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Kratom Question

From personal experience, I find that there is a significant cross tolerance between opiates and kratom. Also, this article shows a cross tolerance between morphine and kratom.

Since you eat breakfast, I would suggest eating something light after taking Kratom - I normally mixed it with a banana, juice, and yogurt in the morning and had a cup of coffee/tea afterward, so I would think that as long as you keep your breakfast fairly light that it wouldn't be a problem.

Also, even just one or two hits of cannabis seems to be very synergistic with Kratom and gives it more of an opiate feeling - for me, anyway. I'd also recommend buying your kratom from an online vendor - generally, the stuff in stores isn't very fresh.
From personal experience, I find that there is a significant cross tolerance between opiates and kratom. Also, this article shows a cross tolerance between morphine and kratom.

Since you eat breakfast, I would suggest eating something light after taking Kratom - I normally mixed it with a banana, juice, and yogurt in the morning and had a cup of coffee/tea afterward, so I would think that as long as you keep your breakfast fairly light that it wouldn't be a problem.

Also, even just one or two hits of cannabis seems to be very synergistic with Kratom and gives it more of an opiate feeling - for me, anyway. I'd also recommend buying your kratom from an online vendor - generally, the stuff in stores isn't very fresh.

Awesome, thanks for the link and all the other info ;) . I'll definitely be looking into that. Do you prefer the energizing or relaxing ? - out of curiosity. Also, how do YOU feel after taking kratom. Like in specifics. Do you, like many, feel that in smaller doses it's energizing at all? I have a very NON demanding job so you'd say I should be alright trying it out in the morning? I'd imagine so, considering I take large amounts of opiates everyday anyway (so I don't know why I worry). Any notable differences in the experience between kratom and (for example) pure oxycodone ?
Glad I could help. :)

I definitely prefer the relaxing (specifically Bali) - the stimulating kind always makes me feel a bit nauseous, even at lower doses.

Low doses feel kinda like drinking coffee but longer lasting - bit of energy, no euphoria. (IMO it's not worth it to use it for this due to the taste....I've got a pretty strong stomach, but I eventually quit using Kratom b/c I couldn't stand to drink it anymore. :\)

At higher doses, I get a body buzz - relaxed muscles, kind of tingly. I feel euphoric, and although it feels opiate-like, it's much weaker. Kratom also worked well for my anxiety and helped my concentration.

I can't really compare it to OC's - Kratom doesn't really feel like any traditional opiate to me.

It'll be fine to take before/at work IMO. I would normally drink it while driving to class. Worst case scenario, you'll be nauseous (if you take enough to "overdose" on it, which is unlikely).
NO one else has much experience with kratom, eh ? I probably should have assumed so considering there was really no mention of it on this entire site. Lame.
^You're not in the best forum for opiate-related advice. (Other Drugs) There is a ton of information on here about kratom, but the search engine here isn't the best. For future reference, searching for "site:bluelight.ru" + "your search term here" in Google (without the quotes) is a much easier way to search the content of this site.

With my kratom, I use the finely ground leaves and put them into 00 size gel caps. Parachutes work as well, as will anything that gets the leaves into your stomach. To find the proper amount to take, weigh out between 4-6 grams depending on if you want more of a stimulant effect or more of an sedative one. After your first dose, you should know how much to take in the future. You could also go by volume if you are using the finely ground leaves and just count the number of gel caps or scoops or whatever you are taking.
It just seems quicker and easier if I measure out my dose, add some water, mix it all up and toss it back, maybe rinsing my palette with water in between swigs.

I agree, thats usually how ive taken it after experimenting a lot with it.

& great response overall
You might wanna try Drugs Forum or Opiophile for info on Kratom. It doesn't seem to be nearly as popular on BL. It's kinda hard to read through all the SWIMing on DF, but there's some good info there. :)
all "commercial" kratom is about equal - if its from a reputable website. it will help with your w/d, but its not gonna be like Sub.... Also - You can only dose once every....6-8 hours - and it lasts roughly an hour.

Also be weary about automatically taking a lot - its just a fact that kratom in excess causes pretty bad nausea, and trust me, it does. It will calm your head down a little, maybe some RLS will dissipate, so your friend is right, considering you buy it online, it actually does help, no doubt you'll feel sick a lot unfortunately though
Thanks for the additional responses. I just want to make sure I take it right, that I get the most out of what I have without taking TOO Much or taking it the least effective way. The withdrawal right now is reaching the point where the depression is the most annoying part. I feel miserable and want the feeling to end. Kratom right now seems like a ridiculous cure but it's all I've got so...I'll check out these forums and do some additional searching. But FIRST-time to struggle through a day of work :p

My kratom I believe is pretty sketchy. I don't think it's as great as most would prefer as it's not from a site. It lasts only an hour!? Damn. Seems like the more I read about it the less I want to try it. Then again, what is there to lose at this point!?
The relief might last longer than an hour. The Euphoria might only last an hour for some tolerant users. For many opiate naive people it lasts longer than an hour.

I hear people chew it throughout the day, so I dont know why you can only dose every 6 hours. I never heard that before.
Yes..Kratom does work well for w/d's. Personally, this is what worked for me...

I made a tea with Kratom leaves, drinkin just the liquid and disposing the plant material. Cuz swallowing the plant material tends to fuck my stomach up. Relief of w/d symptoms lasted a few hours. The more Kratom you use at once, the more sedating the dose is. I used commercial grade and used 8-10 grams per "cup of tea" i made. That dose for me seemed to borderline the "opiate feeling" and "sedation"...but basically killed all w/d symptoms.
Sweet, I'm all about killing the w/d. Is it a common agreement to NOT swallow the leaves then or to at least grind them up as best as possible to prevent probable stomach issues ?
While I hope that I can get to the root of my pain and no longer need narcotics, I am somewhat dreading the WD process I am setting myself up for.
The w/d is always dreaded. I still haven't tried the kratom by the way. It's just so much easier to keep wasting money on the 'good stuff'. Kratom to me is still too foreign. I feel I don't know enough about it; no one I know has used it (no one I know very WELL) and I'm looking for a pal to use it with. I'm still hoping for some more responses regarding its efficacy.
Why dont you offer to let a friend have some for free, and observe them and let them give you a detailed report of how it feels.

For you it probably wont be as good, but it might at least make detoxing easier.

I would suggest experimenting with it just a little in the morning for a fresh high before you have to rely on it entirely. That way you wont be so apprehensive.

Try just a tiny amount and space it out at least 3 hours away from your next dose. Even if you dont get an effect at least you will know that a tiny amount didnt hurt you or make you feel sick.
I'd recommend 4-6 grams of kratom, plus 25mg of Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Unisom (doxylamine)
Potentate it like you would a normal opiate to get the most out of your kratom, and kill the nausea with some ginger ale.
I think I might try the kratom tomorrow morning, just straight up spoonfuls. If I took that at (for example) 10am, could I take oxy at (for example) 2pm if the kratom wasn't working for me? Or would you recommend that I just try taking more kratom?

In other words, is it safe to combine kratom with oxy (or any other opiates for that matter)? I'd imagine it would be fine but I'm wondering if any of you have done this ?
On that much oxycodone you won't feel kratom much.

If you don't have maeng da you might need to ingest 1/4lb of kratom to feel it for all I know.
I have no idea what that means..that last sentence was as bit scattered.