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LATEHON. Super booze. Get it down ya already.


Feb 12, 2010
Your one stop shop for Daily Mail hypocrisy.

LATEHON - The new safe powder which imitates booze
PUBLISHED: 16:05, 24 June 2013 | UPDATED: 16:07, 24 June 2013
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The legal high industry has for years caused worry for parents and governments alike as the killer chemicals they sell to the nation cause death, destruction and a rapid increase in hospital admissions. Now however, some of the leading players in the grey-market are choosing to use their distribution channels to market a safe chemical called LATEHON, which is a derivative and mimics the effects of alcohol.

LATEHON looks like any other dangerous drug, it is a white or off-white powder that comes in sealed bags and could easily at first glance be mistaken for MDMA or heroin, but like alcohol, LATEHON is safe and people who have tried it have not immediately turned to rampant criminality. Indeed LATHEON is finding its home in the middle class homes across the country. Whiskey drinkers are especially taking to it as they say the taste represents the smoky flavour that Talisker is so famous for. John from Sussex described taking LATEHON for the first time as a "fun way to drink" and Dr. Robert Lee Palmer, a nutritionist from Cornwall, has polled the World Health Organisation (WHO) to put LATEHON on the essential drugs list in order to make overweight drinkers make the switch and help fight their obesity issues.

There is already a growing demand from bars to allow their drinkers to be sold LATEHON but this currently cannot occur because the powder has not been tested on humans and therefore cannot be sold for human consumption. It also brings the risk that people would be pretending it was the safe LATEHON when it was something far sinister. The discussions to fully legalise LATEHON however has began in parliament and it is expected that people will be able to buy quantities of it from reputable venues from early next year. The benefits of LATEHON for the general public are clearly there for all to see, but if this new revelation is taken up by people from Scotland or previous users of legal high websites and illegal drug users with the same gusto that they took up the killers Mexxy, Meow Meow and Roflcoptr, then we may find our streets safer at night.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2346965657/latehon-new-booze.html#grfhjr5hrg77s23
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Hahahahahahahhahahaaa! I wish that were true more than I've ever wished for anything else in the world ever :D
remeber them fags called Death

remeber them fags called Death


I do indeed, Brimzini. Always liked that. Never tried 'em but was a bit saddened when they died a death (ahem). Somebody needs to start a line of fine liquors called "Liver Destroyer" "Home Wrecker" "Unwanted Pregnancy Causer" or some such.
From my link i found them on sale on t'internet :)

I tried em well a mate bought em they were expensive as fuk n they were fukin strong . 18mg of each ithink !!
I thought they disappeared without trace. Live and learn :)

And yeah, I heard they were strong. And pricey. I'd probably buy a pack if I ever saw 'em anywhere but never have seen 'em anywhere and don't feel strongly enough about it to actually seek 'em out online. Besides, I seriously need to quit anyway. I managed to smoke almost 12.5g of baccy last night and am certainly feeling it today. Ick :|
i only smoke loads if i'm on the booze . 12.5g in a night that's nasty man . Do you have yella fingers ?
Is this not just RLP at it again? Lil scamp of a squirrel he is :D

No hits on Google for "LATEHON" and no actual article to be found anywhere.
Ha! I hadn't noticed that, BCF. Well spotted :D

Am still trying to work out where "LATEHON" came from. Looks like an anagram or verbal gag of some kind but buggered if I can see what :?
remeber them fags called Death


Yep. Didn't they give 10% of their profits to cancer charities? The guy in the one shop where I used to live used to ask me if I wanted instant or slow because they also did Death lites.
i only smoke loads if i'm on the booze . 12.5g in a night that's nasty man . Do you have yella fingers ?

Bit late on this one I know, but 12.5g in a night is fuckin nowt... Never done speed? ;)