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Kratom Addiction/ Need Help After Withdrawals Are Over

Hey man good job!! I may have missed this in the post but how long have u been on Kratom and what stains were u on? I'm looking to replace an opioid habit w Kratom and then wd from that. So how long Kratom?
I hate to have to repeat myself, but you guys are making these kratom withdrawals MUCH harder then they need to be.

Get a hold of "kratom stem and vein powder", you take that every few hours or so for 4 to 5 days, and you'll experience ZERO withdrawals!! Kratom stem is the bottom of the plant, it doesnt get you high it just eliminates WD's and it causes virtually no WD's itself when you come off the stem.

Its almost as if mother nature made the bottom of the plant for just that purpose alone.
If you're smart, and you have a bit of self-control, then do what I do. I go for 1 or 2 days just taking stem powder, and then if I have a rough day at work I take regular kratom for a day or two. Then a day or 2 later I go back to the stem powder.

You can toggle this way, you wont get tolerance, and the kratom always is a fun thing to do. Its also cheaper in the long run because stem powder only costs a fraction the price of regular kratom
For me personally, kratom has always been good to me. IMO, It's great for manual labor, long drives, and just chilling. I've never had any of the problems people describe here though. I use it on average every other day, but sometimes more and sometimes less. I sometimes go for a week without it though if I get lazy and wait to order more after I run out, and I never have any ill effects whatsoever. I've also never use any other opioids/opiates.
For me personally, kratom has always been good to me. IMO, It's great for manual labor, long drives, and just chilling. I've never had any of the problems people describe here though. I use it on average every other day, but sometimes more and sometimes less. I sometimes go for a week without it though if I get lazy and wait to order more after I run out, and I never have any ill effects whatsoever. I've also never use any other opioids/opiates
Thats pretty much the way I use it too. I find you appreciate kratom more when you do it like that
So I could go from Bali powder to stem powder and then off and bypass all wd? Also did you come from a background of being on opiotes?
So I could go from Bali powder to stem powder and then off and bypass all wd?
Yes! Try to taper down a bit so your dropoff isnt too great. For example, try to taper to between 15 to 20 grams of powder daily for a few days before you quit. You actually dont even have to, really. It just makes it easier

Also did you come from a background of being on opiates?
Yes. Codeine and Oxy's (pills only, not snorting or injecting).

But make sure all other opiates are at least 7 days out of your system
You are most welcome ribs. I see you've not posted since your 48 hour mark. It's ok if you caved. I didn't get clean my first attempt for sure, but now I'm on day 13 and it's only getting better. If you want some advice or to know how I made it through, pm me. I'll be glad to do whatever I can for you.

Hang in there. And when it's tough, just hang-ass on! It ONLY gets better.

How many ways can I say thank you? I have read this thread twice before. Once when I thought about quitting kratom, and once when I first tried. That first attempt lasted about a day. It sucked. It mentally just beat me.

But here I am with over 48 hours clean from Kratom (I know it's still short but I gotta celebrate a little). I was using a lot, every day. It just crept up on me. Then when I tried to quit and the withdrawals hit, man did that scare me. But I went back. But I have found a new energy, and this is the longest Ive gone without it in over 8 months. The withdrawals suck, but are already getting better. And there is some hope, positivity, and excitement in me now! I believe I can do it, and that is huge.

I don't think any of this would have happened without this thread and especially without you pods. Your posts are words I've turned to many times to lift me up. It's so embarrassing to be alone with this and try to change, but this thread has done wonders. Thank you all so much.

I know I am still at the beginning, but I feel that surge of happiness from freedom growing, and I'm not trying to quiet it. I'll keep you posted. Gotta stay strong. Thanks to all for making me feel a lot less alone.
Yes! Try to taper down a bit so your dropoff isnt too great. For example, try to taper to between 15 to 20 grams of powder daily for a few days before you quit. You actually dont even have to, really. It just makes it easier

Yes. Codeine and Oxy's (pills only, not snorting or injecting).

But make sure all other opiates are at least 7 days out of your system

I disagree with needing 7 days out from all opiates to do kratom. A day or two and in the thick of WDs and kratom will give much desired relief. Hell, if I could have done 7 days without poppies I'd have never used kratom at all.

