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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Last movie you watched?

alpha dog. i hadnt heard of it (or remembered it) until this wkend when a friend asked if i had seen it and i rented it and liked it more than i thought i wouldve. i would watch it again.
I still don't know what to think about it.. some parts really didn't make sense.. I love a good horror movie.. don't think this was it..
Reno 911....movie was fucking terrible

The Hills Have Eyes 2 (remake)....I enjoyed it

Shooter....really good movie, ending was ok, but the rest was really good

Yea, I know, I had a movie day today lol.
last few movies:

italian job
the heart above all things are decietful
Emanuelle Comes to America
Last king of scottland
hannibal rising
I hated that the heart about all things are deceitful movie - fucking DISGUSTING scenes! Even if it's fake, i'm NOT about watching some kid get buttraped. Fucking not cool! That among the MYRIAD of other fucking TERRIBLE shit that happens to him. UGH! I turned that shit off.


I watched Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun - and it is pretty damn good for a cheesy 80's sci-fi flick! I'v always been a sucker for sci-fi...

watched Renaissance last night (baked outta my face of course), black and white, cyberpunk, animated, daniel craig, fucking awesomeness.

Only thing that would have made it better would be colouring the main characters, and leaving the "extras" and background in B&W.
psychetool said:
I hated that the heart about all things are deceitful movie - fucking DISGUSTING scenes! Even if it's fake, i'm NOT about watching some kid get buttraped. Fucking not cool! That among the MYRIAD of other fucking TERRIBLE shit that happens to him. UGH! I turned that shit off.

This movie, while nothing like this one, was much like Children of Men.. not by plot, story, acting ability, style, etc..

but in the fact that from the beginning it was just negativity and seeing a horrid picture painted, but with nothing to compare and contrast that negativity to.

This is problematic, b/c both movies could have been great films and turned out to be absolute shit. When you see people in films like this and cannot make an emotional connection.. can't see where life is or was good.. and how that's taken away.. or how one might find joy in the midst of all the fucked up shit going wrong.. i have a hard time relating, empathizing, or feeling anything. I think i'm just looking at tragedy piled on top of tragedy, and it's numbing. You don't feel anything. You watch a world in children of men, and you don't give a shit the girl is pregnant and needs to be saved.. b/c you see a world not worth saving.

Just as in the Heart is Decietful, you see this boy go through all this awfullness, but you never see him smile, play, make a constructive connection to anyone, you see nothing of value to feel bad for him to miss. Sure, that life would be awful.. and things happen like this to kids unfortunately.. and it's fucking horrific, but the movie/story doesn't make you feel that. It makes you feel nothing, at most .. morbid curiosity to keep watching to see who and what is going to hurt him next.
DigitalDuality said:
watch a world in children of men, and you don't give a shit the girl is pregnant and needs to be saved.. b/c you see a world not worth saving.

I've heard people criticize Children of Men for this reason many times, but do you forget that the world you are watching is OUR world? Its not like it was a fantastical universe nothing like our own, in fact, I thought the portrayal of the entire situation was pretty damn accurate to what might actually happen. Just because you see no joy or happiness in the film doesn't mean that these things never existed or can never exist again.

Clive Barker's character's history was unimportant. The pregnant girl's history and character itself was unimportant. IMO it was a great portrayal of what the human race would react like if all hope for the future was lost, but was found again when all was almost lost.
"the number 23"

it was ok, but it was weird to see jim carrey trying to act serious, instead of like a jackass.

followed swiftly by BEACH BLANKET BINGO because i was too creeped out to sleep.
