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Dissociatives [Ketamine Subthread] Long Term Side-effects

Say my K intake has been mostly relatively recently but in the last 2 months I certainly used at least 25 grams, sometimes maybe 2 in a day...
I've had pains virtually all over my abdomen, gall bladder area specifically as well though also stomache area sometimes, and a bit around the bladder and also sometimes in the sides/flanks.

There seems to be *some* improvement but does anyone have any personal experience or indication that would give me an idea of how long this will feel problematic?
The intensity of discomfort is not all that painful, but it has me worried and for good reason it more and more seems. Care to venture a guess anyone?

Right now I'm not at home but there is less than a gram left, now I'm probably not sensible enough - to be realistic - to just throw that away, but getting more thats really not gonna happen. This shit is way too scary and I don't have that strong tendencys. Just a bittersweet goodbye and then just hope to get well eventually.

Being stuck with this for like months is a pretty shitty prospect but I'll be damn relieved if I didn't cause any permanent damage to my poor body.
I went on a bit of a ket-binge myself recently, Solipsys. Got through over 12 grams last week and felt pretty crappy - aching all over with some cramping and generally shittiness - for a few days afterwards. Lasted maybe 3-4 days with me and have felt fine since. Hope your feeling better soon :)<3
I went on a bit of a ket-binge myself recently, Solipsys. Got through over 12 grams last week and felt pretty crappy - aching all over with some cramping and generally shittiness - for a few days afterwards. Lasted maybe 3-4 days with me and have felt fine since. Hope your feeling better soon :)<3

Ah thats promising :)
Good to hear you're doing better!

what hell.
It's a shame we do this to ourselves - I guess we just have to sit on the blisters and face the consequences. With weed and GHB I finally learned that it can cause me so much trouble that it's not really worth it anymore, and actually thats fine since I'm due finishing this phase where I overdo stuff...

Better if it's not all such a fulltime job, you know? :D
Using stuff sporadically is so much more special and there is still territory to discover at more rare occasions like trying a-MT etc etc.
I think I'm ready to change a couple of things and be happy with it.
Hello chaps, I am posting a warning here to all ketamine users, I don't want to sound meladamatic, but after what I have just experienced, I will NEVER do ket again. I was at Glastonbury a few weeks ago and had 5 or 6 days of intermittent cramps in my stomach, every 6 hours or so, they slowly got worse, then eventually got better and stopped altogether att he end of the festival; I had visited the medical tent twice as It got so bad, and the guy injected me with some pain relief or other.

This first bout of cramps was after a particularly excessive couple of weeks of ketamine use (3-4 grams a day), but I still couldn't be sure it was the k doing it to me, but it did seem to stop as I cut down my ket use dramatically. Since the festival, after being really good and not doing it for 5 days a time or whatever, i have slowly got back to my old ways, but worse - 5-6 grams a day, until yesterday when i must have had 6 or so grams, staying up all night. At about 9 this morningf I felt that awful feeling I get when a cramp is beginning, and after an hour of it getting worse and worse, I had to phone 999 (I was crying on the phone to them, i'm 25!). By the time they had got here, the cold sweats and convultions had eased a little, but they took me to hospital anyway, and let me go when the pain had gone.

I fell asleep back at home, and woke up at about 5 ish today, with that feeling again. I went straight to the shop to get some codeine and some nurofen and had a few. It seemed to help, then all of a sudden at about half 6, I experienced what I can only describe as the worse pain of my life, I was so desperate, I did'nt care how it would end, as long as it would, it evetually culminated in me crying and sweating ad nearly fainting, and eventually vomiting god kows what up, all yesterday's food I guess, and then the pain quickly subsided. I feel almost better now.

I can't believe how bad that was, I am thouroughly addicted to ket, but I know I will ever do it again, i have 12 grams in the drawer beside me, but it will stay there *snip*. I was going to go and meet this girl tonight, but i know that in a few hours i will have another attack, hopefully they will stop within a few days.

I am not saying that this WILL happen to you, but please, don't risk it. I wouldn't wish what just happened to me upon anybody. If you are going to take ketamine, cut it in the bud before your habit gets too bad. I can't suggest any relief from cramps if you do have any, but as good as k is, it doesn't seem worth it for such pain.

