Kratom Withdrawal Help - Need to get off this stuff!

What a day. I thought I was out of the woods and then I woke up. I felt very very ill. I was almost positive I had already bought more and used it. I couldn't get out of bed and I just felt very very sick. I checked my online banking. No purchases. Wouldn't of got here that fast anyway. I must've dreampt it. But it felt real and I couldn't shake it.

I finally got my car packed and started feeling better. It was a long trip and I worked a half day. I now think I am out of the woods as far as the acute withdrawals and am very much looking forward to a night of solid sleep after a fantastic shower. My stomach isn't right, I can only eat small meals but I am eating them frequently and it doesn't even know if I'm am plugged up or a fire hydrant which makes cross country driving a total blast. I'm guessing that'll come around in a day or two.

I'm so glad this happened when it did, had I waited another day or two I would've missed Christmas or bought more and this nightmare would be in front of me instead of behind me. Thank you so much for the advice I received on here and for helping me get through this. I am actually pretty healthy and fit and for someone who isn't I would not recommend at all trying this by yourself, espcially if you live alone.

There were times I didn't think I was going to make it and times where I had no strength and had to crawl from room to room. I'm in my mid 30s, close to 250lbs and play a lot of tennis and lift weights. Being reduced to having to crawl to make it to the bathroom I had to experience to believe. Not having the strenth to sit in a chair was weird too. While I am still shaky and every muscle hurts my strength is coming back quickly now. Looks like it takes about 5 days to withdraw if you do about the equivilant of 300grams of kratom or so a day for months and are in decent physical condition to start.

If I have any set backs in the next day or so I will definitely come back here to post them. I hope this helps someone here in the future who couldn't find anything about kratom withdrawal online and who was doing a lot because they got mixed right into the kratom fst tinctures and not the leaf and powder to start. Or maybe somehow who has never been through opiate withdrawal like me except for the day I ran out and that is what kicked this whole thing off a couple months ago to get out of this nightmare I had someone got myself wrapped into.

Thanks again, and take care everyone!

sounds good... just don't forget about PAWS. after the worst is over, you may not feel "great," probably... or not, i don't know. just saying it could happen and that if the physical symptoms pass, and you still often feel like shit, it's nothing to panic about or take too seriously, because you need to remember that your body will, likely, take at least six months to fully recover...btw, i haven't done opiates since the beginning of the summer, and my intestens STILL don't know what to do! i'm glad i'm not driving cross country.... ;)
I skimmed through some of this thread but have not thoroughly read through all of it. I want to help because I'm in a similar boat.

One thing I'm going to say is it sounds like your withdrawals are MUCH worse than anything I've ever experienced with kratom. I don't mean to scare you, but I've read reports of some kratom products, namely tinctures and extracts, being found to actually contain/be laced with controlled, full-agonist opiates. If you've been using tinctures all along, try switching over to a crushed-leaf from a trusted source. It's not unlikely the tincture you've been using contains real opiates, hence the bursting euphoria you got and absolutely horrible withdrawals you seem to be experiencing!

I have personally been using powdered commercial leaf for just over a year now. I started with just once or twice a week, moved up to every other day, and now as of the past few months it's been every day, sometimes twice a day. My tolerance is through the roof, it takes me ~10g of powder to feel even a slight buzz, and I often find myself fiending for it. The euphoria I've always felt from kratom has been moderate at best, and is actually best described as 'extreme-anxiety-relief' more than 'euphoria' in my honest opinion. As of my later years, I'm realizing I have always had an anxiety problem, even before drug use. Kratom literally flushes away those anxieties and puts my mind on a focused, positive, comfortable track, basically just putting my mind in a place where I feel a non-anxious person's sober mind might be. This in itself is euphoric to me, just not worrying about EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE ALL THE TIME is amazing, and it what has been driving me to keep using kratom. The other problem is that kratom is cheap, legal, and supposedly non-toxic and not AS addictive as opiates. Why is that a problem? It is a problem because it's VERY hard to come up with reasons to NOT dose up on kratom, because it's cheap, legal, and safe right? Only as addicting as caffeine? Why shouldn't I dose up?! I even found myself considering it an 'anti-depressant' when I was using it every day, to justify my daily use, because other people take SSRI's every day, why shouldn't I take my version of anti-depressant therapy every day? See where I'm going with this?

