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Jumping timelines


May 6, 2019
Back in 2017 i got deep into the reddit dimensional jumping using the cup and mirror methods at one point i had 100% proof i had totally jumped a total dimension everybody was different nothing was ever the same i never did manage to back to my original timeline and over the next year and a half i got accustomed to living in this timeline.

Back in the days it use to go keep track of the original subbreddit of the dimension number i was also on numerous stimulants and psychedelics during this period at the peak of my stim use. Anyways one day it finally worked suddenly my timeline i was in the number 986 changed to 984 this was accompanied by a radical shift in everybody i knew major personality changes suddenly world events and the news was totally different i still remember my OG dimension having some major earth quake in south america during sometime in the 2000's that wiped out 25k people but looking back at earth quakes recently i see that only like 486 people died in Chile during a 8.8. Each timeline can be very similar maybe even the same with just one slight changed thing in the entire world and the same number.

One of the major changes was the change of many logos and slight name changes of many things most commonly refereed to as the Mandela effect.

In my journey to get back to my OG timeline i shifted again to 982 and almost lost my mind totally and i never managed to leave this one. Another radical shift in the way everybody acted this timeline seemed to be just more geared towards more darkness in the world. I highly recommend never attempting world shifting trying to rationalize a shift in your mind once you pull it off will drive you insane. I Simply accepted this new reality after a while. be careful with powerful drug combos aswell this will empower the power of the mind to quantum jump your consciousness to another timeline. During this period i also experienced quantum jumps at moments of near death to timelines where i survived.

Wondering if anybody has ever jumped timelines aswell. Salvia + LSD is notorious for inducing timeline jumps i hear from my mate who use to do that combo.
Well to be honest I am still wondering am I just in the period between my 2 thoughts... It gets very messy when one tries to pin down reality. It is a fluid, interpenetrating, multidimensional, self refreshing momentum. Words fail here. :)
I’ve never heard of this subreddit, so explain more how you know when you’ve changed timelines?

I’ve never heard of this subreddit, so explain more how you know when you’ve changed timelines?

the original one is long gone though some ones came in its place. There is one method where you manifest things say like a owl suddenly reality becomes filled with owls everywhere in every part of your life. But the main thing was the dimension number. Plus you will quickly realize if you had a major jump vs a minor one the world will act very different
explain more how you know
I think that logic and "cause/effect" don't apply here. 🤣

@TripSitterNZ am not trying to belittle your experience or worldview, on the contrary. :) But maybe @G_Chem is worried about your mental status. Or just plain curious? No matter the case I believe this is deep in the realm of personal non quantifiable experience.
I think that logic and "cause/effect" don't apply here. 🤣

@TripSitterNZ am not trying to belittle your experience or worldview, on the contrary. :) But maybe @G_Chem is worried about your mental status. Or just plain curious? No matter the case I believe this is deep in the realm of personal non quantifiable experience.
This makes me not wanna use psychedelics ever. What fun is deluding yourself your in another timeline, when you just return to hell.
This makes me not wanna use psychedelics ever. What fun is deluding yourself your in another timeline, when you just return to hell.
but it was not the psychedelics. Infact my acid use was the lowest of all my years during that time while my stimulant addiction peaked really bad. If anything i was most likely in heavy stim psychosis. I don't even care what timeline i am in anymore sinces it irrelevant these days since all timelines exist true nature of being is one with infinity. meaning awareness is experiencing infinite timelines 24/7.

Plus quantum physics many world theories and quantum immortality theory supports the possible jump of timelines.

On a deeper nature its a law of attraction type thing but goes deeper.

From what i know its impossible to return your OG timeline once done. Trust me and many others tried for years to pull it off. I simply just accept reality now.
but it was not the psychedelics. Infact my acid use was the lowest of all my years during that time while my stimulant addiction peaked really bad. If anything i was most likely in heavy stim psychosis. I don't even care what timeline i am in anymore sinces it irrelevant these days since all timelines exist true nature of being is one with infinity. meaning awareness is experiencing infinite timelines 24/7.

Plus quantum physics many world theories and quantum immortality theory supports the possible jump of timelines.

On a deeper nature its a law of attraction type thing but goes deeper.

From what i know its impossible to return your OG timeline once done. Trust me and many others tried for years to pull it off. I simply just accept reality now.
What if we don’t wanna go to any of our timelines and are simply just trying not to destroy others while we wait to die is what I’m saying. Law of attraction aside. Still visualizing myself on stage at 30... id rather follow the 48 laws of power .
Reality is like a tv screen you can switch channels if you know how to. I kind of miss my OG timeline sometimes i swear things were better then. Also unsure if i ever made it back to baseline timeline i was on after 1000 ug. Im pretty sure i shifted quite a few parallel realities during that trip. Things in the past seemed very different after coming back after eons of timeless space.
Plus quantum physics many world theories and quantum immortality theory supports the possible jump of timelines.
I just wanted to write this. Some of you people come in here to make fun of him, but there's scientific support of this theory. We have basically already proven that there's an infinite number(at least 28 )of dimensions that exist parallel to ours.