For me, cramps last no more than 2 hours.

Becareful guys


i've just had the exact same problem as you, stomach pains so bad i almost called 911 twice cold sweats, felt like fainting, was pulling the hair out of my heads, pain is still lingering.... This the 3rd time these excruciating pains happend 2 me, not so bad the 2nd time, but the 1st and 3rd were brutal pain, both times i almost called 911, but i curled up into a ball on the chair with a pillow inbetween my stomach and legs 2 ease the pain, but that doesnt work at all really..
kidney pain is often felt in the "stomach" area.

k is REAL hard on the kidneys.....

stop taking the shit unless you are absolutely sure you can control it to say a half gram every week or so....even then, it's going damage.
i've just had the exact same problem as you, stomach pains so bad i almost called 911 twice cold sweats, felt like fainting, was pulling the hair out of my heads, pain is still lingering.... This the 3rd time these excruciating pains happend 2 me, not so bad the 2nd time, but the 1st and 3rd were brutal pain, both times i almost called 911, but i curled up into a ball on the chair with a pillow inbetween my stomach and legs 2 ease the pain, but that doesnt work at all really..

IME the only thing that will give relief is a strong opiate anagesic. One of the few times I've experienced the cramp/pain, I had some Physeptone (methadone) tablets to hand, so I crushed up a couple, dissolved them in water & squirted the soln up my arse. Within 20 mins, the sharp pains were completely gone, but there was still a dull ache that persisted for a day & a half.

Note to those who have not experienced pain from overdoing ket. When it comes, it will floor you, you will alternatively sweat & shiver while feeling like you're being run through by a sword, unable to get up from the floor. This can get so bad that some people might opt for any way to stop the pain. As good an incentive to not overdo/abuse ketamine as I can think of
I have been binging on this stuff quite heavily in the last week. Maybe 5 or 6 grams ??? It could be less than that. Fuck man, it suuuuure is addictive though. Not the kind of thing that I want to have a solid hookup for all the time.
If ketamine is brutal on the kidneys...what kind of damage is being done long-term ? Are ket users going to be prone to kidney infections, etc. more than the general population ?
What are some clear-cut ways of reducing possible risk of ketamine damage/cramps when taking it?

I heard something about not swallowing a drip after insufflation - I don't know what that really means, having not insufflated before.

I'm looking to try K on a fairly irregular basis, not doing massive amounts each time. But I'd really like to know some ways to minimise risk of k-cramps
The only way to avoid k-pains is to not take too much ket for too long. The risks from occasional and moderate use are negligible really. Also, the "don't swallow the drip" thing is a myth - makes no difference. The drip being the gunk that drips down the back of your throat after sniffing a drug - yum :D

Don't overdo it or use it too often and keep well-hydrated and nourished when you do use (especially if it's an extended session/binge) would be the best way to look after yourself, I'd say :)
Yeah avoid "solid hookups", that is advice I'm taking up myself for sure.
It's easy to get addicted, especially because of the dissociated state.

