Ketamine is also perhaps the only addictive psychedelic (OK technically it's not a psychedelic but a dissociative, still...)
It's very interesting to try, truly bizarre but manageable since emotions often get a little more stable. Even if it's like WTF, hardly ever is an experience really terrifying although near the K-hole it can get intense.
All in all it's worth trying, personally I can never just keep it at recreational bumps even though those are very nice, smooth and euphoric and really not that fucked up, I'm too much attracted to the freaky side when I do it.
Be very careful that you don't do it too often though, I've fallen into the abuse trap and got unbelievable health problems. Now I stay away...
If you use it occasionally you will be fine honestly. Real abuse is a completely different story.
Check the
ketamine thread for further reference please