Now I'm at a point where I feel like I almost need the kratom to go on with the day. I wake up in the morning, and it's almost the first thing I think about. It gives me the motivation to get the fuck out of bed and do something with myself. It gives me the enthusiasm to go to work and do a GREAT job. It gives me the energy to work long hours and not mind, and also the energy to go out after work, be social, be happy and outgoing, it turns me into the person I've always wanted to be!! The problem is that I'm now at a point where I'm starting to feel like I need to the stuff. That's not me, that's not how my mother raised me, and that's not how I raised myself. I'm better than this, and I do not want to be at a point where I'm a slave to some fucking leaf!!

My girlfriend got some dental work done and got a script for 5mg vicodin. She was popping 10mg every couple of days after work and getting absolutely wrecked, couldn't stop telling me how good she feels, itching like mad, pupils almost disappeared, etc.. Me, I took six of them, 30 frickin' mg, did a CWE (to remove all that APAP, they were 5/500's), drank it on a very empty stomach, didn't feel a goddamn thing!!! However, I take 10g of kratom and I feel it, barely, but I feel it and it satisfies me for a while. Does this mean that the dosage of kratom I've been taking every day is equivalent to taking MORE than 30mg hydrocodone twice daily!?! I HOPE TO FUCKING GOD NOT.

I have a trip to NYC planned for April. I absolutely will not be addicted to opioids when I go there for ~2 weeks. Goes 2 weeks with kratom sounds like a death sentence. I get the chills thinking about it. FUCK! I absolutely must taper off this stuff by that time. I'm not waiting for New Years to begin, I've begun already (I guess). Here's my plan:

Current habit (December): 400mg cimetidine, 10g bali powder in the morning before work, then usually another 200mg cimetidine and another 10g bali around lunch, using every day with an average of one day off a week.

January - Goal: Reduce usage from daily to at least every other day by February. Completely stop using potentiators.

Plan: Reduce usage of bali to ONLY one dose per day, every other day, and no more cimetidine at all. For the days between, I'm going to use a far weaker, less euphoric version of kratom to simply 'maintain', all the while continuing to use less and less and less of it until not using at all on the 'between-bali-days'.

February - Goal: Alternating bali and the weaker strain, continuing an every-other-day cycle. So it would be for example, use bali on Monday, nothing at all on Tuesday, weak strain on Wednesday, Nothing at all on Thursday, and bali on Friday, nothing on Saturday, weak strain on Sunday, etc..

Plan: Start using a mixture of the weak strain and the bali powder on every other use, eventually outweighing the bali and then not using bali at all.

March - Goal: Hopefully be using infrequently enough to where I no longer fear not having kratom. It was far less than a year ago I remember had a big jar of ~100g of kratom powder on my shelf, just bought recently, and my girlfriend accidentally knocked it over while cleaning, spilling it everywhere, completely emptying my entire stash into the carpet. I laughed out loud, called her silly, vacuumed up the mess, and forgot about the kratom until a few days later. If that was to happen today, and it was the last of my stash, I'd probably have a freak-out. I absolutely need to be in that place I was before. I hope that by March, I'm there. :)
Seattle-stranger - seems like you have a good plan. i'm a bit confused by your use of cimetidine... unless, it's used as a potentiator? i ask because clonidine helps a lot w/the agitated, physical, hot/cold's a blood pressure medication used regularly for opiate wds.... it could help. you can get a transdermal patch and just leave it there, changing it as directed, but otherwise "forget" about it, i.e., it's not necessarily something you have to swallow and keep down, like many of the, OTC, wds meds....
good luck

ps. also, i'm not so sure the OP is experiencing such heavy wds that there is any indication that his product has been "laced". aside from the fact that it doesn't make economical sense for any supplier to "lace" his product, w/more expensive, more legally regulated, and more harshly sentencing for trafficking chemicals, it seems, rather, that the OP is having a severe emotional reaction to first time wds, which is not to discount his experience or their intensity, just saying that he isn't vomiting, etc... and his worst symptoms, from what i've read, are psychological, and his physical wds limited to exhaustion and general malaise. i know the FIRST time i experienced wds i thought i was going to die, and totally taken by surprise, many years later, such a level of wds felt mild... just my personal experience.
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