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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

let's have a writing workshop

You haven't received any responses for your first round yet. I think a 7 day gap between the end of round one and the beginning of round 2 is not enough. If you want people to edit your story twice, you need to put a lot of effort into the next draft. Max said he was interested in round 2. So am I. But round 1 should take priority. I don't want to give u the spot in case a round 1 story wants it. Wait for comments on round 1 and take your time redrafting

We'll see
Understandable. Just a thought as I've been quite prolific.


I'm not sorry.
^Go for it dude. Your prolifosity should not be curbed this early in the game.

I've decided that I'm writing a poetic concept album. I won't be deterred. I will develop character, plot, and have little songs in there as well. Maybe I'll take out the songs, but this is a concept album after all.

Let the side show commence, Pandora's box is long gone!
Thou, assuming that no-one else signs up before then, and you substantially redraft the original submission - incorporating comments from the first round - I don't have an issue with it. I'm not sure how keen people are going to be to edit a 4,000+ word story twice in a single fortnight, given that often we don't get responses from everybody within round 1. I will always provide feedback, though. So you'll have at least one person.

I think it's probably wise to give yourself, and everybody else, a bit more time. I'd prefer to put you in week 6. That at least gives you two weeks to process the feedback from round 1, and redraft. Personally I'd rather have the two weeks in between rounds of the same story myself. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but is week 6 okay with you? There's nobody allocated to that week. Assuming we don't get another round 1 by then, I might sign myself up for a redraft alongside yours... Unless Max wants to go first?

Think about it, and let me know.

I certainly don't mean to curb anyone's prolifosity.

(I'm going to leave the round 2 workshops invisible until the last couple of days leading up to the session, so round 1 writers are free to volunteer - as they take priority.)

Week 1 ( 9/7-15/7 ) - Max Power / xxxyyy
Week 2 ( 16/7-22/7 ) - ForEverAfter
Week 3 ( 23/7-29/7 ) - thujone / Thou
Week 4 ( 30/7-5/8 ) - Hydro / L2R
Week 5 ( 6/8-12/8 ) - DamagedLemon / Volunteers?
Week 6 ( 13/8 - 19/8 ) - Volunteers?
Week 7 ( 20/8-26/8 ) - CoffeeDrinker / Volunteers?
I'm liking you more and more as the words mod, even if I disagree with your stance on pen ownership.
I haven't been entirely honest with you... I take ballpoint pens out of people's pencil cases - when they paying attention - shove them up my ass, then put them back where I found them. I have traveled the world, from Siberia to Jamaica, solely for this purpose. It started out as a hobby. Now, I realize, it is my destiny.

If you're one of those people that chews on pens or pencils, then there's a very good chance you have tasted one of my divine ass smears. Consider it a blessing.
Yeah I retract that offer though was planning a different shorter piece to submit though.
Oh you were going to a do a different piece? Well, that's completely different.

Why did you retract ot?
I don't know I woke up to a screeching woman after a night of terrifying nightmares, wasn't thinking. I'm a little more awake now.

Also, my thread hasn't had any responses yet and I feel the length of it might be the cause. I know it needs a LOT cut out after rereading these past few days, so if we don't get anyone interested or who has enough time to read I'd be happy to edit and resubmit it later on, assuming it's not been read by many, in which case this would be rude and it would stand as it is. If I get at least one response I'd be happy, tbh.

IDK, you seem to be the arbiter of this thing and have some actual experience with it, maybe I'm just being impatient.

I started a new story yesterday morning, could be done in 2 weeks idk. Ill keep you posted. Have a doctors appointment I have run to and back from, but will be back to socialize and get my words in on Thujone's piece.
I haven't been entirely honest with you... I take ballpoint pens out of people's pencil cases - when they paying attention - shove them up my ass, then put them back where I found them. I have traveled the world, from Siberia to Jamaica, solely for this purpose. It started out as a hobby. Now, I realize, it is my destiny.

If you're one of those people that chews on pens or pencils, then there's a very good chance you have tasted one of my divine ass smears. Consider it a blessing.

Ahhh the gift that keeps on giving.
Also, my thread hasn't had any responses yet and I feel the length of it might be the cause. I know it needs a LOT cut out after rereading these past few days, so if we don't get anyone interested or who has enough time to read I'd be happy to edit and resubmit it later on, assuming it's not been read by many, in which case this would be rude and it would stand as it is. If I get at least one response I'd be happy, tbh. IDK, you seem to be the arbiter of this thing and have some actual experience with it, maybe I'm just being impatient.

Be patient. I will reply in great detail. Generally most of the feedback comes during the second half of the week. Would suggest, for the time being, to focus on one story. Better to do a second draft workshop in 2 or 3 weeks rather than doing two at the same time.
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Hey, everybody. Sorry that I am going to have to retract my participation in this (before actually participating). It is a great idea for Words and I would love to participate but I am barely keeping up with RL right now after just returning from being away for a month. I feel like the old saying: I bit off more than I could chew. I'm afraid that I won't be able to keep up my end of the bargain in terms of writing worthy criticisms each week and I don't want to participate in a half-assed manner. Keep writing! I have loved everything that I have read so far.

I still hope to post something in Words soon, but not in this context.<3
How you going L2R/ Hydro?

All good?

The workshop threads are archived at the end of their respective weeks. Here are the links:

Workshop Thread #1 - "Love Rhymes with Hideous Car Wreck" by xxxyyy
Workshop Thread #2 - "iDate" by Max Power
Workshop Thread #3 - "The Idiot Savant" by ForEverAfter
Workshop Thread #4 - "Yea; or Shall it be Nay?" by Thou
Workshop Thread #5 - "The Artist" by thjone

Week 1 ( 9/7-15/7 ) - Max Power / xxxyyy
Week 2 ( 16/7-22/7 ) - ForEverAfter
Week 3 ( 23/7-29/7 ) - thujone / Thou
Week 4 ( 30/7-5/8 ) - Hydro / L2R
Week 5 (6/8-12/8 ) - DamagedLemon / Volunteers?
Week 5 (13/8-19/8 ) - ForEverAfter (draft #2) / Thou (new story)
Week 7 ( 20/8-26/8 ) - CoffeeDrinker / Volunteers?
