Just need to vent... Any support/advice is appreciated.

Alrighty guys... Little problem. The doc knew what I had been taking and prescribed me two sub films a day. The last time I had dosed lope was 72 of them about 32 hours prior. Shortly after my last post, I left the pharmacy, took my two subs, and on the way home I got thrown in the worst precipitated withdrawals I've ever experienced in my life. It was all I could do to get home and get in the bed.

I had to call into work today, but I am feeling better than yesterday. Just not great still at all.

What do I do guys? I thought as long as I was in withdrawals when I took the subs is be okay, but I was not okay at all. That was freaking horrible. I've laid in bed for about 20 hours straight now. Not eaten and hardly drank anything.

Right now it's all I can do to type this. I tried another sub this morning hoping it would help. It didn't seem to do much of anything.

Any advice at all? I've never dealt with this, it's awful...
Once you're in that kind of state it is all you can do to really ride it out. Keep taking your buprenorphine on schedule and you should begin to recovery from this episode with in 24-48hrs as the buprenorphine builds up in your system. Loperamide cross tolerance and dependency is something of a great unknown - when I was taking loperamide I could take lope and buprenorphine in the same day without problem. Perhaps once the loperamide has build up in your system it is a different beast though.

I'm sorry you've hit this bump in the rode, but if you keep trekking you'll get over this. Any chance you can take another day or two off work?
Ah, bad luck! I got thrown into precip wd taking subs too soon after pods once, it really sucks. The physical side was nasty, but the slimy sort-of-bad-trip head space was the pits. As toothpastedog days, there's not much to be done once it's happened. Grit your teeth, it'll be fine before you know it. Might take up until the 3rd or 4th day to even out, or you might be OK tomorrow.

My advice would be to get yourself out of that bed and just do something. I just cannot deal with that jumping out of my skin feeling, so I force myself to go for a walk. As I leave the front door it in that state it often felt like I would keel over, but I'd force myself anyway. And 99% of the time it'd make me feel better after a few minutes. Even round the garden if you can't face the world. If that's out of the question, whack a movie or music or whatever else on. Any distraction really. And get some food and drink in you, that's real important.

Sorry to hear this, I count my lucky stars lope doesn't seem to affect me that way. Chin up though, It'll be over soon enough!
Well I took 16 mugs as prescribed. Looking back I should have taken a sliver and gone from there. Hindsight and all that. Like I said I thought as long as I was feeling withdrawals I would be okay, but with lope that appears to not be the case.

Anywho, I'm hanging in there. About to force myself to go get a shower. Long term lope use suddenly stopped has this nasty stench about it. It's hard to describe, but it's like chemicals and death. If there's a silver lining it's that the whole process has been sped up by the Bupe. So once it's over it's over. Hopefully.

I can probably take another day out of work, then I was scheduled off for the next two. Which would give me until Monday. By then surely to God I would have come around. I'm feeling about 15% right now, but I kid you not that's roughly 16% better than yesterday. I've never felt anything like that. I've never been big on trippy drugs, but everything was combined with that feeling of what I imagine a horrible, too much lsd trip would be like.

Fortunately that has passed, and I'm not left with the extreme withdrawal symptoms as well as the effects of having not eaten, drank, or moved much the past 24 hours. The worst it does seem is over, now I'm just trying to push through the rest.

Thanks again everyone. I'll keep those who are reading updated.
Omg pwd is brutal. I've done it too. One of the reasons I went to mmt. I couldn't catch on subs the 2nd time. Its hard to catch when you have a big habit. I couldn't make it past 24 hours.. Subs made it 100x worse even when I was already in severe wd. I still shudder at the memory of lying on my tile floor naked because my skin was on fire yet unable to make it into a cold shower. I thought for sure I was dying!
How long did that last for you? And I'm sorry but what do you mean mmt? I'm definitely feeling better than yesterday but still pretty much awful. I'm hoping at some point in the next couple days the subs will latch on and perk me up.

I'm still very confused by the whole precipitated withdrawal mechanism. I think I sort of understand what happened to me yesterday, but I always imagined that at some point it would just switch over to the Bupe reigning control over the brain and things would settle down.

Do I have that pictured wrong? I realize that lope to Bupe is a very little-known category of the drug world. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm not the first to discover the loophole in the "as long as you're withdrawing, you're fine to take sub" thought process.

