Just started another clenbuterol cycle, strange positive mental effects noticeable


Bluelight Crew
May 30, 2013
Hey guys,

First off, I've run clen before in the past a number of times (never more than 2 weeks on with equal time off). I have experienced the undesired side of increased anxiety for no reason, which was perfectly manageable as it was very minor. This time is different though - recently I've been stressed as fuark from a number of minor trivial things dicking me around, though mostly because these things are directly affecting my training. This underlying stress has led me into a state of what I'd consider to be depression (never experienced such a low mood before in my life, so I'm not quite sure if it's right to define it as such). It's more just an overwhelming apathy from constant negativity and worrying about something without knowing what. Either way...

My point here is that almost immediately upon feeling the clen taking effect this morning (minor muscle trembling, restlessness etc), my mood changed significantly for the better. Now, I'm happy to brush this off as a placebo effect given I'm in a cutting phase which wasn't going as well as it should be (thanks to the above), and once I felt the clen taking effect I knew my cut would speed up quite a bit, relieving the stress of it having gone so slowly up to this point.

Just wanna know if anyone else has experienced any kind of positive mental/emotional sides from Clen, either like mine or similar? Like I said, happy to brush it off as placebo, it's just I somehow managed to locate only a couple of reports/articles similar to my situation suggesting that β2 agonists may have some kind of effect on emotions.
Hey guys,

First off, I've run clen before in the past a number of times (never more than 2 weeks on with equal time off). I have experienced the undesired side of increased anxiety for no reason, which was perfectly manageable as it was very minor. This time is different though - recently I've been stressed as fuark from a number of minor trivial things dicking me around, though mostly because these things are directly affecting my training. This underlying stress has led me into a state of what I'd consider to be depression (never experienced such a low mood before in my life, so I'm not quite sure if it's right to define it as such). It's more just an overwhelming apathy from constant negativity and worrying about something without knowing what. Either way...

My point here is that almost immediately upon feeling the clen taking effect this morning (minor muscle trembling, restlessness etc), my mood changed significantly for the better. Now, I'm happy to brush this off as a placebo effect given I'm in a cutting phase which wasn't going as well as it should be (thanks to the above), and once I felt the clen taking effect I knew my cut would speed up quite a bit, relieving the stress of it having gone so slowly up to this point.

Just wanna know if anyone else has experienced any kind of positive mental/emotional sides from Clen, either like mine or similar? Like I said, happy to brush it off as placebo, it's just I somehow managed to locate only a couple of reports/articles similar to my situation suggesting that β2 agonists may have some kind of effect on emotions.

What other compounds are you on..?
Test E 50mg ED
Tren A 50mg ED
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Caber 0.25mg E3D

Haven't touched rec drugs like MDMA or any psychedlics for a few months (never abused MDMA either). Smoke a cone or two a couple of times a week. Short of any commonly used LEGAL supplements I'm also taking (OxyShred, BCAAs, etc), that's everything.
clen is a fairly strong stimulant, you're probably just responding to the energy/mood-lift/sense of wellbeing that they tend to bring. Hell, even caffeine used in an actual set schedule will do this to me. problem with stims though, they have a harsh crash and therefore are bad choices for long term use...clen is no exception. it IS weird that youve used it before and not had these effects though, maybe youre more depressed or w/e than last time and the mood lift is more noticeable?

any reason you're using test e instead of test prop? figured since you were pinning tren a daily i figured you may also use a shorter acting ester of test. that being said the most effectiveness ive gotten out of test e is 200 mg eod instead of 250 2x or or 500 1x a week like most recommend...also, test p even at 50 mg/ml gives me worse post injection pain than a 2+ cc shot containing 300 mg test e and 200 mg tren e so if thats your problem i can totally understand. watch out for the clen tho, can def be addicting
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stack looks good, shouldnt need clen, it will just disrupt sleep further

Cheers. It's really pretty basic though lol...but yeah technically I don't need anything other than the test (blast/cruise regime for "self prescribed TRT") :p the Tren and clen are just to speed shit up big time heh

clen is a fairly strong stimulant, you're probably just responding to the energy/mood-lift/sense of wellbeing that they tend to bring. Hell, even caffeine used in an actual set schedule will do this to me. problem with stims though, they have a harsh crash and therefore are bad choices for long term use...clen is no exception. it IS weird that youve used it before and not had these effects though, maybe youre more depressed or w/e than last time and the mood lift is more noticeable?