I don't know if you people ever heard of morphogenetic fields, but this is the point why your consciousness doesn't end in your head. Your brain is so much more than you thoughts. This is why a dog feels when you're angry, or happy, and this is what hair is for, and how animals communicate. Communication on an electromagnetic level. This also gives us the ability (theoretically) to come in contact or even enter other realities.

I'm not saying he's being crazy or not. I have no opinion of that. I am saying, this is technically possible.
Yep. If Schrödinger and Deutsch meet Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna, it all becomes very possible. And once more for the record - I am not mocking anybody. I had experiences that could support various, even contradictory at the same time (if that makes sense than you get the sense of non - sense), modes of being. It just fails when one tries to explain. It's better to just live the reality you are most comfortable with, and that is harmonious with reality those that matter to you share. Talking about it will not get you anywhere. Like one good dude once told "You can not teach anybody what they don't already know.". Language really fails here. Peace. :)
i could even prove it is possible if you are willing to try and risk your entire timeline for a unknown parallel one.
i could even prove it is possible if you are willing to try and risk your entire timeline for a unknown parallel one.
What interests me much more is, what happened to the you in your original dimension?

Let me just assume here that this is not a psychosomatic response of your own consciousness to the drugs, giving you the impression that dimensions around you have changed. Would this be achievable without using drugs of any kind?
What interests me much more is, what happened to the you in your original dimension?

Let me just assume here that this is not a psychosomatic response of your own consciousness to the drugs, giving you the impression that dimensions around you have changed. Would this be achievable without using drugs of any kind?
i assume that timeline goes on as is remember our true awareness ponders on we have no true free will what is and will come be as already happened. I simply switched my cosnciouneness from that timeline to this one. I have also recently last year played with trying to tap into timeline jumps while on high dose acid. It did lead to some crazy deep tripping where i saw many possible futures unfold.

As yes i achieved my original jumps without drugs at all. It was all done with intent.

quote from defunk subreddit 4 years ago

Detachment is very much like a paradox in my experience because in order to detach from the thing you must realize you are in control of it, ALL OF IT thereby effacing all worries that it may or may not happen, how it will happen, etc.

ATTACH to the fact that this is your world and your experience so you can DETACH from the outcomes with(IN) YOUR world because they're all crafted and decided solely by you.

You MUST recognize and REMEMBER these:

  1. This is a game. There is nothing outside of you and every move made by you and every other character in your game starts, pauses, pivots, ends because of you. They're on automation based on your beliefs and expectations--also SELF-CREATED. You've populated the world to make it seem real. There is nothing outside of you, and the concept of "out there" is just you allowing your subconscious to populate your world with accumulated beliefs rather than you CONSCIOUSLY populating and doing all you need yourself.
2. Given that this is a game and you're the sole controller, you have to remember that you can save, overwrite the save, delete, or create an entire new game. And because you are the controller--the outcome you seek is a guarantee. You have already set the intent and the energy behind its manifestation.
3. The manifestation is ONLY delayed solely because you keeping fussing over the veracity of its outcome and/or you still believe time is linear.
REDEFINE TIME because it doesn't exist.
There is no A to B, but rather slides like an old school projector. It's a click and then BOOM. But to simplify it further, when you're playing a computer game or any game, do you worry about the turns you take? You just move because the decision is instinctive. There's no "thought" about the move, just the move itself. It's the same thing.
4. Given that this is your closed game generated solely on your thoughts and thought projections, see it as an entire bubble that is yours and everything within it is also yours. And that also means every single outcome is yours. The autonomy of things beings are all dependent on how much you give them.
Thoughts are blessings when filtered and refined properly and curses when allowed to run amuck in self-doubt and fear. They're your life source and generator for your game but can go haywire when you forget this.

Detachment is important because focusing on one decision effaces the macrocosmic element of the game. You miss your entire picture because you're stuck on one decision. It's like missing my date because I placed a dish in the microwave and I'm terrified and worried it won't stop. What if it keeps going on forever? What I get radiation waiting for it? What if I can't turn it off? What if a monster comes out?

So not only am I lollygagging over the outcome of a dish that is absolutely fine (Your decision and intention) but I am clueless to the fact that I'm missing my date (the ensuing possibilities of all other shifts because I glitched myself into focusing on an element that was guaranteed but I was worried was not). When you go to a restaurant, you don't harass the waiter for the ETA of your dish. You sent it, and forget it. It comes. The end.

The second you detach, it will LITERALLY pop up out of nowhere. It's not a coincidence. This is all your doing.

