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I've so had it with this woman!

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Plane N SIM Pill

Mar 25, 2016
I met this woman in July of 2005 who has a learning problem. She is by no means "thick" and thus, I think she's just the manipulative type.

We initially met in a charity shop when I was involved in a course at college, and she just happened to be there. She lived in a suburb with her family, and had these highly immature younger friends who were relentlessly annoying. They kept harassing me pretty much every single time I went to see her, just because they were that type. It made me feel rather uncomfortable and I did not like certain other people in that area either.

Well, one time my ex lied and said these friends of hers were being kept in, but she was just saying that to get me to travel out to hers. When I got there, they were indeed there and they were lippy again. Then I never went back, for several years. My ex never come to see me again after that night anyway. We never even had contact numbers or anything.

I'm not sure why, but I never really accepted that she was just another idiot in my life, and I never had another girlfriend until I briefly had one in 2008. This made me feel very lonely and I spent years obsessing over what could have been, and she had moved elsewhere. We never even had sex when I initially knew her, so it was never a real relationship.

I never actually found her until in 2012. She uses Facebook. That's how I got in touch with her. The thing is, she knew all along I wanted to meet up with her, because I found her family members on social media back in the day after following a trail, and her own mother once lied and made out they lived in Spain, but they had only gone there for a vacation.

Within just a week, my ex had become my "partner" again, but I was aware she had been seeing this other guy on and off. She was okay at first, then she wanted me to buy her an iPod because she took a fancy to my iPod. Now I said I would get her one, but I did not say when. I'm mildly autistic and receive allowances, including DLA. So she went nuts and moaned at me, and threatened to leave me. Then I got her one on credit just to shut her up, but that was a foolish move. In a short period of time, she denied damaging it. The iPod was taking out on a credit deal, so I was unable to get it repaired through the shop I signed the sales agreement in, and had to end up paying extra in a different shop to have it fixed. To complicate matters, some of my money was stopped and I had to get it set up again through filling out forms, which took a while. She had dispassionate sex with me just a few times. Not long afterwards, she reverted back to being horrible towards me all the time, and then she once threatened to get the police to 'lift me' if I kept calling her landline, then she instantly changed her mind and invited me around to hers after I let her know my benefits were reinstated, after just saying a few minutes beforehand that she hated me. Even that never kept her happy for very long, because she started being nasty in next to no time yet again.

Using me for my cash is not all she did that was bad. She once went with me for a walk and had me waiting around like a moron, but she went elsewhere after saying she just needed the loo, and made out she fell asleep in a friend's house. Eventually, I ended up guessing her Facebook password and told all these people what she did, yet no one cared. We were on talking terms again several months later. And I bought her a PlayStation 3 that I intended to share with her. She was meant to pay half the cost this time though, and scammed me by taking it away and not returning it. Apart from that, her stepfather insulted me for having myopia when I got away at him because he was being rude on purpose. He asked if I was deaf as well as blind because he was getting out of line and I had to tell him to cool it. This was actually the first time I met him.

After the stunt with the PS3, I seen her well over a year later in 2014 for just a day. When I tried to meet her someplace after that day, she had me going there on a wild goose chase. She refused to give me her mobile number and I could only talk to her on Facebook. At the time, I had an Internet enabled phone, but I did not really know what Wi-Fi was, so there was no way to contact her had I shown up and she was absent.

The last time I saw her was in September of last year, just over 10 years after we initially met. She was in the street and I was across the road when I noticed her. Well, I'd been in trouble with the law because of a few care workers I got infatuated with. That's an even longer story, and I was jailed over and over again for contacting them, but all she did was ask me if I had money instead of listening to me. Once she figured I had nothing for her, she asked me to go away.

I feel quite stung here, and I thought me contacting both her and those support workers to make amends was noble, yet it never resulted in anything except heartache, stress and then some.
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I had to quit reading. I stopped readin when i girst saw ipad. You're unstable as fuck.
OK I read your entire post. That woman sounds like a parasite and the type of person you should not have anything to do with.

So do not contact her, or if she contacts you via phone do not pick up the call or talk to her, block her on facebook and other sites you are on, and if you see her in public walk away and do not talk to her.
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In a small world, it is easy to bump into folk again. But yeah. Nobody appreciates you for you when they're as greedy as she is, and money grabbers will enter your life, and cause all sorts of shitty situations if they sense you may be socially inept.
OK I read your entire post. That woman sounds like a parasite and the type of person you should not have anything to do with.

So do not contact her, or if she contacts you via phone do not pick up the call or talk to her, block her on facebook and other sites you are on, and if you see her in public walk away and do not talk to her.


