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Legal Party/Fun Drugs

Anything better than a redbull or 2 mixes with multi vitamens and a placebo thoufgh? :)

Could be good for keeping energy up on pills unless it contaions a herbal maoi
Who has tried the B-FREE Pep'e Up or Nirvanas?
They say Black Pepper extract but only 5mg.. the rest is:

Caffiene 125mg
Free form amino acids 200mg
Antioxidants 150mg
Vitamin B6 15mg
Vitamin B2 5mg
Black Pepper Extract 5mg

Nirvana says:
Caffiene 100mg
Citrus Aurantium Extract 30mg
Free form amino acids 180mg
Pyridoxine HCL 15mg
Riboflavin 3mg
Encapsulating Aids 82mg
juice_soldier said:
If anyone here has tried Neo-doves, i found them to be quite like E.

But they don't seem to have the same duration, or the anxious/sick in the gut feeling of the come on.

But effect wise i'd say it was like a really clean med-high dose of quality MDMA at a dose of 2 capsules. Comparable to my first experiences with MDMA

3 thumbs up! neo-doves are great for a different experience, highly recommended for the 'adventurous hobbyist'.

edited comment :)
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Splatt said:
Who has tried the B-FREE Pep'e Up or Nirvanas?
They say Black Pepper extract but only 5mg.. the rest is:

Caffiene 125mg
Free form amino acids 200mg
Antioxidants 150mg
Vitamin B6 15mg
Vitamin B2 5mg
Black Pepper Extract 5mg

Nirvana says:
Caffiene 100mg
Citrus Aurantium Extract 30mg
Free form amino acids 180mg
Pyridoxine HCL 15mg
Riboflavin 3mg
Encapsulating Aids 82mg

Never tried the above, but the Citrus Aurantium is an ingredient in Pop.

From Wiki...
The extract of bitter orange (and bitter orange peel) has been used in dietary supplements as an aid to fat loss and as an appetite suppressant, although it is not recommended for use in isolation (in traditional Chinese medicine, it is always prescribed in concert with other support herbs). Bitter orange contains synephrine, a drug similar to ephedrine, acting as a stimulant (β3 agonist) with a possible risk of ischemic stroke and heart problems.

Citrus Aurantium is just phenylephrine. not stimulative. just slightly constricts (or opposite) arteries/blood vessels.. and hardly even works to clear a nose.
3 to the 3 said:
Re: Dreamtime mix...

Both this and the resin variety produced by the same people are DMT as far as I know. I'm pretty sure with the dreamtime they have just soaked some wattle leaves in extract and added the other herbs in. I thought the maoi thing might just be people trying to explain away how the leaves are active when smoked. Certainly the resin on its own was VERY active..

With the Dreamtime, much like Salvia, I need to have at least 2 big cones of it, and inhale like a mf, and hold in, and every second time I'll break through...

When I don't break through I just get a crazy rush and major visuals for 3 minutes then a golden feeling for an hour or so...

Anyone who has broken through knows it's pointless trying to explain..

Im quite fond of the dreamtime blend

Had some on sat night
One very large coneful
inhale deeply and hold
normally my experiences havnt been that overwhelming but very visual

This time i leaned back closed my eyes and i was gone'gone where i dont know
but i was there

The she appeard a reddish goblin/pixie like creature who I firmly beleaved was the dmt spirit she pointed laughed at me kissed me and ran off She was laughing as if to haha you didnt see this comming .
It was about there i opend my eyes and i cant explain how but eveything was moving in impossible dimensoins and i very strong feeling of absolute peace and acceptence came over me leaving me feeling very warm

I mean damn if thats not worth it what is
oh i tried the buzz stuff on sat aswell

Was quite suprised didnt notice it coming on as we were walking (anyone who went to mardigrass doof knows that walk) and when i stopped i relized i felt REALLY good like a good pill but a lil diffrent my body just felt good

My g/f was also on it and by the end of our walk (about 30mins in) was telling me she felt amazing and increadibly horny.
lasted a good 3 hours and for $xxx a bottle was worth it.

were going to get some for a quite night together next week.