I had a person with whom I wanted to reconcile. The previous ending was quite nasty and based on the accepted parameters of the older dimension, there was virtually zero chance of reconciliation. SO I effaced those "rules" and made my own.
Visualized it. Jumped to it. And then let go. Three days later in the process of writing a card, planning some trips at a cafe, I turn around and guess who is seated directly behind me? His emergence was uncanny because he came out of nowhere, literally, but I knew ultimately I had summoned him. There are zero coincidences, only synchronicities.

I fulfilled it as I had imagined... because it's MY game.

And you will too.

ATTACH to the fact that this is your world and your experience so you can DETACH from the outcomes with{IN} YOUR world because they're all crafted and decided solely by you. Your world continues to expand with every creation, especially the new ways you've conjured up into your creation process. [THIS REPETITION IS PURPOSEFUL. I'm drilling this in your brain]

Attachment to outcomes and incessant focus on it is your actual glitching--you forgot how it works, so you're stuck thinking it doesn't or may not work--it's like you forgetting how to walk. In freaking out about how to walk you've made your legs stiff and stuck.
A jump is like walking or breathing. It just is and it's done. Keep walking and keep jumping!

the most powerful method which caused my jumps

1.) First things first, you're going to need a mirror. The bigger the mirror the better. If you could theoretically walk through it all the better. It helps out a lot.
2.) Best times to do this are at night. Most success happens at around 12-3, although you can still do it in the day time. Just harder.
3.) Turn off all the lights, get rid of as much noise as possible, and sit facing the mirror. Have a candle between the mirror and you. Everything else around you should be dark.
4.) Relax, clear your mind. Concentrate on your reflection. View your reflection as another YOU. A YOU from a different place. Call out to that YOU, whether it is out loud or in your head. Concentrate on switching places with that YOU.
5.) It takes awhile, and some get it faster than others, but if you "shifted" from your current universe, you should feel something. Some of the signs for small shifts have been a brief feeling of movement, a moment of disorientation, or even your reflection blinking at you when you didn't blink. Bigger shifts include your reflection moving on it's own or even the feeling of you literally moving into the side. The bigger the shift, the more you feel.
6.) If you feel any signs, STOP! Take a few days to note any changes. They can be small, like a scar on someone that has mysteriously disappeared or something being a different color. The more you shift, the bigger the differences you see.
7.) Optional, but it works better if you have a "destination" in mind. For example, you can focus on you switching places with the YOU that has more money, or slightly better off in general.
(All the credit's go to Korrin85 for this guide)
I forgot to mention my biggest physical proof was that my lifetime childhood scars on my hands switched fucking hands Try this method if you dare be fucking careful because this shit is acutally fucking real and its something i wish i did not fuck with so lightly back in 2017.

Using the example that you posted above i.e. getting an A on your midterm.

Let's say that writing said midterm was in 1980.

What are we saying here?

There's a parallel timeline that's running 41 years behind and one could jump to this timeline?

If the above be the case: do you then stay there and carry on as normal from that point?

And if the above be the case: what about everybody else and circumstances that existed in 1980?

Not making fun here at all. Please believe me when I say I've tried to understand this stuff (parallel universes, quantum whatever, worm holes, bending of time and space, you get the picture I'm sure). Apparently I'm either not open to it or lack the mental capacity to understand it all.
anything is truly possible but a major leap like that would be some extreme stuff. In the future jumping into near future parallel realities usually everything is quite similar i.e its parallel nothing super outrageous though im sure some folks could pull it off. You would still have to put the work in. You could theortically jump your consciouness way back in time and relive life again this i have acutally achieved before. My first ever acid trip 3 tabs is acutally my save point in life if i truly want to i could theoretically put a shotgun and blow my brains and travel hypothetically back there and relive life again a different way or even start all the back as a newborn nothing is off limits when your true nature is that of pure cosnciouneness aka god though i aint going to test that part myself. I know this not the first time i am moving through this waking life 100% certaintiy

Nor do i practically like reincarnating back into that point since it still contains all the past saved up to that point which was not nice.
You could theortically jump your consciouness way back in time and relive life again
Thanks for the explanation. If nothing else at least it's in layman's terms.

The above though is the part I don't get when this topic comes up. I can get the idea of going back in time consciously (and I go so far as to say there's probably more than one way to do that). But physically? Or going physically back in time, changing or having something physically changed, and then returning to the so-called present with said physical changes still in place? It's above my pay grade such level of understanding or comprehension I'm afraid.

But then again (and if memory serves me correctly when we, as in you and I, first met on these forums I brought this up):

I have no logical explanation at all for these young children that at very early ages can describe events etc. that they were a part of yet there is no conceivable way for them to have any such knowledge and such events have been investigated and verified. And while I'm sure there's been one or more set of parents who have made this stuff up in order to get some publicity: I'd find it a stretch to believe that they're all lying through their teeth (there's been one or two studies done on this too).

Battery going flat. One or two more lines to follow shortly. Need to switch devices.