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JaNEWary -- January getting/staying sober thread

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24 more everyone:)
Thanks Maya. <3

Having a bad night. Probably going to do my best to go to sleep. I got a Dr.s appointment tomorrow and if i wake up and noon again I may miss it which would suck... My drs. office has got to hate me - been seeing the same Dr. for almost 2 years and most of that during my using so when you look at my appointment history on their website its like "missed, missed, missed, rescheduled, on time, missed, missed, rescheduled, missed, on time, rescheduled, missed, missed, etc" >.<

Anyway, feeling really depressed. Don't feel like using, just feel horribly depressed.

Another 24 down. Good night Bluelight.
Day 140 for me :) <3

I'm 10% of the way there. Day 14 for me. Yesterday was a bit rough but I made it through. Got a decent nights sleep last night so I hope today is a bit better. This is the longest I have been off all pills in a very long time :)
When I get discouraged, I come to this thread. I read it to remember that courage comes in hours and minutes. All of you inspire me so much more than you know. <3
Thanks JAG for the picture.. nice to know I'm in your thoughts.

Case stay strong for these 2 weeks. You can do it! Going back to school and having a purpose will be good for you.

I'm feeling scared lately. Cravings have been bad. I'm scared because the 'want' is returning.. and I don't know why. I know it's all fake happiness and it will only make me feel worse. I'm trying to shut down the thoughts because I know the reality vs the fantasy but it's difficult. Waging a battle in my head right now.
*Big Hugs* Case!

I'm doing actually surprisingly well. My sisters have been in town. We're starting a weight loss competition. I'm excited to focus on something else for a while. Reaching towards the 1 month mark.
I'm 10% of the way there. Day 14 for me. Yesterday was a bit rough but I made it through. Got a decent nights sleep last night so I hope today is a bit better. This is the longest I have been off all pills in a very long time :)

14 days is awesome. 2 weeks is mad progress <3. Glad you made it through! A good nights sleep makes a big difference. I really need to get a good solid 6+ or I'm a wreck the next day. Keep it up! It'll only get better each day from here on.. ;)

When I get discouraged, I come to this thread. I read it to remember that courage comes in hours and minutes. All of you inspire me so much more than you know. <3
<3 You have been an inspiration to me from the day I visited TDS Herby, and you still remain a huge inspiration to me til this day :) <3. But I agree, reading everyones progress gives me the inspiration and the push to continue pushing on.

I'm feeling scared lately. Cravings have been bad. I'm scared because the 'want' is returning.. and I don't know why. I know it's all fake happiness and it will only make me feel worse. I'm trying to shut down the thoughts because I know the reality vs the fantasy but it's difficult. Waging a battle in my head right now.

<3 It's only temporary. These thoughts will fade and you will eventually think good thoughts. Ones you're thankful to have. I have moments of complete panic/dread/sadness/hopelessness--and then there are time I notice myself filled with happiness and joy and I am so thankful to be feeling that for that moment. It reminds me that it's worth it and that things will not always be sad. There is happiness in this world, and if we work towards it we'll be able to embrace it and fill our days with it more and more often.

*Big Hugs* Case!

I'm doing actually surprisingly well. My sisters have been in town. We're starting a weight loss competition. I'm excited to focus on something else for a while. Reaching towards the 1 month mark.

<3 Big hug to you <3 Glad you are doing well, I just mentioned in another thread about everyones successes with their weightloss/exercise routines. Ive been slacking but I'm going to get back on the train and start walking the dogs again. It really does take your mind off anythings that's bothering you at the moment. My mind goes blank when I'm walking, as if it's just filled with a void--but a void of abstract peaceful thoughts.

I love this thread and everyone who posts in it<3

<3 I love everyone in this thread! You are all amazing inspirations I feel grateful to be part of this group! We are powerful!

Day 141 for me :)
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wage a battle to block out the thoughts of using generic, but don't let yourself start contemplating the pros and cons and start rationalizing using once or something - often times in the past, once I start rationalizing I've already decided to use in a sense. Try your best not to let yourself give in to the thoughts. We're here for you. <3

Try to keep busy for the time being, while the cravings are bad. Run simple errands you've been putting off, take care of something things you need to get done but haven't gotten around to. Work out, go to a meeting, do whatever. Just stay busy and maybe up the intensity of whatever you have been doing to stay sober thus far. In my experience idle time is when cravings are at their worst. Keep at it man, you're doing great.

Struggling myself too, but I am doing everything I can to keep moving forward. I went running again today and wow... It's incredible how much i improved after only two days of running for the first time in 6ish years. I also feel way better physically, and at least a little bit mentally. Went to a meeting and then talked to my sponsor about the amends I've made so far. My sponsor was also the person who spoke at tonights meeting, and as always he had some really amazing shit to say. I'm probably going to start looking for sponsee's at this point. Apparently I don't need to be totally finished, just far enough that someone I sponsor won't catch up.

Anyway, stay positive everyone. Keep doing the things you need to do to be happy, healthy, and sober.
There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.
Henry David Thoreau

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Another day coming to an end. Particularly depressed today and actually had some cravings for the first time in a while. Did my best to ignore it. Went running again today, so it's day 3 for trying to get in shape - And 240 Days Sober.

I also bought a couple books today written by Pema Chodron, a really good buddhist/spirituality teacher and author. Both are about tackling fear, depression, and difficult times from a buddhist/spiritual perspective so I'm looking forward to reading them.

Good night SL.
It has been my observation that January is a tough month for a lot of us. We find ourselves somewhat weak and lazy and need to POWER THROUGH with some dedication, we need to RISE UP from our prone positions. Absolutely blessed to be a part of our support group.
I'm actually powering through and I do it through my workouts :)
That's awesome scag and stardust! Keep up the good work!

I didn't get high yesterday so I am at 123 days today lol. Feeling a lot better today .

Awesome. I'm at like 2 weeks myself. Feels pretty damn awesome.

Right on, Scags.

That's awesome scag and stardust! Keep up the good work!

I didn't get high yesterday so I am at 123 days today lol. Feeling a lot better today .

I was worried about you, man. I raise my morning cup of coffee in your name today. :)

Day 142 for me

Wow! It still feels like we only just met each other! Where's the time going? :)

I'm actually powering through and I do it through my workouts :)

I keep telling myself that's what I'm going to do (workout). Today I'm actually going to do it!
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