lost 4kg in 4 days


Nov 18, 2007
i got some horrible stomach itestine virus or bacteria

my problem is i lost 4 kg and its all muscle,i am as fat as i was before,fat belly,fat tits...

even today my apetite is only 30%,my question is,how long will it take to go back to my old muscle mass? i am natty 22 old man
It's just water (muscles store a lot of water that is bound to their glycogen reserves), intestinal contents and stuff like that, you'll be back to your old self quickly after your intestines fix themselves.
Yeah you don't loose muscle that fast. It is water which is pretty nasty man, stay hydrated, loosing that kind of weight that fast through GI issues can cause some serious troubles with dehydration, so keep the water up and make sure you are replacing your electrolytes. Also mate, see a Dr.
It's water. You don't lose muscle that fast unless you are in the final stages of being terminally ill and in that case you wouldn't even have the strength or motor skills to be posting on Bluelight. Stay hydrated. Best thing when you are sick is Pedialyte and post work out shake for nutrition.

I just came down with a serious infection a few days ago myself, well actually I was fighting it for weeks and didn't realize it. I thought I had a cold or was pushing myself to hard with my workouts. Well, my immune system finally had enough and I woke up with an eye infection, cloudy urine, and one of my lymph nodes started to rapidly swell. It got to the point were it was beginning to block my trachea and one of the veins in my throat. The redness and soreness was spreading to my chest cavity and if it was to burst inside of me I would went into septic shock. I had an emergency incision and drainage done that carried the risk of me bleeding out. I had to be hooked up to an IV of a "last resort" antibiotic to halt the spread of the infection which burned my veins because they had to get it in quick. I ended up with a hole in my throat you could but your thumb into. Now I'm on two antibiotics every 6 hours for 15 days that have me fatigued and have fucked the flora in my digestive system leaving me with horrible diarrhea. I didn't start feeling better until I saw a video online about bodybuilding and illness; The best way to approach recovering from an illness when your bodybuilding is to treat it like a post workout. Electrolytes. Protien. Malodextrin. Carbohydrates. Amino Acids. All in an easily digestible liquid form to help you muscles and immune system recover and return to normal.
oh man :( I feel your pain,i heard kefir best thing for microflora
ok,i eat nearly normal but my weight didnt recover single gram and my arms still look smaller... i call bs this glycogen water thing,i lost 4kg of muscle in 4 days and that is just reality
Ah no. You can call bull shit all you want but that's like claiming the sun orbits the earth instead of the other way around, fact is fact mate. You are just used to having that much sub-q and intramuscular water, sorry to tell you chief. Guido knows his shit, and unless you are in say end stage cancer or an Aids victim its water.
Ah no. You can call bull shit all you want but that's like claiming the sun orbits the earth instead of the other way around, fact is fact mate. You are just used to having that much sub-q and intramuscular water, sorry to tell you chief. Guido knows his shit, and unless you are in say end stage cancer or an Aids victim its water.

i miss my intramuscular water :( two weeks before i was having amazing bulk,it was so good the gains i could see difference in like three days,i was eating like motherfucker ; _;
Dude it was water not good gains good gains you keep after you drop the water. That aside, good to see you are feeling better. So what exactly are you bulking with?
Dude it was water not good gains good gains you keep after you drop the water. That aside, good to see you are feeling better. So what exactly are you bulking with?

i am very poor,I can eat three pounds of cow meat a day easily but i can afford that one time a month even trough its so delicious...becose i am poor 90% of protein i get from whey.Its pure whey,theres no problem with farts

most carbs i get from this,its cheap 40g 20g carb,3g protein ... i eat 5 to 7 with my leucine and whey

when bulking i would get like 300+ carbs,200g protein and fats i dont count but pretty low,i am 80kg

i eat alot chicken,eggs and oats
Hey its a dirty bulk but hell it will put weight on you worry about quality when your felling 100%. Are your running any AAS DOB ?
Hey its a dirty bulk but hell it will put weight on you worry about quality when your felling 100%. Are your running any AAS DOB ?