any reason you're using test e instead of test prop? figured since you were pinning tren a daily i figured you may also use a shorter acting ester of test. that being said the most effectiveness ive gotten out of test e is 200 mg eod instead of 250 2x or or 500 1x a week like most recommend...also, test p even at 50 mg/ml gives me worse post injection pain than a 2+ cc shot containing 300 mg test e and 200 mg tren e so if thats your problem i can totally understand. watch out for the clen tho, can def be addicting

Test E instead of P for a couple of reasons - first and foremost I'm blasting/cruising, so I'm ALWAYS on test. Secondly the Test E I get is 250mg/ml yet the same price per vial as Test P which is only 100mg/ml. Even after ester weight has been taken away, the enanthate vials still bring better bang for buck. The only reason I'd go with the propionate over the enanthate (unless you guys can give me another one that outweighs the difference) would be if I hadn't already been on test for months and needed something that would accumulate blood serum levels quickly :)

You're right though - it's almost certainly just a placebo enhanced by the stimulant effect, simply making me feel more awake and alive. I feel more alert too, and I'll at least lightly claim my cognitive abilities/focus have been kicked back towards a more normal level. If I WAS depressed last time I took clen, it definitely wasn't bad enough to notice at all though. I've never actually noticed a crash from clen though, even immediately after stopping.

Clen definitely is addictive as fuck haha....way too effective, ESPECIALLY now that I went out and spent $1500 on a new road cycle to compliment my new power rack setup at home and do away with my gym membership. I'm pretty damned unfit when it comes to anaerobic exercise like sustained cardio, so the effects would be much more noticeable for me (I think it would work that way at least lol).....but MY GAWD!! I'm dominating my previous times on my morning+lunchtime rides (only 5.2km and 12.8km respectively, lol) already! AND WHILE FASTED!! haha...
Test E 50mg ED
Tren A 50mg ED
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Caber 0.25mg E3D

Why do you blame Clen.. When you're hitting E with Aromasin, and DA with Caber..?

Interesting pinning protocol Test-E ED... Something I've been looking into recently.. Low dose, more frequent injections = higher bio-availability (where do you pin)..??? Glutes..???

There are several factors that could be taken into account, as mentioned.. Of which Clen is only one..!! Underlying stress is a big one, especially if your E and DA are out of whack..

MDMA + Psychedelics + Australia = Lucky bastard..!! :D

No mdma + psychedelics + New Zealand = Seriously Pissed Off... :sus:
Not quite sure what you mean in the first line of your response, GF - could you elaborate a little plz? Only real reason I'm "blaming" the clen for my random sudden mood elevation is that I've been running everything else for roughly 6 weeks now, so it was the only thing that changed. Plus it was so immediate upon feeling the Clen taking effect - the moment CNS stimulation was obvious (if that's what causes the slight muscle tremors), I straight away had an overwhelming feeling of "today is going to be a good day. Time to stop being a sook" LOL

To be honest the only "scientific" reason behind my protocol of pinning enanthate ED is for (remotely) more consistent blood serum levels. Not to say that pinning EOD or even E3D would make a large difference when using Test E (though it probably can, I'm not so educated on this part). Plus I'm just in the habit of pinning ED from when I very first started blasting/cruising as my first few vials of test were propionate. Oh also since I'm using Tren A, so might as well keep shit simple and just pin BOTH every day :) though I do agree regarding higher BA from pinning smaller doses more frequently - it just makes sense.

I'd get bloods done, but honestly I have absolutely no idea how/where to go about doing that in Aus/Canberra without a lot of unwanted questions and being declined many times haha.

I pin ED in the order of: right ventrogluteal > left ventrogluteal > right quad > left quad > right calf > left calf > repeat. When I'm cruising it's only 0.1/0.2ml of test E ED using a 27g insulin pin - so I just stick to quads moving up and down the muscle while swapping side to side each day. I'm very hesitant to try glutes or delts again as I also used these sits when I first started, and for whatever reason the gear I was using caused IMMENSE pain in the form of horrific knots/corking and cramping. Just a bit of an illogical phobia I suppose :p

If you've got mushrooms in NZ, that's enough for me! hahaha I don't like to roll too much, mostly because I know it's one rec drug that should definitely not be misused/abused. Just come on over here to Aus for a holiday, we'll sort you out for a fun time :D hehe
You're only on 350mg Test-E/week... That's about 237mg actual testosterone... when injecting in quads bio-availability is down to about 56% or 132mg...
There is some research to show injecting glutes increases the bio-availability to 78%...

