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list all the different XTC pills u tried

Blue dolphin
Yellow Iron Cross
Blue AOL (America online)
Pink Heart
White $
Green Bull
Purple Party Flock
Red ?
White ?
Red Mortal Kombat
MDMA in capsule about 20 different tested products
M1 in capsule once just bc I wanted to see
Here goes...(I'll give a bit of background behind each one, because I'm nice like that...)

1st Roll - PartyFlock: This experience will remain as perhaps one of the greatest experiences of my life. I dropped half at 9pm, and as I was walking to the beach with a mate whilst toking on a joint, I thought I felt something (10 minutes after dropping). By the time I got to the beach (15 minutes), I remember toking on the joint and exhaling, and as I did so, it just smashed me in the face. My legs went to jello on the sand, and I (without realisng so) starting heaving as the come-up was so hard. I literally floated down the seafront and into the nearest club. Long story short, I was ruined. About 2 hours later, I dropped the other half, and was rolling so hard, I was getting memory blackouts, and I consequently got ejected from the club for an hour (I have worked with the doorman, so he was very sympathetic. NOTE - Never do drugs in the club that you work the doors on). I fell asleep like a baby after about 6 hours, and had no come-down to speak off, just a lovely aferglow which lasted about 4-5 days.

Mortal Kombat - These pills followed the PF's. After experiences the PF's a few times, I was eager to give the MK's a whirl. This experience stands out as both positive and negative for me, as it marks the first time I truly over-did MDMA and suffered for it (abeit not too badly). Had a few female friends round my house, and we all decided to get on it. I remember we all dropped a half at 10pm, and by 11pm, I felt absolutely nothing, so I ate the other half. By 11:30pm, I had started to feel myself come up, but It never went any further than that, and I was stuck having party come up for another 30minutes. By this point I consumed another (cringe) whole MK at midnight. At exactly 2 minutes after I dropped additional MK, the first MK I had eaten smashed me in the face full force, and all I remember thinking is "holy shit...what have I done....".

Fast forward 30 minutes, and the eye wiggles had got so bad, I couldn't see anything. "Not to worry" I thought, it has all kicked in now, it won't get any worse than this. But No. I then felt the 2nd MK smash me in the face. By this point, the two female friends were also off their rocker (they had redosed to, as they had felt nothing). So, before the sensations got any more intense, I casually suggested whilst I could, that we should all have an orgy....They accepted, and I don't need to mention what followed (party because I can't remember much).

The day after was disgusting though. I felt horrifcly empty, and my ex-girlfriend decided to give me abuse over text, so that made matters worse. I also for the first time experienced a couple of brainzaps which scared the shite out of me. It was at this point, I went and cried to Folley, but thankfully he put my mind at rest (cheers dude!)

Nintendo's- Not much to say here, as I only consumed half of one 2.5 weeks after my MK experience (only time breaking the one month rule). I had a good evening with lots of chatting shit, but it wasn't that intense, due to my previous exprience on the MK's.

And last of all...

Green Androids -
In my opinion, I have to say that these are the best pill I have tried. However, they also serve as a rather dark milestone in my MDMA use. To this day, I will never really know why (well I do, I'm an idiot who thought he could push it too far), but my first experience on these pills involved me ingesting 2.5 of them over an evening. Whilst the experience was incredible, it was no more incredible than say taking a 250mg dose, only just that the side effects were so bad, at points I thought I was in trouble (absolutely pouring with sweat, terrible muscle tension etc). It gets worse though. On day 2, I decided to consume 6-APB....This entire experience ultimately left me recovering from intermittent brain-zaps when moving my eyes for a month. Understandably, ED was less sympathetic this time when I came bitching to them (understandably so, I was a fucking moron). However, some users such as Swedger, Si Ingwe to name as few) were VERY supportive (thanks guys <3), and I am happy to report that after a month, I was cured :)

So whats the bottom line here? All these pills are incredible, but take the piss, and they will bite back hard. I am 2 months in to a 3 month break from drugs and am feeling great :D. I plan on giving MDMA another whirl in September with AL-LAD, but I shall be sticking to 1 green android only. I have a new found respect for my health, my brain and MDMA now.