To killermunchies: I'm glad you can handle without getting to where many of us did with kratom. I suppose it's like alcohol. 9 of 10 people can drink, no problem. The 10th one, me for example, can never get enough. Of anything. I can't get enough alcohol in me, enough opiates, enough money, enough sex, enough recognition. My life was ruled by excess. And so, while I used to wildly jealous of those who could handle it, I' now actually grateful in some ways to be an alcoholic addict in recovery. I don't have a choice. Well, I do, but it's life or death. If I go on using and drinking it will be to the bitter end, so for me, I have to live a spiritual (not religious) life. And I a finding more happiness, freedom, joy in life sober than I ever knew. That ever knew was possible in fact, and as I said, it's only getting better.
Hey beat it! Sorry I missed this message a while back. I was sorry to see this thread go cold so I'm posting it and hopefully people will come back, and maybe we'll get some new people trying to kick the kratom monkey.

I am on day 33 clean now from everything. Fantastic it is!

You are so right about not being able to help it. For me, i you take away my alcohol an drugs, and don't replace it with something better, I'm a fucking lunatic. Years ago I'd try to quit drinking, on my own, and people would be saying stuff like, "man, you oughtta drink! why are you so angry/fuckedup/miserable/emotional?" For me, AA is that replacement. If you'd have asked me a couple years ago if I'd invite a bunch of guys who believe in some kind of god or higher power over to my house to sit around and talk about recovery and god and stuff, I might popped you in the jaw.

What I believe now is that I was actually seeking a kind of spiritual experience through drink and drug. And at the beginning, without knowing it, that's what I got. Later then, of course, the drink and drugs turned on me, and started eating everything that was precious to me, little by little. So, take those drinks/drugs out and what am I? Empty. Fucking empty. So, AA. AA is a spiritual program of action. The 12 steps are a simple guide to living happy. We have to be happy in sobriety, otherwise, who the fuck wants it? So, now my spiritual experience lies in recovery, in helping others, in taking my ego out of the way. Now my mind is quiet (sometimes) so that when the answers come I can hear them. (That is, when life puts up a red flag, I don't just drive over it witha bottle in one hand and a drug in the other.) I am becoming ever more peaceful and serene. I am confident, but not full of myself. Fears of loss have all but abandoned me. I trust and have faith. I do the next right thing, to the best of my ability, and do this knowing that I can only control that part. Whatever else happens is whatever else happens, and I am confident in facing life on life's terms, not on my own. You see, my plan for living sucked. If I showed you the results my pan got me, you'd agree. AA's plan for living does not suck. If you could see the results I get from this plan, you would again agree.

SO yes, you can't help it. Alone. Alone you cannot. This is what you've said IMO. If then, powerless is your dilemma, you need a power greater than yourself. Start with AA. The fellowship can be your higher power starting out. I thought alcoholics and drug addicts slept under bridges and had seizures outside the liqour store waiting for it o open. I never thought that was me. But I now know that alcoholism comes in many stripes, as does addiction, and if we want free, IMO, we need a power greater than ourselves. Simple.

Take it easy.

Hey Pods, can't tell you how proud I am to hear that you made it through to the other side! Hope your still doing well, if not, you can always tell us. :) I hope you stick around.

You are 100 percent right that the physical part is the easy part. The mental part is by far more agonizing. While I fucked up and started using again, coming back and seeing this thread has made me want to quit again. This thread is what made me get through it the first time and I'm thinking of taking your advice and going to AA. I feel like with both I could stay sober. What I can respect about Kratom is it helped make my life far more manageable than it was 2 years ago before I started using it. However, I'm still not clear minded while using and I am still a slave to the plant.

Another thing your 100 percent right about, is that when your off it, you can look the world straight in the eyes. I felt so much healthier when I was off of the stuff. My memory was improved, I didn't suffer from any mood swings, and my mental faculties where definitely sharper. I might have been a little bit more anxious and wound up all the time but like you said, that's a small price to pay for being free. Looking back, quitting was definitely a negative experience, but it made me stronger going through it. I am thankful that I was able to do it. Getting back on the stuff was a terrible decision but I'm not too upset about it. I'm not going to let it get me down, I'm an addict. On some level, I couldn't help it.
Hi all. Well, Happy Thanksgiving. I've been reading this thread since yesterday, and just wanted to say it was immensely helpful. I am addicted to kratom and finally feel like I can get off of it, thanks to this. I'll probably start a new thread (this is my first post here) but just wanted to say, thanks for all of the postings.
Tried to find a good place to 'tell my story', but didn't find anything. So I'll post here, and try to keep it short as possible.

I've essentially been on opiates for about 9 years now. Jeez, it sounds so long, yet feels so short. Crazy.