That's not a lot of test to be taking an AI IMO.. Lowering E (estrogen) with aromasin, plus agonising DA (dopamine) 2 receptors with Caber...
Knocking E and DA out of whack may be one of the underlying causes of the symptoms you stated in the OP:

This underlying stress has led me into a state of what I'd consider to be depression (never experienced such a low mood before in my life, so I'm not quite sure if it's right to define it as such). It's more just an overwhelming apathy from constant negativity and worrying about something without knowing what. Either way...

Yes.. the beta-2 adrenergic receptor stimulation from Clen could account for the up-lift in mood... look at its molecular structure.. lol
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Would you recommend ceasing/reducing the Aromasin if I'm only on 350mg test? I know Tren can't aromatise into E, though I haven't read anything conclusive on whether or not it can affect the amount of test being aromatised into E - any comment on this?

Ugh do I REALLY have to give pinning my ass another go? Waaaaaaa hahahaha

Unfortunately I have no idea of what significance its chemical structure is lol...doesn't look too similar to either serotonin or dopamine, which is as far as I can think into that statement :p
based on common sense!

exactly how many studies you think they inject steroids in humans in different muscles and measure its bioavailability.... think about it.

you have to rotate sites, you can't JUST shoot glutes. Infact putting more oil in a heavily used glute with scar tissue build up is a much more relevant issue to be aware of.
based on common sense!

exactly how many studies you think they inject steroids in humans in different muscles and measure its bioavailability.... think about it.

you have to rotate sites, you can't JUST shoot glutes. Infact putting more oil in a heavily used glute with scar tissue build up is a much more relevant issue to be aware of.

I have recently posted up papers showing injection frequency, volume and bio-availability (Minto et al).. Full Paper now available..
There aren't many papers, agreed, because exogenous application of some hormones is still generally thought of as unethical... But what papers are available should have relevance, as science is the whole reason we do anything..

Regards heavy glute application and scar tissue:

I am replying to the OP in this thread and his particular personal circumstances (not steroid injection protocol in general)... His injection volume and frequency is low, therefore my comments are addressed to him specifically, of which my conclusions are very relevant..

I too believe my comments are based on common sense, but backed up by knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology... Plus 32 years of AAS use..
^^^goddam youre older than I thought you were...
GF: bodybuilder with a PhD.
Yep... Amost dead... :)
I call dibs on your library of information and your gear you have stocked up :p

as someone who has used aas for many years, have you noticed any benefits when it comes down to "anti aging" or remaining youthful, agile, and being less injury prone vs someone at your age who has never used aas?
I call dibs on your library of information and your gear you have stocked up :p

as someone who has used aas for many years, have you noticed any benefits when it comes down to "anti aging" or remaining youthful, agile, and being less injury prone vs someone at your age who has never used aas?

As far as appearance is concerned, I'd probably get away with mid-late 30's, younger if my head was removed..Lol

Agile, yes, youthful in mind, yes...

Injury prone... Very difficult to answer as since a young age I've always pushed limits and beyond.. I carry a huge number of injuries from earlier foolishness, and more recent bad luck.. Boxing for nearly 20 years hasn't done my joints or connective tissue any favours.. And just being an old cunt I am very prone to tendon tears...

Breaking PB's is a thing of the past although on DL 260kgs flew up last night, instinct told me to wait and not go for 300, and to wait another few months.. Difficult holding back when its easily lift-able, but you know your going to tear...

Mentally the will is there, the strength would be if it wasn't for girlie tendons... Its a shame, I have a lifetime of experience, but no body to apply it to.... :)

Its disheartening to see young lads making the same mistakes I did, and not listening to advice that has the potential to enable them to train injury free, and become a fucking monster...

Unsure as to what the damage is inside.... Each year I return home to find another former training partner has passed away, so clock ticking: tick-tock.. :)
^^its comforting to hear that because as of now I plan to incorporate aas and strength training into my life style in the near future and it seems to help in more than just packing on lean muscle tissue. Hopefully in my life time I can enjoy free usage of aas without legal persecution as many older cats did at one time.
Thanks for even more info everyone, GF in particular :)

Will pin left ventrogluteal tomorrow, then I'll give the big boy glutes another shot. Haven't pinned them since like...end of March? lol not exactly excited given I can still remember how painful it was last time :p