Anyhow, PLUR everybody

hmm trying to remember.
Orange Buddha
Blue doves
Blue Buddhas
Orange paul frank(NASTY)
Pink elephant(Intensely STRONG)
Red buddha
Green Ufc's
Green nikes
Orange dolphin
Blue internet explorer (pokeball)
Grey transformer pokeball(Intensely STRONG and pure)
Blue macdonalds
Blue DC
Blue Middle finger
Green Lady's
White ghost pokeballs (STRONG)
Blue Mazerati's
Blue alien head
Red alien head

I know i am forgetting a few but that is most of them, the rest of my rolls were Mollies.
Party Timers (MDEA-supposed to be strong, didn't feel much)
Doves, speckled doves (MDMA/MDEA - weak to medium, apparently they were much better in 1991)
Clearcaps (MDA-rocket fuel strong)
Rolex (MDMA-medium/strong)Batman (MDMA-weak)
Windmills (MDA/amphetamine?-strong)
Green butterflies (MDMA - medium)
Mitzibishis (MDMA-strong)Riddlers (MDMA-strong)
Pink superman (MDMA-strong)
Mysterious blue pill possibly a glock
Recently - Molly caps (methylone) few Amsterdam super pills (MDMA - low to medium buzz compared to 90s pills)
Lightening bolts (MDA - low to medium, they were nowhere near as strong as the Russian chemist synthesized MDA snowballs of the early 90s
really a thread on this ?...Well Ok..


green mac apples
tan butterflies
green clovers
red hearts
blue diamonds (the neatest shaped pill 2 pyramids connected by a breakline)
Blue B's
red question marks
blue defqons

and others i can't remember............"pipes and amp bombs omitted"
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Oh what great memories. 1999 til present.chocolate chip Mitsubishi,white Mitsubishi.green Nike.Motorola.picis.Lou vatons w/window..lv double stamped.purple spades.white glock.yellow glock yellow.scooby doo.super man. Red apple.blue bear. First and most favorite chocolate chip Mitsubishi . And louI vaton window
Shiiiiit haha never did much for pressed pills

Yellow ferraris
Green fleur de lis (THE WORST SHIT EVER FUCK)
Green 007's
White rolexes with gold flecks in them (to quote Jesse pinkeman they were THE BOMB YO)
And some crumbly blue pills and green ones I had at a festival, forget the stamp

I only started rolling alot when pressed pills were kinda phased out in canada and MDMA took over
Ok I first tried xtc in 1998 but I didn't really start taking them regularly until early 2002. The first E I had was a yellow cK. Lol over the years the European(produced) pills I consumed are;
1999-2002: White Y2K, White Mitsubishi, pink SEX, Green CU, Pink Safe sex/Durex, white Ministry of sound (OD), blue Donald ducks, grey smilies, grey four leaf clover(in the shape of), white gatecrashers. Around 2003 was when it stated to become a lot less common to find European pressed E's sold on the street in australia.
From 1999-about 2006 (trying to list them in order from oldest to newest) on the top of my head the different E's I consumed were;
whites cherries, red blanks, brown blanks, white UKs, blue M3s, pink Doves, red 3s, brown 3s, pink 3s, blue superman, white Yosemite sams, pink smilies, green smilies, beige As, beige clovers, yellow CCs, Brown CCs, white playboys with tophat, blue $, pink hearts, pink broken hearts, blue mtvs, blue DVDs, blue dolphin, red LV, White LV, yellow Ks, White CCs, red swastikas, green star, blue star, yellow star, green alien, yellow 69, white hearts, green hearts, red star, white Mercedes, and a whole lot of shitty (all different logos) that aren't worth posting...
well, ones i can remember.... starting from probably 97 onwards..... south west corner of uk

blue diamond - first ever pill- good
red love hearts - had bad rep
yellow mcdonalds - massive rush, short lasting
white clover - shit
geminis - never heard anyone mention these on this website era 98/99 possibly... some of the best ever. the perfect pill
white lightnings - twisted you out - in a bad way
dolphins - various colours - average strength
ufo/saucers - strong as fuck - couch jobby
various colours of mitzi - good - probably didnt have the ones people rave about
various colours of crowns - shit
fair few i cannot remember
mainly crystal now which has always been very good until recent
last pill done recently was red with the olympic rings on - was very good though didnt last long enough
but last
Not got much experience with pills, only stuff I bought at a festival once.

White warner bros: Very average... May have been due to large tolerance though, but I definitely think they contained MDMA

Random white pill: Bought it off a dealer for 3 quid, my mind was blown that he actually accepted, I was certain there was something dodgy about it... Asked him what the catch was, what was in it, he just went 'Dunno some drug init'. Rather stupidly I took it... was great and really euphoric lol
Unfortunately only 2 out of this list are actual MDMA, Lovehearts and Smileys :( The rest are all piperazines or somet shit like tht....
Not had any pills in a while, stopped after Mephedrone made it's entrance as it all seemed to be Piperazine in the UK although looking to find some decent E's now the pipes have cleared up a bit.