yes its dirty but i have problem eatung enough carbs if itis oats or rice.... i am natty,i use aas when i will be like 30+ year old.Ihave very good hormones and genetics my problem is my life last 6 years is constant stress depression and poverty
dude you have to get more positive, I was able to grow while I was stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan mate. It is a matter of just scheduling every thing, and really just getting to it. Not to sound like a dick but, you have to really just make an active choice to not place blame and go it is because I am ----- but to go ok what do I have and how do I get to where I want to be. I was never a big fan of oats and rice all the time either. There are so many grains, and sources of carbs, and quality protein as well, try quinoa, barley things of this nature as well as a vast selection of beans mate. Buy dry, and learn to cook a lot of shit your self. Trust me brother I am use to being poor, it has only been the past few that I have been better off. What you can do now is do as much as possible on the education side to educate your self about nutrition, and proper training. Trust me you can get pretty far with that alone. I applaud the idea that you want to wait to get on the AAS.
I live on $9/hr and do ok. Granted I bulk dirty as fuck but its needed for me. The gw is keeping me pretty lean as of now. Im using it to take advantage of this huge caloric intake to bulk natty through the winter and hopefully hit 175-180 before my proposed end of january cycle.
Nice man. The GW boost your appetite at all? I found it did that too me but still haven't been able to say if it is via the drug its self or if it is because of the extra endurance work I was putting in. What is your daily dose at 20mg still?
Still 20mg and fuck yeah I eat so much. I just ordered a 7oz steak, half rack of ribs, boneless wings, and fries from apple bees. The other night I ate about 20 oz of steak and some ribs along with sweet potato and apple sauce.
lol nice. Yeah I have been getting my eat on as well, Figured I am down weight, and way past goal before this years bulk. Ate two 1 1/2" think pork chops ( Loin ) gotta love brick sized meat cuts. Looking forward to going on an straight out serious clean bulk this year. The combination of the HGH and my cruise has me ravenous I can not imagine how I will be on a serious Blast lol.

So the 20mg is working for you eh? I think the SARMs have a serious place, especially if you are getting proper gear, you can make some serious headway with proper training and diet.
Shit. Remember when I got Salmonella, and I lost 10 pounds in like 2 weeks?

Fucking sucks man. I still haven't been able to get it back with the same diet and everything. I went ahead and said fuck it, and started my cut.

I will say this about losing a bunch of water weight do to food poisoning and diarrhea.....AAS is going to load your muscles with water and nitrogen creating an anabolic environment. If you shit all of that out, you're going to have hell getting your body back to that state quickly. I Don't know exactly why, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me. I'd speculate that it takes time to load into your muscles ( Like the 4 weeks for test, 8 for deca ) but I think the problem with that theory would be that it's more about loading in your blood than your muscles? That said, how much of blood is water? I just put some good questions on your plate, Neo and Guido. Educate my ass.
Shit. Remember when I got Salmonella, and I lost 10 pounds in like 2 weeks?

Fucking sucks man. I still haven't been able to get it back with the same diet and everything. I went ahead and said fuck it, and started my cut.

I will say this about losing a bunch of water weight do to food poisoning and diarrhea.....AAS is going to load your muscles with water and nitrogen creating an anabolic environment. If you shit all of that out, you're going to have hell getting your body back to that state quickly. I Don't know exactly why, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me. I'd speculate that it takes time to load into your muscles ( Like the 4 weeks for test, 8 for deca ) but I think the problem with that theory would be that it's more about loading in your blood than your muscles? That said, how much of blood is water? I just put some good questions on your plate, Neo and Guido. Educate my ass.

Some anabolic steroids load you with more water than others but to put it roughly, yes, you will lose that anabolic environment consisting of glycogen retention, intracellular water retention, and nitrogen retention in the muscles. 92% of your blood is water.

You don't have to worry about anabolic steroids loading back into the muscles unless you discontinue them, even then they are still in the body and there half life should keep them around for a while. They are already still in the blood and binding to receptors, it's just that the glycogen, nitrogen, intracellular water, and other nutrients aren't in the muscle like they should. When you sick you aren't getting in the proper nutrients so that anabolic environment ceases and resources in the body are being diverted to organs to stop them from shutting down and the immune system to help fight the infection you currently have. I would say it takes about 2-3 weeks to get back into the swing of things in terms of getting back into that anabolic state. A few days and I already got my glycogen retention back.
Good thing is your body has muscle memory and you will gain it back quicker than it took you at first. If you are worried about not getting enough calories, I love a certain weight gainer on one of the main supplement supplier's website. Don't think I can post product names? But it's pretty damn cheap for how many calories it comes with overall. Of course eating actual food is always going to be better but it is cheaper than any food with the same amount of calories.

And what is this gw that helps with appetite?