Just started another clenbuterol cycle, strange positive mental effects noticeable

As far as appearance is concerned, I'd probably get away with mid-late 30's, younger if my head was removed..Lol

Agile, yes, youthful in mind, yes...

Injury prone... Very difficult to answer as since a young age I've always pushed limits and beyond.. I carry a huge number of injuries from earlier foolishness, and more recent bad luck.. Boxing for nearly 20 years hasn't done my joints or connective tissue any favours.. And just being an old cunt I am very prone to tendon tears...

Breaking PB's is a thing of the past although on DL 260kgs flew up last night, instinct told me to wait and not go for 300, and to wait another few months.. Difficult holding back when its easily lift-able, but you know your going to tear...

Mentally the will is there, the strength would be if it wasn't for girlie tendons... Its a shame, I have a lifetime of experience, but no body to apply it to.... :)

Its disheartening to see young lads making the same mistakes I did, and not listening to advice that has the potential to enable them to train injury free, and become a fucking monster...

Unsure as to what the damage is inside.... Each year I return home to find another former training partner has passed away, so clock ticking: tick-tock.. :)

I can relate a bit brother. I have watched my father have to slow up a good bit with lifting, and training as he has aged. Man is a hard ass but hey at nearly 60 he is still training: just getting smarter at it, so by default I get the knowledge that rolls down hill. Part of the reason I like the site here, i get to pick the brains of guys who are experienced and it has paid off for sure.

I know the feeling of learning a friend or training buddy has passed, entirely too common for me man. Never fun when you know some one you fought/trained with is gone.Only thing I can say about that is all we can do is keep on, and try to pass some of what they knew and what we know on down to younger cats. Watching people make mistakes sucks but, some times knuckle heads need to take the hard road, other wise the lessons don't sink in. At one time we are all guilty of this one.

Whats the Hunter S quote-" The only people that know where the line is are those who have gone over it.", we all push our boundaries, and some of us fall face down on the other side, but it is all worth it if we learn a how to land next time we fall.
B2 agonist sortof act like norepinephrine and low levels of norepinephrine is linked to depression as it gives you low energy low mood etc(taking a cold shower your body releases norepinephrine, why you feel alert/good mood and alive after) ...so by taking clen a b2 agonist its like releasing norepinephrine into your body which relieves these symptoms also increased oxygen to your brain from the increase in respiratory rate helps a lot as well.
Assuming that information is accurate, that does make sense :) cheers!

Since this thread's been bumped, might as well add that I didn't notice these effects *as much* through the second 2-weeks ON clen, though still felt more positive than during the 2 week break. Meh haha