Lovehearts (good)
Lovehearts (fake)
Pink Windmill
Hammers and Spanner
Blue Bolts
Lego (Red green white)
Smileys (good)
Smileys (fake)
Wizard Hat
Question Mark
Number 1

Maybe few more.....

Fuck, it seems like you went down the same list of pills as I did in the drought, around 2008? New stamp used to come in every month, kept trying to find MDMA untill one day he turned up with smileys, still the same price of 6 for a tenner and :D bought the lot! Getting them 90p on the thousand. Im in manchester also..hammers and spanners still give me the chills.....Batmans also! eurgh
Shit?? What I remember... CD logo 94-95? white CK's, YSL, green apples, Red Russians, White doves (94-95), Dolphins not sure the year but sometime in the 90's, yellow/gold CK's, white heart 1999?, Dollars? Durex (safe sex), playboys, mitzi's 98-2000 good/average, JA: fucking etarded! I'm sure there were many other logo's pressed into the biscuits I gobbled but fucked if I remember many others, those ones stand out though. These pills were all consumed from around the end of 94-2000. I remember 007's, UFO's and rollexes as well from around the late 90's/2000 period but not all that much lol. I think I was pretty fried at that point, maybe even brain damaged...

Lost interest after 2000 but popped a few here and there I can't even remember. One blue fucker I don't remember the logo (2003) that had me all over some random chick and her all over me after I gave her 1/2. She puked her ring out then was all over me like a rash, as I was to her. Not the greatest looker but fuck that was fun. Kind of left it there.

Had a few cheap pipe pills during the mid 2000's but by then I was over pills in a big way as they were almost always bunk and a massive let down. Pipe pills were ok if you knew you were getting piped and payed accordingly but that shit was legal in NZ until 2008 and made up the bulk of ozzie pills. Canada/Uk legal until 2010/2009? I got onto the neo organic doves around 2006/07? the 4 MMC "legal highs" came in massive caps. Don't mind 4 MMC lol.

Oh yeah and the blue ying yangs late 90's 2cb fucking wonderful!!! Umm... "eros" or some shit... also "nexus"? from a dutch "smart shop" all 2cb/2cx late 90's. Not MDMA but "pills" none the less lmao.

A few meth/K bombs as well but hey I don't mind meth or K/DXM...

MDMA abuse and drug abuse in general really does no favors for one's memory. I seriously can't remember much for a few years from say 98-2000. Also I ended up with some kind of mild seizure when ever over tired from 2000 and it's still with me today, like a full body twitch totally involuntary. Not so bad these days indeed it's only when I've been awake for over 24 hours it occurs but something to think about people.
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Yellow pikachus(meth md combo)
Pink homers bunk
Green trans formers bunk
Orange garfields bunk scary how fucked I was.
Peach transformer pokeball.dank
Blue batman bumk
Orange mitsubishi bunk
Red kool aid. Bunk
Blue lexus bunk
White lexus bunk
*All before investing in a test kit.*
Lots of molly caps after buying a test kit from average to spectacular.
Red mortal combats dank
White questIon marks dank
Purple lamborginies dank
Pink o mint dank
Mda dank

All those bunk pressies were from a long time ago lol
I now test every bean dose properly and take nice break inbetween.
Pure MDMA capsule. Split in half, I got some minutes of slight euphoria and my girlfriend had about an hour of rolling. Possibly pure but very low dosage.

Yellow 1UP mushroom. I've taken this pill 4 times. Loved up, euphoric and nice tracers. But it gives me lots of clenching and a rough crash the next 2 days. Really trippy on high dosage. Lots of mdma and some speed.

Half a gram of pure mdma crystals coming from greece. It was split in 5. We all had 3 hours of clean, loved up and euphoric rolling. Nothing energetic or trippy. Sleeping was not a problem after 6 hours from ingestion, and there was no hangover the next day.

Capsule with turquoise powder, said to be some old crappy pills crushed. No love or euphoria, just energy, clenching and honesty...it was mostly speed
2011 - 2014

Mostly MDMA crystals.

