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Kratom Question

Maeng da is a variety of kratom, which is many times stronger than most other varieties/strains.

Even with that super potent strain, you'll find it hard to feel anything from kratom with that outrageous oxy habit.
^I disagree that maeng da is "many times" stronger than most varieties. IME, it is maybe slightly stronger, and that isn't even guaranteed if you get a good crop of what's usually called "premium" online.

Also, 1/4 pound of kratom will surely cause some intense nausea! I couldn't recommend that anyone try anywhere near this, especially going into it blindly...
Outrageous oxy habit ? I didn't think my habit was outrageous at all. In fact, I thought it was on the upper end of 'moderate' nearing the high part on the 'addiction/tolerance' spectrum. That sucks then.

Are you very experienced with kratom ? In other words, do you use it ever/often and if so what is your opiate habit like -if you have one?

bollweevil: how much kratom would YOU suggest I try (in form of loose leaves-I intend to just chew them up and swallow them)? I want to take them around 11am . I work at 3pm so I don't want to be too ill or anything. Just comfortable.
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I've used kratom 20 times maybe. I don't have an opioid habit; that's why I've used kratom. It's not strong enough to compare to large doses of oxycodone. 60-70mg per day is a pretty bad addiction.

Kratom even at high doses only compares to much lower doses of oxy than that. With tolerance I can't imagine you feeling much.
^(woamotive)I wouldn't say your habit is that large, but it is a bit high compared to what you can expect to achieve with kratom. I would recommend just using a dose in the normal dosage range, maybe 6-7 grams or so. The effects from that won't completely relieve you, but they will certainly help to a degree. You can always increase your dosage a bit if you feel confident that you won't get uncomfortably nauseous and/or shaky.
Would it be unwise after taking the kratom to then take about 15mg oxycodone (it's pure, and instant release) just to 'add' to the experience ?
^Personally (and from a few anecdotal stories), I feel that kratom mixes poorly with opiates, giving unpleasant effects.
Well that's lame. Sounds like I should just save it until I'm desperate. Does it last long/sit well ? In other words, will it go bad or lose quality if I don't use it soon?
^It'll be fine, unless your definition of "soon" is really loose! ;)
I think it would be perfectly fine to take oxy a few hours after the Kratom. People who are opiate naive have tried to mix opiods and kratom together, while most of the reports were not spectacular none of them appeared to be dangerous. Kratom is a pretty safe drug so its nothing to be scared of.

If the Kratom dose is too weak to feel much then its unlikely to adversely affect your next dose of oxy. Its mostly people who get a strong effect from the Kratom who will notice it impacting their opiate high. If you dont feel it much then I dont think it will be a problem to take a dose of oxy next.

Then again, if it works just swell, maybe you wont need oxy for a while.

I am taking 15mg of oxy every 4 hours or I get cold sweats. I do understand the apprehension of trying something new when you already have one addiction going and you are concerned about the effects of the combination.

From all the reports I have seen, a few people actually liked the combination and a few others described it as causing a slightly anxiety or strange high, but nothing I have read ever mentioned anything about dangerous side effects. Kratom is safer than oxy.

I think it would be perfectly fine to take Kratom in the morning and your oxy around noon.
Yes, sounds reasonable. I'll try the combo, most likely. I doubt the kratom on its own will do much for me, esp considering my tolerance goes up dramatically seemingly on a daily basis. Thanks for the advice.
I have recently been experimenting with a "local bulk store source". I find the online varieties to be much the same but more expensive. This place sells crushed not powdered leaves for a un beatable deal.
There is a fabulous recipe (on something likesagewisdom.org, i believe). This method involves adding your dose (your choice, and only can be found through careful trial) to 1L of water and boiling it to reduce the liquid to about 300 ml and strain. Repeat this three times and the left over 3 portions of 300 ml strained kratom are combined and again reduced to a smaller, palatable amount of liquid. I find about 200 ml is about the maximum I can comfortably drink and I drank pod tea for years.
I have tried numerous times consuming leaf both crushed and powdered with no result what so ever.
The best part of this method is that regardless of your dose you can reduce it to what ever amount of liquid you want.
Cheers and good luck.
However traditionally it is chewed which would suggest oral consumption does work.
I'm a little behind the ball on offering information on this thread of the original poster...but I thought I would offer my 2 cents anyways.

I have found that Kratom is best bought as a FST or "Full Spectrum Tincture". Make sure it's a TINCTURE and not a SOLUTION - Tinctures are more expensive but contain only the Kratom alkaloids therefore are stronger and a better value. Just try google searching for it.

As for helping with WD ... About three weeks ago I went from around 100-200mg of Oxycodone a day insufflated (or any other opioid if OC wasn't available, including heroin.) Upon the suggestion of a friend I switched to kratom exclusively in the morning after my last, small (40mg) dose of oc. At the starting point I was taking 10-12 drops of the FST mixed with one oz of water on an empty stomach in the morning, and two doses of 6-8 drops in 6 hour intervals for a maximum daily dose of 28 drops. Let me tell you...I felt amazing. I had absolutely no withdrawal effects from the oxy and actually felt even better and more energetic on the kratom.

I have slowly reduced my daily intake in steps from (in drops) 28 max, to 20 max, and now to 16 max. My next jump will be down to two 5 drop doses once in the morning, and once in the evening with the goal of being completely clean by mid October.

On the few occasions that I have run out of kratom (or didn't feel like shelling out extra money for saturday over-night delivery) I have experienced moderate withdrawal symptoms including digestive issues, insomnia, RLS, and sheer boredom. If oxycodone withdrawal is a full 10 on a scale of 1-10 I would say my kratom withdrawal experience was a 5. It was mostly physical unlike the soul-crushing mental aspects of other mu receptor agonist withdrawals. As for PAWS...I haven't gotten there yet. I would imagine with my very, very long addiction my PAWS will most definitely be just as bad as they would have been without the kratom ... but as long as the short-term mental anxiety isn't as bad i'm all for it.

Hope this helps anyone who is looking to use this miraculous plant as a gateway to a better life. Despite what some people have said on here it really has worked for me. Everybody is different ... but spending $30-40 once just to see if it works for you is well worth it if you ask me.
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To those wondering how to take Kratom for WD's without having to swallow dried leaves in a spoon or drinking that VILE Tea, I have a suggestion. I bought "00" empty capsules online. Availible anywhere. 1000 of the "veggie" caps are less than $20. If you know your usual dose, measure it out and then just figure out how many caps it is equal to. If you don't know how much to take , I will just tell you where I started. My 30mg. Roxi dose was 4-5 snorted to get a good buzz. My Norco dose was 150-180mg. at a time. I started with 10 "00" size caps and it took 99% of the WD's away. For myself I only needed it once a day, most of the time. If the WD's started again, I would take 4-5 caps. If you are serious about stopping Opioids and/or Opiates, it is a lifesaver for the majority of users. If you only want to take your monthly script of pain meds and no more, it works well for that too. Say you get 90 Norcos a month but they disapeer in 4-5 days.....
The "00" caps are the horse pill size. The "0" caps are easier to swallow.

My 1-10 WD scale is this. Hydro, cold turkey, 6 for 4-5 days and no sleep

OXY's, Cold turkey, 8-9 for 6-7 days with days 2-5 forcing myself to not eat 90 Klonipins or a .44Mag.

For myself the wd's were a 1. I slept, no suicidal wishes, no jitters, nothing!!

1 more thing. The plain Bali, PC Commercial, which is the cheapest powder, worked better for me than the so called better strains.

Good Luck