Anyway, my DOC was lortabs/vicodin (preferred lortabs, but harder to find). I've done every painkiller there is. I just preferred the hydrocodone. I was not the type looking to get wasted all the time, I just wanted something to make my life more bearable. I've been through a lot of really rough trauma-type things, family issues, alcoholic parent, and so on. Prior to the pills, I did everything drugs-wise (apart from meth, which I am grateful for never trying). Right before pills I was drinking to blackout, crying, cutting myself, blah blah blah. Pills not only took away my want to drink and be depressed, but I could "live life" on them like a "normal" person. When I first started, pills got me through the work day, I was productive and social, they helped me work out/clean/cook/read/anything (they gave me energy for some reason). When I started having a medical issue at 21 which required mucho surgeries, it was off to the races for me. It got much worse at 25 when I discovered online pharmacies. I didn't doctor shop, so my monthly script was only $5!

At 26 I decided I wanted to quit. Tried to quit on my own, withdrawals were so bad. I tried suboxone (bad idea, if you are not taking something "hard-core", the w/d's are worse than quitting whatever substance you're using them for) and went to daily outpatient. Didn't work. Went to detox, really tried my hardest at the sobriety thing. Went to counseling, AA/NA meetings. I did not like them at all, but kept trying. When I went to detox, my online source stopped selling online, which I thought was a blessing. Caved after a couple months when I had another (different kind of surgery). Then I really started wasting money. I'd go to all different urgent care centers and get pills. It was such a crapshoot, since sometimes they wouldn't give me anything, other times they would, it was all different rX's, etc. Crazily, this went on for months. I'd try to detox on my own and I'd get through it ok, but depression, boredom etc. would set in and I'd do it again. I used very sparingly though; maybe a total of 3 pills all day (15 mg).

I quit my job and started going to college full time in April. I just finished a script of vicodins. I didn't go through terrible detox or anything, since I'd only taken it for maybe a month at that time. But then I discovered kratom.

My bf suggested it, though he never did it before. We had just started dating, and he was just trying to help. He wanted me to feel better. I went to a kava bar with him and tried a gram of 15X kratom. Holy hell! I felt fantastic! I was high as hell, in love with the world, just like when I first tried vicodin. So of course, I wanted to do it all of the time. He didn't understand why I was doing it every day (he just tried it once). I had some depression when I stopped, but it lifted quickly.

I started having pain issues, could not go to urg care since I didn't have insurance. Again, I discovered ordering online. I figured since online, most things I read said that kratom was non-addictive, helped many people get off opiates, etc. it was fine. I could have my cake and eat it too. Still feel like "normal" people (not depressed), live a productive life & be happy.

I've been on it pretty much non-stop since then. One time I stopped for a few weeks. Most other times, only a day or 2, a week, etc. But, I used it very sparingly again, though it was a few times per day.

Then my medical issue came back, been a mess dealing with that. Was in the hospital for 4 days having surgery. Was on dilaudid and morphine there. Got a vicodin script and because my follow up was INCREDIBLY painful, I just kept taking them and getting refills. I quit them cold turkey, suffered through withdrawals for a few days, caved and got kratom. It's been a few months now.

I'm currently taking the kratom in capsule form. I really have no idea the amount I'm actually taking. I believe they are size 00, which is supposedly .95 ml per pill. And supposedly, ml=grams, so since I take about 12 pills per day, I'm taking about 11.5 grams/day. I know most kratom addicts will be like, that's nothing, that's a dose for me. Well, we are all different. I can't be high. I'm a full time student and work. I have a high GPA and member of an honor society (coming from being a dropout felon, this is major to me).

I have a lot more to say, but am getting extremely sleepy. Basically, I am going to try to taper to quit. It has to work, it has to. I can't go on like this.. Sick the instant I wake up. Confused, forgetting things. Insomnia or oversleeping. Not eating, chain-smoking, on and on. Will post more later. Sorry so long and rambling..........
^^^^^^ Scream, try cutting your kratom doses in half for a week or two.

That should reset tolerance somewhat. Or you can also buy some kratom stem powder, it wont get you high but it will definitely reset tolerance also
When I drop my doses down by even 1/6, I get anxiety, sweating, chills. So 1/2 wouldn't be good. What I've been doing is trying to change the way I take them, at least. Instead of 2 pills when I first get up, 2 before school, 1 after class, then 1 here and there all night until bed, I take 6 when I wake up, then 2 here and there. Going to try tomorrow to do 6 in the am, then 6 at night, then gradually go down from there.

I read about the stem powder earlier.. So you it keeps the w/d's at bay but doesn't get you high, right? Is there other research that explains why this is? If so, where?

I don't want to spend the money and it not be worth it, you know? I want to quit. I am not trying to maintain for the rest of my life. I want to be sober and not rely on a substance to feel 'normal'.
Kratom stem powder completely eliminates WD's for me. And it especially gets rid of that annoying RLS at night, which for me is the worst part of WD.

Stem powder is cheap, you can get it online for 1/3 price of real kratom