silk road.

Any ideas? Aus customs makes things very difficult, but I don't think its really so bad unless your ordering from overseas.

could some1 correct me if im wrong?

I would say bitcoins are the way to go for a currency from what Ive heard so far. anyone disagree from Australia?

im pretty sure I m gonna get something from the doctor because theres a reason my test levels are low (depression and opiate painkillers). Is there as level I could aim for (e.g 20, not 5.5 being an athletic person?).

Also, whats the best way to increase test from a doctor in Australia?

Im not stupid or dumb, I think my doctor (the specialist) will give me something worthwhile to get my levels up for at least a while.

I have homecooked meals and am healthy. Nothing major else I can think of.

Anyone for more advice on what to ask for in Australi?

If I buy from silk road, also, whats the chances my parcel will be opened if its coming from Australia to Australia, i.e not from overseas?
Silk Road, for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist any more :p whatever state it's in right now (if it's "online" at all) is NOT worth touching.

Personally I've had experience with RBA, Balkan Labs, and now FEX (or FLEX? Brainfart) Labs gear here in Aus. RBA test prop gave me the most horrific corking and cramping ever, personally I'm never touching their prop again. RBA test enanthate was fine from memory, as was their tren acetate. Balkan Labs test enanthate and tren acetate were both perfectly fine. FEX Labs test enanthate is also perfectly fine. I cannot comment on their dosage though, as that'd require lab testing or bloodwork :(
I can not speak for what the post does down in Oz but in the US the opening of domestic package sis possible but not that likely. Little FYI mate we are not really in the business of offering up what to ask for, but we can tell you steer clear of silk road, at least I would.

A question for you how well do you know your Dr and how well does he know you? If he knows you, and knows your just not some wanna be meathead you may be able to foster a trust and be open about AAS usage with him. That is the situation I am in, he knows, sets up regular blood work and checks me out quarterly; though I get the you should stop this you know lecture every 3 months.
I wanna get some advice from you guys. Any good UGL's in AUS? I don't wanna order from overseas, so im thinking of a reliable SR2 Vendor.

Im not scared of the police, so anyone with a good reliable source would be great info for me and would help me, otherw2ise ill be finding some guy at the gym (my dodgy friend lol) or ill get something from silk road.

Any ideas? Aus customs makes things very difficult, but I don't think its really so bad unless your ordering from overseas.

could some1 correct me if im wrong?

I would say bitcoins are the way to go for a currency from what Ive heard so far. anyone disagree from Australia?


Ministry of Steroids as well as UGLOZ are two very good Aussie underground labs I know of. I wouldn't know how to seek them out though because I never had too (I live in the states) but I have heard from Aussie bodybuilders they are really good.

If you order domestic (meaning you order from within your country) you don't have to worry about shit unless powder or liquid is leaking out of the package.

I wouldn't order gear off of silk road or any deep web markets, the markup is insane and Aussie gear is already expensive.
Thanks for the responses. I am seeing the specialist (a professor) today. Ill tell how it goes..

p.s Id rather cut out the middle man by using a lab :)
im pretty sure I m gonna get something from the doctor because theres a reason my test levels are low (depression and opiate painkillers). Is there as level I could aim for (e.g 20, not 5.5 being an athletic person?).

Also, whats the best way to increase test from a doctor in Australia?

Im not stupid or dumb, I think my doctor (the specialist) will give me something worthwhile to get my levels up for at least a while.

I have homecooked meals and am healthy. Nothing major else I can think of.

Anyone for more advice on what to ask for in Australi?

If I buy from silk road, also, whats the chances my parcel will be opened if its coming from Australia to Australia, i.e not from overseas?

Opiates are the reason you have low T. Long term use and abuse cause lower levels of Test. So you go from feeling good, high and dandy, to withdrawl + low test levels. Check out the thread I had posted "Opiates to Steroids" I found out my T levels was at 108 due to opiate use. They aren't going to improve unless you quit. Sure you could supplement, with AAS, but if you aren't on a script for your opiates and you tell your doctor your an addict and need some TRT, you likely will have some issues with insurance in the future, OR they will tell you to quit and man up and see where your levels are in a month or so. You may get lucky finding some endo that will provide an HPTA restart protocol, or you can go to a private medical type "clinic" where they offer these services out of network for a cash price. Just my thoughts.

But what I am going to do is run a small Test only cycle and get back in normal range followed with some proper PCT. After which, my body should be running itself just fine. If you dont want to run a cycle, you can try a HPTA restart protocol to get back into normal range, or see if you're capable of producing normal levels of Test. At which point like I was advised, is that you would then probably have to go on TRT.

Silk Road, for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist any more :p whatever state it's in right now (if it's "online" at all) is NOT worth touching.

Personally I've had experience with RBA, Balkan Labs, and now FEX (or FLEX? Brainfart) Labs gear here in Aus. RBA test prop gave me the most horrific corking and cramping ever, personally I'm never touching their prop again. RBA test enanthate was fine from memory, as was their tren acetate. Balkan Labs test enanthate and tren acetate were both perfectly fine. FEX Labs test enanthate is also perfectly fine. I cannot comment on their dosage though, as that'd require lab testing or bloodwork :(

I thought the Silk Road Reloaded is up now? I know the original owner got caught, but they kept the info to restart up a new version of the site, with more up to date security, as well as, a fail safe if you have any stored bit coins.. I lost what is worth $13,000 in BTC :( SOOO upset, and sad. Anyways that site was up last I checked the TOR, plus a couple more popped up now like Atlantis. Haven't used the deep web in a couple years now though, so I'm not fully up to date on all that.
That is really really shit about the coins. sorry to hear that... Id die ;(

a few questions from me though, im pretty dumb... not really but... whats AAS? and HPTA?

I saw the professor today, he sent me to have more blood tests again, and see him next Friday. He could see that I was ready to go, and I mentioned I haven't done gear yet- I think but I really cant tell, he believed me. He said he is trying to find why I have low test- he knows bout the opiates but not the full extent. I wasn't a massive junkie tho - never injected it - I just took a bit more than was necessary for my conditions.

He is gonna give me something on Friday he said, when he gets the new results

Regarding insurance, money isn't really the issue here, ill survive. I have top health cover, I can practically do whatever I want (if it will work and if I am willing).

That's interesting about those tests you imported to Aus- Im gonna do that soon but not exactly cashed up this week after a new Iphone (last one decided to die for no reason), a 220 dollar 15 minute session with a physician ... hehe he must make A KILLING... honestly I think you guys are right. Im gonna see this doc for a while, and get onto the real gear cause if I do get caught, I have an actual true explanation- on the off chance that happens...

Thanks for the replies, the info has helped me so far. have a good weekend everyone

how do I buy from these labs, the 2 you mentioned- ugl and ministry of roids? I cant find there site on the web
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most likely, I am not up on them though. Even if you get a TRT script, UGLs can be helpful for other then test. But yeah mate get checked out, and let us know how it works for you.