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IV-ing OC

That Ryan dude on intervention was a complete loser, one of the most immature people ive ever seen. such a bloody whinger.

Anyway my process for injecting oxy goes like this:
Crush pills on a very sterile surface after getting the coating off, Put as much water in as you can/want, it doesnt matter too much but the more water you put in the more filler will dissolve but the less water and the less oxy you'll get.

Then this step is 100% necessary*(the micron filters I mean) IMO but not everyone follows this step and when I first got into IV'ing pills I didnt do it either, but this part could very well save you life and it will definitely prolong it.
Filter through a very tightly rolled cotton, then through as many different sized micron filters you can get ahold of going from the largest pore size to the smallest. This should get most of the unseen particles out but its still debatable whether it still all that safe. Put in your rig, do all the alco swabbing and stuff and fire away.

Good luck and sorry if this has all been aid, I didnt read the whole thread coz im pretty smacked from oxy and xanax, though these days I dont shoot pills anymore, even with micron filters its too dangerous and I want to keep my life, ive done enough stupid life threatening shit in this lifetime already, dont need to do any more lol.
I guess i'm not supposed to have IV OC 40 or OC 80s, but I have numerous times without ill-noticable effects. I used to scrap the coating, crush, add water, heat, and filter through Q-tip, and shoot. I've done it countless times. Now after reading BL, I don't heat and just use cold water. When I add cold water, well room-temp water, I mix thorough and wait a couple minutes first. Plus I add like 1.5 to 2 syringe capfuls of water.

When I have plugged, or booty-popped, I scrap the coating, cut in quarters. Sniff 1 quarter to get going and plug the rest. I quarter only for increased surface area accessibility.
to the original poster, you mentioned removing the "time release coating" from the pill. i just wanted to add that that is not a time release coating, the only way i can explain a time release pill is that the active ingredient (oxycodone in this case) is distributed in little beads throughout the pill, which is why crushing is necessary to break the time release.

just don't want to hear of you removing the coating, swallowing a whole pill, not feeling much, and doing another, then overdosing once it all kicks in.

also for injection, i would only recommend the 40mg or 80mg oxy's, since they have less binder/filling ratio to what you are really looking for.

be safe, and yes don't suck off the coating with your saliva, and don't use a cash bill to crush it in. bacteria, not good.
for the last time you are not heating the solution for the fucking hell of it....if we could get a solution with just mixing water in and filtering we would do it...

No offence, but are you saying everyone else here saying cold water will suffice are wrong, and you are right? You seem to be the only advocating heat, so perhaps you learnt the procedure wrong?
The other thing you don't seem to understand is that when the binders dissolve in the heated water, it's not a reversible process. So if you heat the solution even slightly, the binders will dissolve, but they will not precipitate back out of solution when it cools.
The whole attitude people seem to have is disturbing: "yeah there's fillers and binders in the rig, but there's oxycodone in there too!" IMO if you feel you must IV opiates, then for the sake of your health IV some heroin (that's an oxymoron for ya :))
HAHAHA!! No bacteria?! There is bacteria crawling on every surface of pretty much everything you come in contact with during the course of a day.

Yes, but it's a pretty safe bet there is next to no bacteria inside a solid tablet. And when it's crushed/cooked, if its done so on sterile surfaces, then the chance of bacteria getting in the mix is very minimal. Like you said, bacteria is all over almost every unsterilised surface, but they don't float thru the air.

In my opinion, micron filters are a must for injecting anything, especially something that was not made for injection.

QFT. Anything bigger than a 0.45um micron filter will let bacteria through. If you know to inject yourself, then you are responsible enough to get micron filters if you insist on IVing pills. I feel sick when I hear of ppl filtering pills as they would filter meth or heroin.