Ive got the bottle here ill get the ingreadient list

says as following :
Enjoy the buzzz from choclate, hoeny, bitter orange, kanna, I-tyrosine octopamine saffron H2o & EtOH.

Its called Buzzz and has a bee on it contains 7ml

[EDIT: No Prices. Lil Angel15]
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Splatt said:
And whats stronger of the two?

Anyone tried the (U4E / X / Lounge / SeXe) ???

Also really wondering this as i have first two in the mail, arriving tomorrow! (U4E and X). I will report back on my findings if no one else does :)
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person said:
3 thumbs up! neo-doves are great for a different experience, highly recommended for the 'adventurous hobbyist'.

edited comment :)

They're nice but over-rated for the price.:p ;)

rogan said:
Different duration as in longer/shorter? No problems with customs?

Anyone had any experience with any of the others made by the same company (sub-coca, spirit, sc etc)?

Had a Sub Coca and ND2 today, spaced about an hour apart, swallowed rather than snorted. I've enjoyed my buzz but still feel it's not that impressive compared to clean piperazine pills. The peak is too short-lasting, only about a half hour with me. I know I'm going to feel lousy tomorrow but might take an Neo Dove to now compare, LOL

Think I will spend more money on architectural history books in future, LOL They will last longer ;)

I'm probably really weird this way but I get more from a couple of strong expressos!
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Had some Endorush over the weekend. Definately a fast and strong acting energy drink, within a few seconds after chugging close to half a bottle (it said take 1/4...but hey, I was drinking beforehand) I walked out of my apartment and my body felt very light, like I could bounce around all day without getting tired. Though one thing I noticed about 2 hours later was a really deep feeling of tiredness, like my body was just too exhausted to do anything and even the club I was in at the time, playing some decent trance, wasn't helping. Got home and had trouble sleeping because my mind was still awake yet I was just tired. Best recommended for hangovers.
A couple of red bulls can get me going but so can good strong coffee, I kid you not. :)
Mona Lisa said:
They're nice but over-rated for the price.:p ;)

Had a Sub Coca and ND2 today, spaced about an hour apart, swallowed rather than snorted. I've enjoyed my buzz but still feel it's not that impressive compared to clean piperazine pills. The peak is too short-lasting, only about a half hour with me. I know I'm going to feel lousy tomorrow but might take an Neo Dove to now compare, LOL

Think I will spend more money on architectural history books in future, LOL They will last longer ;)

I'm probably really weird this way but I get more from a couple of strong expressos!

LOL living costs more. Some headshops here have them in stock (and not overly priced), but can only buy them from there premises not mail order. Theyre great and thats because I love most chems anyway hehe.. Though the other stuff etc on this thread sounds good, im edgy about the mcpp/bzp energy drinks that you can get here as it tastes like redbull spiked with petrol heh..

yeah heh thats probably why I like it, because of the afterglow!! *nice, not as bad comedown as piperazines *ugh.
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Ahhh...I take back what I said; the afterglow has been wonderful ;)

I suppose I don't want to puff this stuff up too much or it might get banned quicker ;) he he
Dr.Feelgood said:
Had some Endorush over the weekend. Definately a fast and strong acting energy drink, within a few seconds after chugging close to half a bottle (it said take 1/4...but hey, I was drinking beforehand) I walked out of my apartment and my body felt very light, like I could bounce around all day without getting tired. Though one thing I noticed about 2 hours later was a really deep feeling of tiredness, like my body was just too exhausted to do anything and even the club I was in at the time, playing some decent trance, wasn't helping. Got home and had trouble sleeping because my mind was still awake yet I was just tired. Best recommended for hangovers.

Yeah it's a great drink for hangovers, gets your rehydrated really well.
I also found after a couple of hours that it crashes a fair bit.
Myself and my friends normally drink half to a full bottle, a full can be a bit intense though, causes eye wobbles and rushes like a pill does.

I made the mistake of taking it with Ergopharm AMP and I felt like I was going to die. Blood pressure everywhere, way too stimulated, edgy, paranoid, could'nt sleep all night.

