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Kanna (advice?)


Mar 8, 2024
Just got Kanna for the first time, it is 400x extract. I really would rather not insufflate it. How can I use it?
Yeah tried some last night and barely got any feeling. Gonna try and go for another supplier. Sucks bc this one has good reviews 🤷
Sorry about that. Insufflation is the most bioavailable, might try it once, though youd rather not. Smoking supposed to be second strongest. You done kanna? Know what to look for? It's very mild ime. Not at all like Molly, or even a high, more of an antidepresant.
Sorry about that. Insufflation is the most bioavailable, might try it once, though youd rather not. Smoking supposed to be second strongest. You done kanna? Know what to look for? It's very mild ime. Not at all like Molly, or even a high, more of an antidepresant.
I have never done Kanna, I've always done natural drugs and saw a YouTube video about them which included Kanna and it peaked my interest. I've done Kratom for the last 10 years as well as different forms of kava lately. I don't mind it being less of a high, just wanted to give it a shot. I can snort it I've just never snorted anything (though watched my dad do it to Ritalin for my whole childhood so know how it's done)
What's the difference between Kanna and Kratom? I can't find anything that explains it it layman terms (or even in scientific terms)
Ime I never got high per sey from it but in days like after a binge I find it is helpful. Damn I need to get some actually.‘wonder if I can find some locally.

Wait is there a mao inhibitor in it?
there is a company called "liftmode" that makes and sells Kanna. I dont know why, how, or what they do to it. It feels exactly like MDMA for about 15 min or so. Then it wears off and you feel totally fine but good. Like you got all the benefits of mdma and none of the sides in a much shorter version. Be careful, it makes some ppl shit their pants lol. Other than that its pretty strange and amazing.
dont hate me if it doesnt feel like mdma for you. Everyone is different. I know a TON of ppl who agreee w me so though im crazy im not imagining it.
Yeah tried some last night and barely got any feeling. Gonna try and go for another supplier. Sucks bc this one has good reviews 🤷
try liftmode. I dont think you will be dissappointed. I have found no companies like their brand. Amazing stuff.
Ime I never got high per sey from it but in days like after a binge I find it is helpful. Damn I need to get some actually.‘wonder if I can find some locally.

Wait is there a mao inhibitor in it?
Yes and no. Does shit via being SRI and VMAT2 (unregulator) and PDE4 mainly and is about as potent at mao-a as kava or raw passionflower in doses found in teas.