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Just say no to BLUNTS!

[edited for personal attacks]
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Blazed and Bemused said:
- They are extremely wasteful of smoke
- They are unpleasant to smoke
- They are not cool, and do not make you look tough or gangster
- They are very unhealthy
- They spread diseases

Ok let's see. You smoked one to look tough or gangster. You also think they're wasteful or unpleasent. It didn't make you look tough ... OH NO MISSION FAILED.

You got a cold because you were sharing it. On the rare occasion these days I smoke blunts I smoke it myself or with 1 or 2 mates - if it's just being passed around some weedy nerds then off course it's not going to be as enjoyable... really the same as a cigar isn't it ?
Blowmonkey said:
Because a joint or a blunt looses a shitload of THC (~75%) due to side-stream smoke, pyrolisis and bad absorption.

Your obviously biased hypothesis failed to consider various high affecting phenomenons such as "hot boxing", "shot-guns", and last but not least, "hitting challenges." These widely practiced activities are much more prevalent when a blunt it lit and passed around the room, thus negating any supposed "loss" of high due to "ineffecient" THC absorption.
;) :p
Man i did not understand SHIT in that whole post explaining why.

Man, i dont give a fuck if a blunt loses NINETY percent of the fuckin THC, it still gets me so much higher than any other way of smokin so fuck it! =D
I love rolling blunts, just get a philly king size or swisher sweet and your set. plus if rolled correctly... you can take the fattest rips... but the end gets all brown and shit but thats ok
A good blunt brings me great joy.
A special little occasion between two or three people, I like to gut a swisher. Peach is nice.
For a birthday, 4 or 5 or 6ish people, I like buying one of those soggy-ass flavoured wrap shits. Strawberry Kiwi is usually the flavour-y-est. You can still taste it with the smoke, which I find is rare with blunts.
Seal that bitch with honey or maple syrup. Honey is usually excessive and messy, but only a little maple syrup is needed, and it is easy to manipulate. But it can't be watery fake syrup shit. Right outta the fucking tree is what it must be.
I enjoy the hiss it makes when it burns.
And it gets hands sticky. And leaves a big and powerful roach.
Hands can be washed.
I am pretty excited.. Gonna meet my girlfriend at the airport tomorrow. I will roll a peach swisher. I just learned how to do this 2 days ago.
We will hug, and kiss, and smoke, and hug, and fuck, and pass out.
I haven't seen that shit in four days, and goddamn I miss her.
Perpetual Indulgence said:
How could I resist such marketing? Wet Mango has been the wrap of choice for the last few months in our household.

I feel you on that one. Those are the only blunts I'll smoke. I don't like Phillies or Blacks. They taste like shit. I did have a cognac-dipped Al Capone blunt that I rolled with the other day. Now THAT was good.
yupp. I agree with the original poster.

i have my opinions, they work well for me.
I read on another post that people mix tobacco with their weed in a joint or blunt, why???

I love blunt's cuz they get you higher than a pipe,

but bongs with some killer hits, its all over,

I'd like to get a bong because im wasting all this weed, smokin blunt's between 4 people
ok well this is my first post as i am new to this forum community. i felt the need to post on this because the original poster (blazed and bemused) seems to be very ignorant and does not provide enough validation to make a strong point.

blunts are great. i smoke one almost everyday. size varying from 2-5g on a normal basis. i also use a bong everyday. they are both good and both do the same thing in different ways. i love the taste of a blunt due to the variety of different flavors and kind you can get (blunt wrap, blunt king, etc.). and when you get to the end of a blunt, simply submarine it ( stick the blunt, non-cherried side, into a bowl and let it stick out and hit it just like a regular bong toke). a good blunt will tear you up. so basically, its something YOURE doing wrong to prevent you from achieving full pleasure from the blunt. try only smoking a blunt with a friend or two. or learn how to roll right. everyone all has their preffered method and they all work. and it doesnt waste your weed either so stop crying about that...it all gets burned up. so dont be a tool, stop bitchin cause you cant get it right, suck it up, and actually enjoy a finely rolled blunt.
Blazed and Bemused said:
Alright lets make a resolution to never smoke blunts again:

- They are extremely wasteful of smoke
- They are unpleasant to smoke
- They are not cool, and do not make you look tough or gangster
- They are very unhealthy
- They spread diseases

Yes I'm bitter. I was at a party last night where a blunt was being passed around. It would be seen as extremely cold and rude to turn it down, so I smoked it and shared germs with the 12 other people in the room.... Now I have a cold. So to all the people out there, give up the blunts, and buy a bong or pipe. [edited racist comment] Image is nothing.

They spread diseases - but wait, so would sharing a joint, pipe, or bong, so the arguement there has no validity.
Footloose said:
Your obviously biased hypothesis failed to consider various high affecting phenomenons such as "hot boxing", "shot-guns", and last but not least, "hitting challenges." These widely practiced activities are much more prevalent when a blunt it lit and passed around the room, thus negating any supposed "loss" of high due to "ineffecient" THC absorption.
;) :p

Hotboxing doesn't get you higher. It just fills the place up with smoke. The THC doesn't stay in the smoke more than 4 or 5 seconds, which is why 5 seconds is the longest you should hold a hit, since past that point you're just getting unnecessary tars and things in your lungs.

Shotguns have the same problems. Transferring the smoke between two people pretty much means the first gets the THC and the second gets a tiny bit and a bunch of smoke.

In a 'hitting challange' I assume you try to get the biggest hit of everyone there or something similar. Unfortunately, you're taking bigger hits, meaning that more blunt is burned, meaning that 70% of the THC in that part of the blunt is still lost.

So no, those certainly do not compensate for the 70% THC lost. However, due to the sheer quantity of pot in a blunt you will almost certainly get higher than with a bowl. I consider bongs and blunts the most powerful ways of smoking. I know waterfalls and such seem to get you higher faster but I don't like those things, it's just my preference to smoke a blunt or bong.
I have never smoked a blunt. I guess that makes me a square.

I usually smoke out of a bowl or one hitter/dugout contraption.
I have some JOB tribal hemp papers. If only I could roll joints worth a damn.
The bottom line is, blunts are wasteful compared to any other method of smoking. However, blunts are also fun to smoke sometimes, especially in large social gatherings. So, if a person doesn't mind wasting their stash, who are we to criticize? I've smoked out of every possible device or preparation I can think of, and I enjoy them all. For everyday use, I stick with the vaporizer at this point, but if you want to smoke 2-5 grams at once in a blunt (as someone suggested above), go for it, and more power to you.

By the way, whoever it was who said they smoke 2-5 gram blunts everyday, what quality of weed are you getting? I would assume schwag? If not, you must have a lot of money. And if so, well, joints and blunts are about all it's good for, so keep it up.