I believe that some people do that compulsively, she probably has a problem in relationships and I'd also suggest you stay away from her.
Must be a dochebag comment because it wasn't what you wanted to hear huh?
you chose to let her use you for cash because you were desperate, autism doesn't make you desperate and lots of desperate men have been used for money.

just cut her out
Hang on, you went to jail multiple times for stalking a girl and her family? JFC mate, there are two characters in your story and I'm not sure who is more fucked in the head.
Hang on, you went to jail multiple times for stalking a girl and her family? JFC mate, there are two characters in your story and I'm not sure who is more fucked in the head.

Read his Second Opinion thread and it makes more sense. He's got problems.
Surely this qualifies as reason to move on and never speak with this woman again. Unless...

- You would want to spend your life with her
- She is incredibly attractive
- The sex is heavenly
- You're a fat, ugly, loser who can't get anyone else
- You get off on women using you
- You are doing this to get her back in someway, like her giving you countless blowjobs in a 48 hour period because she thinks she can use you
She is not that attractive if you mean women by standards of having model looks, but she is not what I would call 'ugly' either. She's about average, like myself. There was some good days with her, but I really think she just behaved like that occasionally to get on my good side because she wanted new presents. There is substantial points to my post that indicate that not many men would have stood for her using them or lying after the first few weeks. But to put up with that for years seems worrying. Maybe her self-esteem is low so she picks on men with self-esteem issues like me, because she thinks they'll be afraid if she leaves them. It's not like girls fall out of trees. She knows I am lonely. I'll be damned if she ever gets married.
She is not that attractive if you mean women by standards of having model looks, but she is not what I would call 'ugly' either. She's about average, like myself. There was some good days with her, but I really think she just behaved like that occasionally to get on my good side because she wanted new presents. There is substantial points to my post that indicate that not many men would have stood for her using them or lying after the first few weeks. But to put up with that for years seems worrying. Maybe her self-esteem is low so she picks on men with self-esteem issues like me, because she thinks they'll be afraid if she leaves them. It's not like girls fall out of trees. She knows I am lonely. I'll be damned if she ever gets married.

If she ever gets married count yourself lucky that she did not marry you, and she's marrying some other guy that she'll use and rip off. Don't even think about her or waste your time with her, and find someone else. Good luck.

I read your most recent post. Don't try to meet up with ex's or have contact with them, and try to meet women who are normal and well balanced, and not rip off artists, and who are not hookers. Good luck. Are there women who have Autism or Asperger syndrome who you can date?
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She didn't sound like she even really enjoyed seeing her other ex, but she had been there last year because when I saw her in the street one night last year, she said that's where she had just came from. I'm not certain if he uses her pussy for sex or if she's just a bored twat who leeches off of him, but who cares?

She immediately asked me if I had money and I didn't want to give her a penny even if I had anything to spare, because I was sort of on the run at the time, and I tried to tell her I had issues with my former support workers, but she then said she could not be seen with me as her mother was picking her up. More likely, she was going to wait around for a night bus and just wanted me to get lost. Well, that's the last time I saw her in person. She won't talk to me on Facebook any more, and I don't want to talk to her for all the wrong reasons, because she didn't want to be with me for just me. If I said I won the lottery, she wouldn't believe me at all, but that's all she cares about - money.

My other ex from years ago is just as bad. She has seizures due to epilepsy, but she made that her excuse to finish with me after a week in 2008. After not seeing her in ages, I went to see her years ago (on my birthday, of all days) and then her mother said her old man was coming, but that was most likely blatantly a lie. Her mother probably didn't like me because I admitted one time I got arrested, but I didn't say what it was for. But what it was for was nothing bad; I got arrested years ago for emailing cheek to the pigs. Well, after that day, I got rude text messages from her brother, and I had never done anything to him, nor anybody.

The dating sites I joined ages ago didn't get me anywhere. I'm just as sceptical about joining acting related sites too, as they clearly just pocket your money after you subscribe, and you don't get what you registered for. Not that they promise any of that stuff will happen, but it's a minefield either way.

I was supposed to see a prostitute the other day there who uses a website called Adult Work. Apparently, she's good at what she does, but is almost impossible to rely on for a booking. One gentleman claimed he bought her a (very expensive) dinner and she bailed up the road with a getaway gang, or something.

She'll make pure excuses after you fill in the online booking form and you get your hopes up, but I did want to bang her tight ass anyway. Well, I cancelled her yesterday because I could not be bothered going to hers, and I kind of followed my instincts here that she would make another excuse.

People said she switches to voicemail so no one can reach her once they arrive outside her apartment, and I was unsure if I should have hurried out to her area. Her first excuse a few weeks ago (and it was an excuse) when I booked her was she was having migraines, and we could meet another day. Other people said she lies a lot.

So, after I tried to compromise with her yesterday, she said she could not talk because she was on the train, and didn't care about links to my acting videos. Well, okay. She's a sex worker who doesn't care about anything but being paid, but whatever happened to being civil? Jesus.

P.S. I got my other ex trying to make me jealous with a picture of her engagement ring.
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