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Just had too much crystal meth... advice please

thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. i hope others will learn from your experience.

homeless -> basic
1. Don't believe the folk wisdom that you can't OD smoking meth. I wasn't new to it and did so without even initially noticing

You are right and so many people on here make the mistake of thinking otherwise. You can overdose from smoking meth! I've experienced it in the past that is why i was so curious as to what happened with you
Wow, i am so glad i saw this as i was one of those people that thought it was extremely difficult and rare to od from smoking meth alone. Key words i said is was one of those people. Not anymore. Thank you for coming back and teliing your story. Keep telling it too. People need to know from someone who has experinced it first hand. Good luck to you brother
Thanks for the positive feedback on this post. I'm still figuring out whether I can use meth in a controlled manner or not, but having been through what's described above, I treat it with the utmost respect these days. I'd be happy if one message alone got out there: yes, you certainly can OD smoking, and it's not even particularly difficult. All it takes is sitting there taking hits until suddenly - and it is sudden - you notice your body is about to give out.
this is a must read thread for all stimulant users.

I am a very very experienced drug user/abuser. and even I thought it was not really possible to smoke your self to a heartattack.

I mean theres been a few tiems where i know i've smoekd too much and the body load was getting a bit intense, but wow, this is another level.

I'm glad the op is ok.

this thread should be stickied!
The biggest flaw with smoking besides its pathetic duration is you just end up twirling a pipe the entire time. Atleast every other roa requires planned dosing and allows fun in between.
Wow. Sounds like an intense experience. Nice to see that this site once again helped someone that was in need of help, this is why I love this community. Glad you made it out in one piece OP. We live and we learn, though some lessons are hard-won. Thanks for writing up your story. A lot of people that experience something like that and ask help on here don't take the time to do so afterwards, leaving us wondering how they turned out. Be safe!
A follow-up. With more sensible dosing and pacing I've used meth a dozen times or so since without a problem but at the beginning of the week had nasty symptoms after taking no more than usual, albeit having been awake for several days on mephedrone prior to taking out the pipe again. The physical problems were seriously uncomfortable but well short of what I described a while back further up the thread. Just to be on the safe side I phoned the free medical advice line available in the country I'm in and mentioned a pulse of 150bpm and chest tightness, stressing that I didn't feel exceptionally horrendous or anything, wanting just to know whether I needed to get the train to emergency for a routine benzodiazepine just to bring down the pulse and make myself feel less strung-out and whether or not they'd hand that out. Instead, despite my trying to get across that symptoms weren't really that acute, they dispatched an ambulance with the highest priority rating, and mindful of experience that originally prompted this thread, I cooperated, gave the address, and got in when it (this time very quickly) arrived. The ecg revealed minor abnormalities, nothing (yet) particularly serious, but in the doctor's view an indication that my heart had or has now developed some sort of susceptibility to meth and that there is now an element of unpredictability to the extent to which my heart might be able to tolerate meth in the future.

I'm not competent to assess the competence of this claim but it was knocking around my head in the days since until last night when I mentioned it to a very substance-experienced friend, who is no drama queen whatsoever and the last person to go around digging up scare stories to stop people getting high however they want. But he did say that recently a friend of his lost his boyfriend unexpectedly to meth. The guy had been smoking sort of as I had been, a session once, maybe twice a week, with no heroic dosing attempting, and he'd never had any problems or any other known health issues worth mentioning. His boyfriend came home to find him dead on the sofa with the pipe fallen from his hands and it turned out he'd had a fatal heart attack, apparently so sudden that he didn't even have enough warning to reach for a phone for help. He was twenty-six. He hadn't been using meth for particularly long apparently, I was told about a year though they're not sure exactly as he tried to hide using at the start.

Despite physical distress it's given me that I won't forget however long I manage to live crystal meth is far and away the substance I love most and it's given me incredibly profound experiences. The idea of walking away from it for good is not just daunting but almost, if this isn't completely ridiculous to say, getting close to devastating. And I know that statistically deaths from non-daily use by more or less experienced users are rare, but I'm going to try to never use this again. Before I found meth I could get what I wanted from mephedrone and ghb, although that has to be balanced by the fact that I didn't then know what I was missing from those beautifully pristine shards. Still, facts are facts. My heart is starting to complain, I came close to cardiac arrest once already, and there's been a death in my extended social circle from use at a non-spectacular level. If I manage to stay clean, I'll miss meth for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure how pleasure there could now be to putting the lighter under the pipe for the first hit if my thoughts can't any longer be just the high that's on hand but the possibility of a heart attack at any moment so catastrophic that the lights go out for good before there's time to register what's happening. If anyone thinks this is all over-cautious etc., fine, but for me, this particular adventure has ended. Thanks for the memories tina.
I think i done to much. I'm not a meth head...I like coc but I did a shot and man I feel rough. Rapid heart, headache, backache, sick to my stomach. Trying to stay mobile. I am alone. Help please....I have.no.friends til.payday
This post is from 3 years ago but since a lot of people New to harm reduction Google drug related questions and look at bluelight posts for answers I figure I might as well answer it. During an overdose on any amphetamine, the best thing to do is take a benzo. Benzos directly counter the effects of amphetamines, weakening them and stopping an overdose. The best one to take is Xanax because it kicks in the quickest, but ativan, klonopin, and valium work too. After taking it, lay down and try to relax. If you can't breath easily, sit up but try to be comfortable. Move as little as possible. Take the benzo orally but chew them. If Benzos aren't accessible, id advise just calling 911. They give you Benzos in the hospital for amp ODs.
Take your benzos sublingually - onset time is much faster than simply swallowing. I don't think it has much effect on bioavailability (well not for diazepam at least) but it will start working a lot quicker.