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Klonopin Mania


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
So I’m prescribed 5 2mg a month Wow! Right? Anyways I noticed that during my first go at this. I manage to find an excuse for taking them at any anxious point. My fault, I only bring this up because it never fails for about a week, I’m happy, content but I’m also manic. I can take a 2mg and stay up for hours with a creative mindset, the ability to focus and literally it’s the only way I’m making music now. Why? Obviously you guys can’t tell me my body chemistry. But why is it effecting my performance in recording and producing songs, underlying subconscious stage fright? The ability to not care anymore how something may sound or I may sound recording. If broken into quarters I suppose one could have a low grade, feeling for 20 days of the month of this. But I fear tolerance in that. Is it abuse when you take as directed but you still manage to take one everyday?
So I’m prescribed 5 2mg a month Wow! Right? Anyways I noticed that during my first go at this. I manage to find an excuse for taking them at any anxious point. My fault, I only bring this up because it never fails for about a week, I’m happy, content but I’m also manic. I can take a 2mg and stay up for hours with a creative mindset, the ability to focus and literally it’s the only way I’m making music now. Why? Obviously you guys can’t tell me my body chemistry. But why is it effecting my performance in recording and producing songs, underlying subconscious stage fright? The ability to not care anymore how something may sound or I may sound recording. If broken into quarters I suppose one could have a low grade, feeling for 20 days of the month of this. But I fear tolerance in that. Is it abuse when you take as directed but you still manage to take one everyday?

I don't think that qualifies as "abuse" really, you're literally using it as directed (except the excuse-finding, that may be a little more problematic). You're also taking them at a low dose. With that said, it's a benzo, so it's going to function as an anxiolytic and reduce those barriers you may be hung up on (self-criticism etc on a creative endeavor). Also, tolerance will build, it's just how these drugs work, especially if you're taking them every day. Seeing as you have so few prescribed per month, I would personally save them for emergency (panic attacks or major anxiety episodes). That way they will have the most efficacy and you won't be building much of a tolerance. When used properly, I think benzos aim to reduce major anxiety that impedes your function, not eliminate all anxiety. My 2c, gl.
I don't think that qualifies as "abuse" really, you're literally using it as directed (except the excuse-finding, that may be a little more problematic). You're also taking them at a low dose. With that said, it's a benzo, so it's going to function as an anxiolytic and reduce those barriers you may be hung up on (self-criticism etc on a creative endeavor). Also, tolerance will build, it's just how these drugs work, especially if you're taking them every day. Seeing as you have so few prescribed per month, I would personally save them for emergency (panic attacks or major anxiety episodes). That way they will have the most efficacy and you won't be building much of a tolerance. When used properly, I think benzos aim to reduce major anxiety that impedes your function, not eliminate all anxiety. My 2c, gl.
Thank you for your time. Yeah at some form or fashion as soon as I get them I don’t look past the day towards the future all I see is release from all inhibitors that allow me not to explore creatively as I’d like. Perhaps that may just what I use them for so it’s not longer an excuse but save a few back each month for problem times. That way I can remain productive but understand after 3 or so days to stop now will I practice what I preach, probably not. I don’t think his plan is for this to be long term but with my history of anti psychs and mania as well, I don’t really see the difference other then the euphoria given from klonopin which really isn’t anything but euphoria from all self doubt for me.