Orange Q-dance
Purple&blue Partyflock
Green&blue Android
Orange Wifi
White Domino
Gold Bars

Pink Cupids
Green Ladies
Blue Ladies
Blue Dolphins
White Leos (these were the largest wafers I've ever seen)
Green Dolphins
Orange Dolphins (nasty fucking pills)
Red Roosters
Red Apples
Green Apples
Tan Pisces (confirmed MMDA - amazing roll)
Red Music Notes
Blue Triangles (strong MDA pills)
Superman (various colors)
Blue Diamonds
Red Cupid (this one was a bigger heart with a more detailed arrow)
AOL messenger buddy icon
Louis Vuitton (the logo)
Pink hammers (professional pressed ones that didn't have the faded hammers)
Various colored butterflies (they look more like ninja stars)
Green airplanes
Blue airplanes
Green spades
Blue Christmas Trees
Blue Waves
Blue Piranhas
Orange Maple Leaves
Red Cherries
Purple Keys
Red Honda
Pink XO's
Blue Cartiers

... I've taken way too many pressed pills. I don't remember all of them. Haven't had a pressed pill since 08/09.
Oh man this could be fun lol.....
Countless times of MDMA & MDA crystal..... MDEA crystal a few times as well.
but pills:

Blue scorpions
Blue Olympics
Red aliens
Blue Koi ( aka flying fish or betas)
Red playboys (inactive)
Green omegas (AKA true religions)
White DC pokeballs
Blue pacman ghost pokies (methylone)
Green Euro (only time ever piped)
Green aliens (007 crew press)
Green HH pokeballs
Orange Batman pokeballs
Yellow Dragonfly pokeballs
Yellow dolphin pokeballs
Green bowling ball mints
Topless yellow A mints
White glittered pumas
White glittered guccis
Blue Mac reboots
White lighting bolts (og MDA press)
White speakers
Red Defqons
Pink/Red jellyfish M80s
yellow jellyfish M80s
Blue Doraemons
White Facebook thumbs ups
Purple Aliens
Purple Facebook thumbs ups
Green aliens (reboot crew press)
White Atari bricks
Red Supermans
white bugattis
Yellow bitcoins
White dominoes
Blue Barclays
Purple magnets/batteries (+)(-)
Gold Bars
Yellow grenades
Orange magnets/batteries (+)(-)

I know I probably left out a few ill edit and add if I remember some :). That's as close to chronological order as I can get em too, pretty accuyerate ;-). Best roll of all these to date would to be the Blue Koi (flying fish, betas)! Still haven't rolled anything close to as hard as I did off those bad boys! They were rumored MDMA/MDEA combo, and I'd believe it (having experienced both). Such a relaxing/ heavy almost couch locked body high much heavier than just straight MDMA but still with empathy like no other. Double dropped and was rolling dick for a good solid 4-5 hours off a single double drop.
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Havent eatin any mdma in a while now. Got some mdma recently but i want mda for my next roll. Always was easier for me to find crystal than presses. The pills i did take tho:

Yellow Glocks 08
Orange Glocks 08
Purple Glocks 08
Green Lacoste Gators 09
Pink Star cut outs 09
Orange Detroit D 09
Yellow Clover Pokies10
Purple Internet Explores Pokies 10
Tan Zoo York Pokies 10
Blue Thunder Cat Pokies 10
Blue Locoste Pokies 10
Green PacMac Ghost Pokies 11
Blue A Mints 11
Pink = Mints 11
Purple-ish Blank Mints 11
Grey Blank Mints 11
Neon Purple Blank Mints 12
Yello Blank Mints 12
Purple Circle Mints 12
Havent eatin any mdma in a while now. Got some mdma recently but i want mda for my next roll. Always was ieasier for me to find crystal than presses. The pills i did take tho:

Yellow Glocks 08
Orange Glocks 08
Purple Glocks 08
Green Lacoste Gators 09
Pink Star cut outs 09
Orange Detroit D 09
Yellow Clover Pokies10
Purple Internet Explores Pokies 10
Tan Zoo York Pokies 10
Blue Thunder Cat Pokies 10
Blue Locoste Pokies 10
Green PacMac Ghost Pokies 11
Blue A Mints 11
Pink = Mints 11
Purple-ish Blank Mints 11
Grey Blank Mints 11
Neon Purple Blank Mints 12
Yello Blank Mints 12
Purple Circle Mints 12

I know what ya mean by wanting some MDA, brotha! Its alot more "bang" for your Buck IMO. Active in smaller doses, slightly psychedelic (almost a candy-flip in itself!), and a muuuch lengthier roll all together. I was lucky enough to come across some, so stoked to indulge soon!