lost 4kg in 4 days

ok i didnt gain single gram of weight back,whats worse my strenght is lower,my endurance is silly,i got exhausted just by petting cat!

but worst,my appetite never fully recovered? i can eat max 60% than before.... can my stomach be shrunk? it definately feels like that,i also noticed today clear loss of muscle mass in my forearm. fuck this shit,before it hit me i was bulking like boss,was so happy
ok i didnt gain single gram of weight back,whats worse my strenght is lower,my endurance is silly,i got exhausted just by petting cat!

but worst,my appetite never fully recovered? i can eat max 60% than before.... can my stomach be shrunk? it definately feels like that,i also noticed today clear loss of muscle mass in my forearm. fuck this shit,before it hit me i was bulking like boss,was so happy

Yes, your stomach shrinks when you deprive it of food for a bit.

You didn't lose any muscle mass lol. You just lost all that glycogen, nitrogen, and water retention. A clear loss of muscle mass would mean you are extremely ill and need to seek medical attention.

I lost about 10 pounds when I was sick. It was just glycogen and intracellular water retention. Sure I noticed my muscles looking smaller, but it wasn't from loss of muscle tissue.

Frankly, you should be happy you lost all that fucking water.
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Yes, your stomach shrinks when you deprive it of food for a bit.

You didn't lose any muscle mass lol. You just lost all that glycogen, nitrogen, and water retention. A clear loss of muscle mass would mean you are extremely ill and need to seek medical attention.

I lost about 10 pounds when I was sick. It was just glycogen and intracellular water retention. Sure I noticed my muscles looking smaller, but it wasn't from loss of muscle tissue.

Frankly, you should be happy you lost all that fucking water.

but question is,how long till i get my water glycogen nitrogen back? i want to be like before the salmonela,yes i look more dry but at cost of strenght,i prefer ugly bear mode to sexy lean model
ok big breaktrough,i lifted yesterday in my home for like 10 minutes with dumbell,only trained arms,it get me decent fiber tearing

about 16 hours next day i noticed my arms look big like before salmonela,so i check weight and i gained 2 pounds,from 8 pounds i lost during that salmonela

so what i learned after shit like this u will never regain weight or strenght back if u dont lift,dunno why but my short but nice training replenished my beloved water retention,nitrogen,glycogen,whatever....its back and clearly cuz of dem lifts.

i now need to do this with rest of my muscles,dear 6 pounds of remaining water bloat,here i come!
ok big breaktrough,i lifted yesterday in my home for like 10 minutes with dumbell,only trained arms,it get me decent fiber tearing

about 16 hours next day i noticed my arms look big like before salmonela,
so i check weight and i gained 2 pounds,from 8 pounds i lost during that salmonela

so what i learned after shit like this u will never regain weight or strenght back if u dont lift,dunno why but my short but nice training replenished my beloved water retention,nitrogen,glycogen,whatever....its back and clearly cuz of dem lifts.

i now need to do this with rest of my muscles,dear 6 pounds of remaining water bloat,here i come!

Not sure if serious..???