I just hope to hell this goes away soon. This sucks you guys.
It could be a number of things TBH. I hope you feel better asap MetaKnightmare! Nothing is as shitty as that. Unfortunately one of the things you just to do help yourself is continue to stay away fro loperamide. Do you have any benzos or gabaergic drugs or what that you can use to aid in this process?
Wow, 16mg is pretty high, I've no doubt that'll stabilise you soon. I was in serious pwd for about 2 days, then another couple of days of jangled achey nerves after that. Note that this particular time I took my sub well after my last pod dose, pwd does seem to have a weird Russian roulette factor. You doing great to stick with it! Stay away from the lope and bitch and moan to us on here, bupe has such a high affinity for the receptors a dose of lope probably wouldn't help anyways.
Hey man, those other times you were on bupe were you able to taper and get off completely? Just want to share that I was on bupe for 3 years, I did a super slow taper, like down to a crumb of a 2mg pill a day, and coupled with vigorous exercise was able to jump off with literally zero withdrawals....but I think 16 mgs is WAY to much, you should try like 3-4 mg twice a day, maybe even 2 mgs....I hope you are able to stabilize soon, but really try stabilize in the lowest possible dose...
Who me? I did manage to get off bupe a good few times, but every time slid back into my pod addiction very soon after. Last time I rattled off bupe was last autumn, started back on pods about 5 weeks after because it was a savage withdrawal (no rhyme or reason for the severity, I'd got down to 800ug/day so wasn't expecting it to kick me in the teeth like it did). I quit the pods yet again just over a month ago. Doing really well this time though, I seem to have got away with very minor PAWS considering the length of time I was hammering the opiates. I'm still getting aches and pains but the usual debilitating depression and lack of energy is non-existent This I attribute to ascorbate therapy, which is the only thing I've done different compared with all the other times. :)
I appreciate the concern. But tapering came easy to me the first two times. I need to stabilize as soon as possible, I don't care what amount. I can handle the taper.

Quick update, I'm coming around guys. Still feeling off but managed to crawl into work today. I'd say about 50% today. Hanging in there. Thanks everyone.
I appreciate the concern. But tapering came easy to me the first two times. I need to stabilize as soon as possible, I don't care what amount. I can handle the taper.

Quick update, I'm coming around guys. Still feeling off but managed to crawl into work today. I'd say about 50% today. Hanging in there. Thanks everyone.
Cool and groovy, well done! Your pwd seems to be following a similar timeline to what more did, you'll be laughing before you know it. :)
I appreciate the concern. But tapering came easy to me the first two times. I need to stabilize as soon as possible, I don't care what amount. I can handle the taper.

Quick update, I'm coming around guys. Still feeling off but managed to crawl into work today. I'd say about 50% today. Hanging in there. Thanks everyone.

So glad you're doing a bit better!
Hi Meta, I just wanted to chime in re your ongoing recovery with your family. I didn't understand addiction at all before my brother and my son got grabbed by it. I'm still learning and IMO we all are still learning what it is, what it isn't, what it can be for one but not for another, what is true for everyone, etc etc. I hate to use the trite and over-used word "journey" but if anything is, addiction is. Addiction of one family member means craziness and fear for all family members initially; with trust and faith and real understanding it can lead a family into much deeper territory and that is a good thing. If there is one thing that can mitigate the initial hysteria and fear it's education--especially for parents. It sounds like your whole family--led by your courage--has learned a lot and come very far. Hope today was gentler for you as far as the WDs.<3
What up guys?! Sorry it's been a couple days. I just wanted to thank everyone again for the kind words and wishes and everything. Wednesday was my personal hell day when everything went wrong and PWD smacked me in the face. It is now Sunday morning and for the first time I can feel the subs taking over and am feeling well. I only took half a strip today, gonna try and stabilize at a lower dose so that the taper won't take as long.

Anywho, I can positively say that this forum truly helped me through all this. I still have a long way to go, but this whole incident with PWDs really taught me something. I am better than this junk. Lope will never, in any form or fashion, enter my body again. For any reason whatsoever. And good lord willing neither will any other recreational drug.

I've read up a lot on PWDs and it sounds like it can vary wildly based on a lot of factors. Lope is similar to Methadone in duration of action, so you can imagine that the PWDs from 16 mgs Bupe about 24 hours after your last massive dose of Methadone... Geez. I wish I had known that before. But at the same time, I almost feel like it was all a... Good thing? I mean, I've done a lot of substances and been in a ton of shitty places. I have also had some severe medical issues that came with a lot of pain.

I would have traded what was going on Wednesday for any and all of those. Nothing I have ever been through remotely compares to that type of hell. And I feel stronger for having made it through. Not everyone can say they have pushed through something like that. Now, I won't be wearing that around as a badge of honor or anything. But it makes me feel like I can handle anything else. And when it comes to jumping off of subs again... HAHA. That's gonna be a warm, tropical breeze compared to that agony.

Before I start to ramble, just wanted to again say thanks everyone. You've all helped me mentally and emotionally during all of this. Can't thank you internet strangers enough!!
MK -

That is wonderful news! I've never had pwd, but I've read enough posts about it to be thankful that I don't know that agony...yet. I'm so glad you are past that, and feeling better. Good idea to lower your dose. I've heard countless times that with subs, less is more.

Keep up the awesome work, meta.

- VE