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Legal Party/Fun Drugs

Hahaha...nah,I'm not from Perth....I don't really like how close people have come to discussing this source,so i'll refrain from telling you(in a public forum anyway) where i obtained it.
Obviously you have seen what people are talking about,sooo,How do you think they do it....It takes 40mg of pure/ish DMT for me to breakthrough,yet i pack a normal cone/bong of this and i'm gone....although it isn't as clean(the reflection period anyway!!)
As i've said,I've "heard" how they do it...but,I call bullshit....At first i thought the Passiflora increased potency,now i'm not so sure...Opinions??
These people will not discuss/don't know how it works!

Oh....legal highs...DXM,I prefer it to Ketamine!Robotussin DX....read some tripreports first though,it's very much a love/hate drug(60mg is nice for increasing opiate potency too!!)
The Dreamtime blend is not just tryptamines, it has other herbs in it as well as plassfionflora which was MAOI properties.
If anyone here has tried Neo-doves, i found them to be quite like E.

But they don't seem to have the same duration, or the anxious/sick in the gut feeling of the come on.

But effect wise i'd say it was like a really clean med-high dose of quality MDMA at a dose of 2 capsules. Comparable to my first experiences with MDMA
^I've tried these as well. Like juice soilder said 2 of them, doubled dropped, feels like the cleanest pills I've ever had. The sub cocas are similar. 1 sub coca is good enough to do uni, 2 will make u fly!!
Dreamtime mix did very little for me, the walls changed colour for a few seconds when I concentrated really hard but aside from that nothing special imo.
juice_soldier said:
If anyone here has tried Neo-doves, i found them to be quite like E.

But they don't seem to have the same duration, or the anxious/sick in the gut feeling of the come on.

But effect wise i'd say it was like a really clean med-high dose of quality MDMA at a dose of 2 capsules. Comparable to my first experiences with MDMA
Different duration as in longer/shorter? No problems with customs?

Anyone had any experience with any of the others made by the same company (sub-coca, spirit, sc etc)?
Re: Dreamtime mix...

Both this and the resin variety produced by the same people are DMT as far as I know. I'm pretty sure with the dreamtime they have just soaked some wattle leaves in extract and added the other herbs in. I thought the maoi thing might just be people trying to explain away how the leaves are active when smoked. Certainly the resin on its own was VERY active..

With the Dreamtime, much like Salvia, I need to have at least 2 big cones of it, and inhale like a mf, and hold in, and every second time I'll break through...

When I don't break through I just get a crazy rush and major visuals for 3 minutes then a golden feeling for an hour or so...

Anyone who has broken through knows it's pointless trying to explain..
I walked down to my bottle shop, brought some nice 2005 Marsanne White Wine from the Tabhilk in VIC, went home, drank it while eating my fish'n'chips.

Felt relaxed, no halluications, no trippy feelings. Helped me to sleep well after that.

It's legal and cheaper than the legal highs you kids buy.

[EDIT: Not necessary. hoptis]
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^ Hey - this is a harm reduction forum, no disrespect intended but I think people are looking for some of the less harmful drugs, rather than alcohol.
starboy said:
^ Hey - this is a harm reduction forum, no disrespect intended but I think people are looking for some of the less harmful drugs, rather than alcohol.

Funny and true :D
Sorry if its already been said and I,ve missed it, but could someone please explain what exactly Pop and Buzz are? I take it they,re not Poppers (Nitrates) but some kind of herbal shooter? Which regular drug would you compare these too?

Pops an energy liquid. I had it for the first time yesterday and it was far better than what i expected. Body rushes, mild euphoria, massive amounts of energy, it was fantastic. It felt a little like E to me, but was missing something.
And whats stronger of the two?

Anyone tried the (U4E / X / Lounge / SeXe) ???
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Hi all,

Ive been really bored today just surfing the net and ive come accross some herbal high sites, ive been browsing and found a range of products called XXXX. There are many different types, just wondering if anyone has had any experiences with these?

[EDIT: Brand names removed. Lil Angel15]
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mingaa said:
Hi all,

Ive been really bored today just surfing the net and ive come accross some herbal high sites, ive been browsing and found a range of products called XXXX. There are many different types, just wondering if anyone has had any experiences with these?

[EDIT: Brand names removed. Lil Angel15]

Tried UxE, but only one at a time. Didn't get too much from it... The old yellow BZP liquid vials from "that place" dfid more. These are more dopamine precuroses.. and a lot of caffeine (~150mg per cap). If you're going to try it dont bother with one.. Try 2.. then later on maybe take another if needed but beware that's a bit of caffeine... nothing overly dangerous though... just keep hydrated.. The black pepper ingredient in UxE I don't think is related tpo piperazines.. or if it is its base piperazine, not BZP, mcPP, etc.....

The other ones says no black pepper...

Ingredients fopr UxE:
Kruidenmix 825mh / capsule* black pepper, l-tyrisone, l-arginine, passion flower, gurana (100mg), green tea (50mg), theobromine (which I believe is in some teas? and has stimulant properites? anyone?), citrus aurantinum (10mg synephruine / phenylephrine)

They say do not exceed more than 3 capsules per 24 hours.
And not to mix too much alcohol if you drink, and watch water intake as they may dehydrate you.

They work for some, but I didn't like them. They made me sick and cleared my nose, then made my nose and face 100 times more stuffier.... I got mine on a sale though so creation date could of had somethiong to do with it.

[EDIT:Brand Names Removed. Lil Angel15]
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chopped_chimp said:
Buzz is meant to be stronger than Pop, however Buzz made me feel really sick.

Might try em both together... if they give me a discount
Hoping theres something thats not just fucking caffeine and lame herbs like damiana and ginseng.....
Pop has the ingredients written on the side. I googled them and most were said to have light stimulating properties. I can't remember what they were, however definitely not caffeine, damiana or ginseng.....