Just a word of warning, don't drink Endorush when on stimulants, it has similar ingredients and effects as another BSN product called NO-Explode, which is a vasodialtor.

Could make your blood pressure go stupid and then you'll die. (advice given from the supplement shop I purchase mine from after I told hiim about the AMP/Endorush mix)
Bought a new one today from a headshop.. for some reason.. I know these things don't really do shit but this is apparently the strongest legal herbal one out atm, imported from from NZ. I'll have a pic up when I can be bothered but it comes in a bag with 4 yellow capsules says <Brand removed> up the top and ENERGY, Feel The Rush printed on it.. Mostly red/pink labelling. says -no piperazines, no ephedra, %100 legal.


Extracts of Pauillinia cupana, Coffea arabica llex paraguayensis, Theobroma cacao, Citrus aurantium Alstonia macrophylla, Octopamine, amino acid blends, gelatin capsules.

Says does not contain chemicals like piperazines, DXM, diphenhydramine oe ephradine. Apparently all the compounds are legal world wide.

Dose 1-2 caps. One first, then another if desired 2-3 hours later. Seems harmless ingredients, might just drop em all (do not recomend anyone else do this!!!!), these herbals really are just a rip mostly, but I was intreagued of something new.... if I can blast a half g of base+ can't see what these silly herbal extracts can do anyhing wrong.

They said this was stronger then Pepe'Up (not a brand name), but it wasn't really behind a counter or glass.. strange... more expensive too. Said more E like where PepeUp is more speed/awake like.

Pics as promised: The label got a tiny bit damaged when removing the price sticker for forum guidelines, probably should of just used mosaic :)




Edit: Brand names on images and in post removed to stop source promotions/searching. Sorry guys, part of the forum guidelines. But theres enough info here for if you come across them.
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Splatt said:
Note: Don't worry mods, I couldn't even find a site to sell these by searching up anything written on the front label of the baggie or the back.

Speaking of that, please note the following addition to the forum guidelines (it's not there yet but will be).

Moderators reserve the right to edit out the brand/company names of specific legal substances where reference to such would allow easy identification of the online store through a search engine. In general, brand names are not okay, specific product names are.

So in short, do not post brand/company names of legal highs or other drugs that allow the website to be identified through a search engine. Product names are okay, i.e. neodoves, sub-coca, etc. etc.

This has been an informal rule for some time but we're just clearing it up and making it formal. We expect everyone who posts in this thread to be aware of this rule from here on in... so no excuses ;)

If you have any questions or want something clarified about a particular brand name, please PM one of the mods rather than posting it.

Thanks :)
hoptis, you know me. If you want me to remove it just do it. But they seem pretty exclusive and even relabeled maybe from a bigger bottle and reprinted label. Definitely cannot find anything about it online.

In the end Just trying to help people out. So they're not buying stuff that will make them sick. People go to these "head shops" and buy whatever theyre theyre drunk. Not much [drunk or not] people are going to read ingredidents when they buy this stuff and they could be allergic to such ingredidents.

But anyway, if its okay to ask, anyone tried these yet???
Just remember people no sources or URLs to buy them.
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Of course it's okay to ask if anyone's had those, I wasn't at all referring to your post, just using your last sentence to launch into my spiel. :)
Splatt said:
hoptis, you know me. If you want me to remove it just do it. But they seem pretty exclusive and even relabeled maybe from a bigger bottle and reprinted label. Definitely cannot find anything about it online.

In the end Just trying to help people out. So they're not buying stuff that will make them sick. People go to these "head shops" and buy whatever theyre theyre drunk. Not much [drunk or not] people are going to read ingredidents when they buy this stuff and they could be allergic to such ingredidents.

But anyway, if its okay to ask, anyone tried these yet???
Just remember people no sources or URLs to buy them.

octopamine is an interesting substance, just because of where it comes from. not sure if i'd want to be ingesting it tho..

those pills sound like an anxiety attack in pill form :D probably cheaper to just get a packet of no-doze.