Knowing if you're a habit forming fella helps of course but still. Be on the lookout.
Having had something of a K addiction for 2 years, I've gotten to reading up on it. From what I've read from recent studies is that ketamine, as it goes through the gallbladder, changes the PH balance there. The cramps are caused by spasms from this PH imbalance. Drinking acidic juices, orange juice and cranberry juice, will help mitigate this.
I also read is that ketamine abuse will cause the bladder walls to thicken and go stiff, making it harder to urinate. From my own experiences, the only time this has happened to me was at the end of Bangface weekend when I must have gone through 20 grams in 2 days, and not properly hydrated myself in any way. It became hard and painful to urinate the morning before we left. All of us in the chalet had the same problems really. I usually drink lots of water, orange juice, coffee, and some cider, so I figure this is what has kept me from K cramps some of my friends have had.
I remember reading that, for the most part, there isn't much permanent damage. If you are at the start of getting cramps or cystitis, you aren't at the stage where it is irreversible. As with many things, stopping (or at least not abusing) the drugs, excerise, plenty of water, and fruits (and veg) will reverse any damage. I have heard stories of people having to have surgery. Stories, but......
I can't be assed bringing up the articles on this, but look for recent (as in 2009) medical reports on ketamine abuse.
Stuff I've heard mitigates the K pains, namely the gall bladder issue but also bladder/kidney is:
- fresh air and oxygen is apparently crucial
- not eating dry biscuits for the sake of your gall bladder, also not too much fat I imagine myself...
- keeping warm thereby keeping a healthy blood circulation, also important
- drink tea with lemon juice and ginger
^ When the pain does strike though, the only thing I've found useful is opiate anagesics - not a good way to be going on...
i used to have a dodgy stomach, constant cystitus and weak bladder when i abused ketamine, and this was from only 4 months of heavy use (at least 2g a day).
i didnt think alot of it, i knew it was from the k, but as alot of other people do i just ignored it.
2-3 months in of using k, i was taken into hospital by ambulance from having the most agonising cramps in my stomach, unbareable pain - was being sick and passing out from the pain. this was all due to k and not eating properly.

i have now reduced my k use (due to there being absoloutly no k around in bristol right now!) and all problems have gone.

if you are having problems and are finding it difficult to lower your dosage, seriously consider having couple day breaks every week,it really does help.
dont ruin the experience, theres only so much you can do before theres no turning back,

plus when i do k now, i can actually feel it, rather than doing plate sized lines for breakfast and it doing fuck all.....
So how long did it take for the symptoms to disappear?

Mine are actually fading gradually right now.
K cramp relief

I have been a heavy user of K in the past doing an average of 2-5g a day (this is an estimate..I often lost count) and I have suffered with symptoms of cystitis and the dreaded K cramps as well as mild depression, increased tolerance and addiction.

There are a few things that I do to relieve some of the more painful symptoms and I wanted to share them with you all in the hope that they might work for someone else too. I am not saying that these are definate remedies that will work for everyone - they might not, but it is worth trying them to see for yourself.

Firstly, the urinal problems in women can be temporarily eased with sachets of Cystitis relief powder which is available in every chemists shop. Unfortunately, this stuff is not suitable for males - I dont know why but thats what it says on the packet. This only relieves the symptoms though and the only thing that gets rid of it altogether is to abstain from taking more K.

The cramps, I have found to be the hardest thing deal with and I have tried all sorts to get rid of the pain.
Painkillers such as Ibuprofen do not work! I read on a message board a little while back that hot lemon tea with honey is good for gall bladder pain but I find that sipping a lemon Lemsip works just as well - it often relieves the pain immediately and it doesnt come back unless I do more K.
A hot water bottle on the site of the pain feels nice too.

Obviously I try to curb my usage, drink plenty of water and get fresh air blah blah blah but as most of us know, that is sometimes easier said than done if you are in the middle of a raging habit!

So get a packet of Lemsip, and if you are a girl, some cystitis sachets and I hope it helps you feel better.
Peace <3
I have been insufflating a gram a day for just over a month now, about 35 grams in total and have twice been in agony with stomach cramps. First time was about a week into the binge, and I'm currently just recovering from the most recent bout of agony. Both times lasted about a week. The only thing that stopped me from admitting myself to hospital was the pure and simple fear of the places!

After reading everything on here, the only thing I can attribute it to so far is the K, although I am waiting for appointments to investigate an ongoing bowel complaint anyway (will post results if anything possible K related comes from that...)

How long does everyone else find their pains last? I've found the really intense agony pains last about 30-60 mins, but with general discomfort lasting days either side.

Also, thanks for the advice. Gall bladder problems can actually cause a lot of trapped wind as well (don't know if anyone else has experienced this?), I've found Maalox medicine has helped with this, but again can't say if that's K related.

Would be interested to hear anyone elses thoughts on this? Peace :)
Side Effects;
Abdominal Pain,
Bladder Infections,
Minor Muscle Spasms,
Not being able to piss,
Severe memory loss.
Depression in long term ? :S
All in just my experience, i used 3gs every day for atleast a month though so i suppose i had it coming, Keep it to the weekends people ! Peace.